Oh Rochelle

Four days before Aiolos, the Lower-Tiered Craft God, exchange his marital vow with Tetros, the Lower-Tiered Food God.

The girls, Alrune, Yesha, Pharcis, and Rochelle, were having their best moment right now from choosing their beloved fabric to be made into a magician robe, a thief garment, and a fighter's suit. As for Rochelle, she has chosen a uniform design to match her armor in the future.

Hansen also selected a uniform with golden buttons, which paired with a belt and magic imbued trousers. The overall design of his full-set garment looks simple, but deep within, hides two magic enhancement circles.

An [Clean] Enhancement Circle, and an [Protect] Enhancement Circle.

It was indeed a perfect set of clothing for Hansen. The total cost of their purchase is two Silver Crystals, which is equivalent to 200 Copper Crystals.

This is counted as a fraction of Aiolos' punishment. And since Aiolos was cheap with himself and his crest holders, spending two Silver Crystals in the early morning hurts him so much, as if a hole has just opened in his crystal pouch.

"Aiolos, does this looks good on me?" Pharcis, the one with all her mind dependable on Aiolos, asked. In her hand is a potion pouch, where ten bottles of potion can be fitted inside. The design of this pouch is notably exquisite if he's the one to evaluate it.

Suddenly, Aiolos noticed something wrong with the potion pouch.

Although it was made from the regular monster's part, there's a potential for this part to achieve spatial tolerance. Although the monster's product could attain a small ratio of tolerance after processing, none of it is as visible as this.

[Who's shop is this?]

Aiolos walked outside of the clothing goods store. Since his mind was occupied by the penalty earlier, he failed to notice who's store he's inside.

[Logos' Clothing and Craft]

"What the hell? No wonder the clothing was so expensive! It was a store that belonged to a Middle-Tiered Craft God! Even amongst the Crafting Gods in Southern Tianyuan Sanctuary, Logos' handicraft is well known to the consumers from four other sanctuaries.

"We'll buy it!" Aiolos held Pharcis' shoulder while smiling.

But another Silver Crystal falls from his pocket. That potion pouch cost him an entire crystal to purchase. With the hope that they'll be satisfied by now, Aiolos followed behind the party until they're outside of Hestius' Restaurant.

"Your holiness, may we meet Hestius?" Rochelle asked. Their battle yesterday was too destructive, where except for her greaves, everything else is either damaged or no longer repairable. Her curse also provides some assistance in causing more damage to her gears.

Right now, there's only a standard blade fastened on her waist to provide her with a sense of security. The smeared clothing of hers is left inside Aiolos Sanctuary, and she's now wearing Tetros' backup robe.

If Aiolos were to compare, it seems that Tetros' voluptuous breast is slightly bigger than Rochelle's. But a part of the skirt has to be folded so she could walk because Tetros is still a goddess of around 2.3m tall, while Rochelle is at most around 1.7m tall.

"Of course! I have something else to speak with Hestius too." Aiolos agreed. He was informed of her worries last night after the girls vent their displeasure at him.

"Creak..." the door into Hestius' Sanctuary opened even before he made his request for an audience. Perhaps even Hestius has expected something like this could happen.

They followed a follower of Hestius, who escorted the six of them onto the upper level of her restaurant. The moment the door is opened, light bites such as pastries and finger foods were prepared, as if she's been waiting for their arrival.

"Lower-Tiered Craft God, Aiolos, pays his respect to Goddess Hestius."

"We, crest holders of Craft God Aiolos, greets the Food God, Hestius,"

"Rochelle greets her holiness Hestius,"

"At ease, everyone," they presented their ceremonial greeting to Hestius, which was received warmly by her. Hestius raised her hand and opened the Holy Sanctuary.

With only her and Aiolos inside this space, she initiates a private conversation.

"Aiolos, tell me the truth, how was Rochelle in these two days?" her question is a weird one, which took Aiolos by surprise. But without the intention to hide the truth from her, Aiolos answered.

"There was some misunderstanding, but we solved it. Rochelle is an outstanding crest holder, and right now, from how you see it, my kids are very dependent on her." Aiolos answered truthfully.

"I'm glad that's how it goes. This lass of mine is a little special, maybe due to the fact she's a soul I released two decades ago..." Hestius smiled and followed with a sigh soon after.

The fact about Rochelle being a reborn soul is no secret. That's especially true because she's born in the Yifan Household. On the day of her birth, the family patriarch immediately requests for an audience with Hestius while bringing along some outrageous demand.

Such as privatizing Rochelle's innate skill, Synthesia from being exploited by the gods.

