I dropped the knife and the onion which fell to the ground and brought my cut hand to my mouth.
"Hey don't do that. Just put it under the running water," Genevieve said and guided my hand towards the sink. She turned on the pipe which started pouring out water on my injured finger making me wince in pain.
"Sorry. I should have stunned you with my question like that," she apologised.
"H-How did you know? No one knew about this," I said, my voice so low I thought she did not hear me.
"Some hours ago. Let me get a small bandage to wrap your finger with," she said and turned to leave the kitchen.
I grabbed her by the arm and shook my head slowly at her. "Don't worry about it. The bleeding stopped. It will be fine."
She nodded.
"I saw him grab you into his room when I was coming out of my room. I backed away so that you would not see him and watched him drag you inside his room. The door was opened so I was able to see what was going on inside."