Windstone Boots

"I've killed the slime with a smack using the sword." Hansen proudly shared how he had his first kill of the day. But instead of cutting the slime using the Scarlet Blood, he used it as a hammer.

"Do you want me to make you a blunt sword? So you can beat the monsters to death next time." Aiolos jokes. Having Hansen capable of killing monsters is good enough for now. Thinking about the day a year ago, how much has he grown.

The girls are not willing to lose and came into Aiolos' protection. To the four 17 years old youths, his care is what made them keep going into the dungeon every single day.

He rubbed Pharcis head for fighting beside Hansen against two monsters to protect Alrune.

Alrune got a hug for healing everyone properly and taking care of the group. As for Yesha, he pinched her nose to see if this lass is still angry.

"Let me tell all of you something. I think my skill grew. I've smelted all the ores we got yesterday. Perhaps we can restart the Theutates Band pro- ." the four retreated all the way to the sanctuary's exit the moment that name came out from his mouth.

"Wait? What are you four doing over there?" Aiolos asked.

"We have enough tries with that Theutates Band, Aiolos..." the girls look afraid when it comes to that sensitive word.

"It's going to be better. Don't be afraid." Aiolos steps forward to where they are.

"I don't want it! Wahhhh..." the girls immediately cry. Amongst them, only Hansen is crazy enough to become Aiolos' lab rat.



It was the first day of the month.

Here in Tianyuan Continent, a month equals to 100 days. There are ten months in a year, a total of 1,000 days. An eclipse always appeared on the night of the thousandth day, reinvigorating the lives, flora, and fauna of the Tianyuan Continent and the Heavenly Dungeon.

But for the families of lower-tiered gods, new year or eclipse meant nothing to them. Their crest holders continued with their dungeon exploration and the gods, keep polishing their skills.

This time, the Item-Box has been filled to the brim.

In total, ten corpses belonged to four Swift Wolves, five Slimes, and a Steel Worm. They found twelve herbs today, along with ten ores and eight loots.

Five of them appeared in the form of Slime Cores. As for the remaining three, one Radish and two Wind Stones.

"There's an Element Stone this time. What you like, Yesha?" Aiolos asked her for her preference. As long he's able to craft it successfully, a pair of Wind Stones can be embedded into shoes or her daggers.

"Can I please have it on the shoes?" Yesha shyly asked. She's been hoping for a proper shoe with Elemental Stone for a long time, and today, it's finally coming true.

"Sure. I'll go to the workshop and try my best to make a beautiful shoe out for you. Shall we begin our blessing today?" Aiolos asked.

"Yes! - We're Ready! - Let's do it! - Here..." four of them gave him four replied. After showing them his smile, Aiolos raised his arm up as he prepares to chant.

"Holy Sanctuary!" the ball of light flashed. Right now, only he has the individuality inside the space.

Adding up today's result of 13 cultivation points, Aiolos now has 20 points available to be used on his holders. Although more points can be added by converting the denominated crystals, it is only counted as a backing up option.

That's because crystals can be turned into points, but points can't be converted into crystals.

"I'll level Alrune's skills for now. As for Hansen, let's refill his Wind and Flame Slash. How can a brat use five out of five turns on both skill in a fight against ten monsters?"

A hint of godhood power entered Hansen's body, refilling the usage of wind Slash and Flame Slash back to 5/5. The remaining power went to Alrune to recover her Full-Heal and Quick-Heal. 10 additional points are also added into Alrune's body, increasing her level once.

== == == == ==

|-Alrune Liyuan-17-Healer-|Level 3+1|

[Strength:2 | Vitality: 9+1 | Agility: 2+1 | Magic: 11+1]


-Light Heal (C) / Full Heal (C) / Quick Heal (C)

-Staff Blast (UC)

== == == == ==

His attention went to Yesha soon.

"This Yesha," suddenly, Aiolos has an urge to flicks her head. The Vitality of 5 in her stats now reduces into 4(-1). To have a point of Vitality deducted from her status means there's a hidden injury on her.

"I'm going to knock her head later." to recover a hidden injury like this, 5 Cultivation Points are needed. The small fracture on her skull closed up quietly as nothing has happened.