In the Southern Tianyuan Sanctuary, there are a few noble human households, such as Rochelle's Yifan Household or Hansen and Pharcis' Chenyang Household.

But unlike Hansen and Pharcis, who was treated as an exiled member of the Chenyang Household, Rochelle's Yifan Household is like a bloodsucking parasite sticking on her. Although she's wasn't restricted like a puppet, there's no difference between the two. Even a stringless doll is still one because she was made as one.

"Hestius, I hope..." Aiolos was going to continue, but Hestius raised her hand before him, urging him to listen to her a little more.

"Please let me finish what's was inside my heart. Just - While the Holy Sanctuary is still here..." Hestius shakes her head lightly, causing her hair that was twofold of Aiolos' height, falling onto the ground.

Just like Tetros, Hestius' beauty is not something mortal could compete against. With a mere 20cm taller than Tetros, she exudes a different aura that seems more like a seductress, a vixen, and one that could tie either mortal or immortal using her hair.

If comparing the size of their bosom is a tie, then Hestius' daring pairs of olives would be standing out to speak their difference. If Tetros were one that shyly hides from others, Hestius would be the one feeling proud that hers is trying to pop outside of her robe.

"I want that lass to enjoy what girls do at their age. My fellow crest holders love her, but that's not what she's looking for. The girl has no love interest, nor self-reliance. She might be fine right now, but what about her future?" Hestius said.

At the end of her sentence, she made her way to Rochelle and gently patted her cheek. In her mind, she remembered something.

"Can you believe that this girl is formed from the nucleus of Blue Sparrow Queen?" she asked.

But the word [Blue Sparrow Queen] surprised Aiolos. This is a boss-grade monster on the seventh floor. It comes with a fully azure-colored feather, with a deep streak of blue on her head. The crown of the sparrow was glorious as if trying to tell the world of her royal blood.

That's also explained Rochelle's favorite magic as a Warlock and magician of all elements. Her preference for lightning magic might come from her birth, as the nucleus of that boss monster.

"I do." Aiolos nodded.

"Would you consider her if I'm giving up her crest?" Hestius asked. Although it's a collective arrangement between two gods, having their crest taken back still cost them their reputation. That's even more notably since the person they're discussing is Rochelle Yifan, one of the top three crest holders in Southern Tianyuan Sanctuary.

"Why would you give her up?" Aiolos asked. Based on Hestius experience and power, she can't be threatened by mere mortals, even if it's the Yifan Household. And won't Rochelle be heartbroken if she knows about Hestius' intention?

"I love Rochelle more than anyone else, but I'm not a suitable goddess she should follow. It's you, Aiolos, that will let her reach the top." Hestius said. With a wave of her palm, Rochelle's status hovered between them, along with an appraisal of her grace.

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=> Hestius' Grace that removes the possibility of overeating, food poisoning, calorie intake, and increases the odds of finding food inside the Heavenly Dungeon.

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"Erm..." Aiolos is speechless. How could a Middle-Tiered Food God like her having a grace this weak? He stares at the bountiful goddess and could only agree that Rochelle is indeed not a suitable candidate to become her crest holder.

And taking care of her until she's 21 and stops at level 41 means Hestius did not mistreat her. In fact, she sacrificed a lot to groom her until now.

While looking at Rochelle's Status Panel, the suitability between him and her is much better. Only by his grace alone could temporarily remove her major weakness of being "Gearless." Still, having to satisfy her voracious appetite after her battle might cost him more.

"I know what you're worried about. But did you forget that you'll be marrying Tetros, a Food God?" Hestius continued. Once Aiolos and Tetros tied their marriage knot, doesn't that means her grace will be applied to Rochelle as well?

It seems that as long Rochelle agreed with the arrangement of the two gods, her transferral from Hestius to Aiolos will not be an issue. At least, that's the private matter between the two gods.

With the Holy Sanctuary is now gone, Aiolos had a trivial conversation with Hestius before they leave. As gratitude to her as a fulfilling host, Aiolos gifted her with ten weapons of Below-Heaven Tier.

Once everyone left, including her own attendants, Hestius opened her palm once more, releasing something that's been hidden from the unsuspecting public. But as a precaution, she gently viewed it from between her fingers.

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[Food Replacement Grace]

=> Hestius' second grace that temporarily restricts a curse using food as a tribute. To activate this grace, Hestius must give up half of her total cultivation.

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"Rochelle oh Rochelle... Forgive your god for prioritizing my own cultivation and not you." Hestius tightened her fist as she made up her mind of this decision.