"Eh? Don't tell me..." Aiolos' hand went to the Scarlet Blood. The Scarlet Blood seems to be sentient because a status panel appeared beside it. That is impossible for him to misunderstand because his usual four status panels now increased into five.

== == == == ==

|-Scarlet Blood-Low-Heaven Iron-|Level 1|

[Sharpness: 3 | Hardness: 3 | Magic: 3]

[Special Skills:]

-Bloodbath (UC)

-Sharpens (UC)

== == == == ==

"God's Appraisal!"

== == == == ==

Bloodbath 2/2 (UC)

-Once activated, the user will get unbelievably thirsty.

-Reduce (1) Vitality every minute

-Increase (1) Strength every minute

-Potion effectiveness reduced by 50%

== == == == ==

Sharpen 5/5 (UC)

-Once activated, the sword will cut better.

-Increase (1) Sharpness. Last for 5 minutes.

== == == == ==

"hahaha!" Aiolos patted the Scarlet Blood, awed by its existence. But with only five cultivation points remaining, he should put the intention to level this weapon aside.

The color returned. The clock starts ticking again.

Alrune calmed herself as she plays with her magic. It was just a hint of improvement, but she felt much more substantial than before. Even forming the chant in her mind becomes more natural.

"I've leveled up!" Alrune smiled. She told everyone what's happened to her and gave Aiolos a bow as her thanks.

"You all should rest. We all have something to do tomorrow, am I right?"

"We'll leave now! Thank you, Aiolos!" Hansen storms into the bath, leaving the three girls there. Since the boy takes them by surprise, they'll have to wait for half an hour before it's their turn.

"Let's make Hansen bath last from tomorrow onwards! I hate the fact he's taking the whole bath to himself while making three girls like us wait outside!" Alrune complained. Yesha pouted, and Pharcis remained quiet.

"Guess I'll slip away from here..." Aiolos quietly returned to his workshop.



There were no special ores like yesterday. With a small amount of Godhood Power, the herbs turned into medicinal extracts before entering twelve vials. After he stuck a wooden plug onto them, Aiolos continues with something else.

Nine out of ten monsters had some bones inside their body. Although the slimes are formed out of a gelatinous body, there's an (I) shape bones in the center. Perhaps, that elasticity body which packs a punch comes from here.

But no bones can be found on the Steel Worm. Perhaps it is due to the worm's anatomy and diet, bone is not a requirement. The Steel Worm loves eating metals and is often seen around rocky places. Sometimes, they disturb the heavily equipped holders.

The process of removing bones, separating flesh and hides, extracting herbs takes less than half an hour. What's remaining next is to inspect the box of ores purchased from Artos and make something out from the ten ores his holders brought home today.

"Purify Wind Stones!" a mediocre amount of Godhood Power wraps around the two greenish stones. The impure parts of the stone are shaved, leaving only the beautiful, sparkling part.

The stones about the size of an egg were shaved into the size of a fingernail. Two oval Wind Crystals with a green hue sits on Aiolos' hand, ready to be work with.

"I'll use the Swift Wolf leather for the shoe. As for the cap, let's use the Steel Worm. The lace is going to be made from the slime's gelatin and a little Tianyuan Iron for its frame."

Then, the image of Yesha's leg appeared on Aiolos' palm. He roughly measured the size of the lass' feet, then started to mold the frame using Tianyuan Iron. Before the hand of a Crafting God, the iron is like a dough that can be shaped at will.

The frame was then fired inside the furnace to allow it to settle. What's come out after that is a pair of shoe frames, suitable to be made into soft boots.

A hint of Godhood Power entered the gelatin from the slime, turning it into a self-tightening shoelace. Leather from Swift Wolf was hammered before he nailed it on the frame and covered with toecap made from Steel Worm's remain.

The end result is an ash-brown pair of shoes with a steel cap. The shoelace is hidden behind the leather as it can tighten itself, and at the back, a piece of Wind Stone is embedded. The pair of Wind Stones instantly turns the shoe a quality higher, making it one of the best works of Aiolos after the Scarlet Blood.


== == == == ==

|-Windstone Boots-Crafted-|

[Hardness: 3 | Durability: 3 | Comfort: 2]


-Increase (3) Agility when worn

-Reduce (1) Stress when worn

== == == == ==

"It's better than what Yesha has now. Let's put it on the table for now."