Mysterious Individual

"Rrah!" a surge of Godhood Power entered the body of an orc, force leveling it until the power is no more. The orc, with a potential hardly enough to keep up with the others, evolved into a being comparable to a Lord's class.

"Buu---Hi!" the Orc Half-Lord delivered a punch on the ground to test its strength. With power close to a level 20 monster, it could be counted as a being of Boss-Grade sooner or later.

Kneeling before the mysterious individual with Godhood Power, two different kinds of emotion surrounded the Orc Half-Lord.

One of them is the innately born feeling of hatred against an individual with Godhood Power. The other is the feeling of suppression between a master and a servant. As the Lord was groomed by the power of the mysterious individual, the suppression force is also undoubtedly more powerful.

"Leave!" the individual yelled at the Orc Half-Lord. Since his conversion process already ends, there's no point for him to keep the monster by his side.

"Bu-Hi, Bu-Hi!" the Orc Lord grabbed one of the weapons littered in the corner of the hall. The moment it left about a hundred steps away from the building, the Orc Half-Lord took its last glance at the ruined fortress.

A few thousand years ago, mankind and gods erected this fortress to strengthen their influence on this second floor, the Twilight Plains. But it only took the resident of the Heavenly Dungeon less than 500 years to destroy it.

And it was left as a ruin, all the way until this mysterious individual's arrival two to three days ago.

His/Her arrival somewhat changed the ecosystem here. Injected with the Godhood Power, three Boss-Grade Monster was born, including the Orc Half-Lord. But weirdly, the mysterious individual demanded nothing for evolving them.

There's only one thing they need to do for him.

(Look for the god with eight wings)


In the audience with Hestius, a clause within the contract has been adjusted from 500 to 1,000. Although the adjustment went on without a hitch, Aiolos didn't ask for free. He paid Hestius an additional fee of five Silver Crystals.

At least in the eyes of the two gods, that's how much Rochelle's service would cost.

And just like this, Aiolos spent close to ten Silver Crystals, including some of his crafting materials. Although it wouldn't be hard for him to earn them back, spending so much in a single day pains his heart.

Before they returned to Aiolos' Sanctuary, the group paid Tetros' store a visit. As if she expected their arrival, there are a few boxes of pastry waiting for Aiolos to brings them home.

The others remained humble and selected nothing. After that feast in Hestius' Restaurant, it will be amazing if they can still keep eating.

"There are four days to go..." Tetros shyly reminded Aiolos. Since he's often getting absorbed into his craft, Tetros would have to keep reminding him until the fateful day is here. The Moonheart on their wrist shines even beautifully when they're together.

"I know. I'll make sure to craft you the most beautiful tiara and other accessories to make you look even beautiful." Aiolos said. There's already a design in his mind, but what he'll need is to craft them to the best quality he could make.

"Ah, I've ordered a wedding robe from Logos! He promised to bring the matching set of wedding robe to both of us on that day!" Tetros added. But hearing Logos' name hurts Aiolos' heart. That god just earned 3 Silver Crystals from him, and now even more from his bride?

[I'm going to raise all the price of my weapons. I'm sure Micos will stand by my side!]

"I'll be looking forward to it." Aiolos smiled. How could he explain his dissatisfaction now?

"See you tomorrow, my wife-to-be." Aiolos gently gives her a kiss on the lips. With so many people around them, it is best to not showing off too much. That's because four days later, he'll need some of their blessings to strengthen the oath they made.

After they're back to the Sanctuary, Aiolos proceeds with his Holy Sanctuary. Their contribution yesterday is not a light one. But in exchange for all the danger, the number of Cultivation Points they got also increased drastically.

== == == == ==

|-Hansen Chenyang-17-Swordsman-|Level 5|

[Strength: 10 | Vitality: 12 | Agility: 4 | Magic: 2]


-Wind Slash(C) / Flame Slash (C)**

-Sword Smack (C)**

== == == == ==

|-Alrune Liyuan-17-Healer-|Level 4+1|

[Strength:2+1 | Vitality: 10+1 | Agility: 3+1 | Magic: 12+1]


-Light Heal (C) / Full Heal (C) / Quick Heal (C)

-Staff Blast (UC)

== == == == ==

|-Yesha Wu-17-Thief-|Level 4+1|

[Strength: 6+1 | Vitality: 6 | Agility: 14+1 | Magic: 1+1]


-Mug (C) / Toss (C) / Slid (C)

-Twin Slash

== == == == ==

Pharcis Chenyang-17-Fighter-|Level 4+1|

[Strength: 9+1 | Vitality: 7+1 | Agility: 6 | Magic: 4+1]


-Rising Dragon Dance (UC)**

-Magical Dance (UC)**

== == == == ==

Since there's more than enough for him, Aiolos increased the level of Alrune, Yesha, and Pharcis, before he refilled their maximum skill usage. At the same time, he noticed some oddities in Hansen and Pharcis' Status Panel.

On both of their skill option, there are two stars dot appearing at the end of their skill's description.

Tapping into them gave him an additional choice to proceed. And as usual, he begins with Hansen, his lab rat in everything. It took the Status Panel a while to shows him the option.

|-The Ability [Wind Slash / Flame Slash] can be upgraded into (UC) Grade [Swift Blade]-| Proceed: (Y-50points)/(N-0point)-|

|-The Ability [Sword Smack] can be upgraded into (UC) Grade [Sword Bash]-| Proceed: (Y-30points)/(N-0point)-|

[What the hell? This brat's skill can be upgraded without the need to remove them and learn something else?]

It was a surprise to Aiolos. Based on his understanding, a skill can only be learned via the Orb of Skills or self-creation. But having the option to upgrade them is unheard of.

And there's no point for him to hesitates. Aiolos paid the cost of upgrading to improves Hansen's ability before he proceeds with Pharcis. With a pulling gesture, he replicates what he did on Hansen.

|-The Ability [Rising Dragon Dance] can be strengthened-| Proceed: (Y-10points)/(N-0point)-|

|-The Ability [Magical Dance] is now upgradable to [Ceremonial Dance]-| Proceed: (Y-90points)/(N-10points)-|

[To hell with it! How can choosing not to upgrade her second skill cost cultivation point to reject?]

Aiolos wanted to complain, but 90 Cultivation Points to strengthen her is indeed an attractive proposal. Feeling that he will be scrutinized by the girls if he chooses not to, Aiolos proceeds with the upgrade.

The Cultivation Points were used as fast as they came. Perhaps this void would never cease, as long they continue to get stronger, hunt, and repeat. Even a mild-tempered god, like Tetros, would have to enter the Heavenly Dungeon to support her own expenses.

But before he calls it over for the day, Aiolos moved his hand over to the Scarlet Blood.

== == == == ==

|-Scarlet Blood-Low-Heaven Iron-|Level 1|

[Sharpness: 3-1 | Hardness: 3 | Magic: 3-1]

[Special Skills:]

-Bloodbath (UC)

-Sharpens (UC)

== == == == ==

The two negative signs mean the Low-Heaven Tier weapon is damaged. Perhaps it was due to the clash against the Stone Golem, as well as Rochelle's curse.

With less than enough upgrade Scarlet Blood, Aiolos replenishes the skill usage before he removes the Holy Sanctuary.

"Hansen and Pharcis, go back to your room and meditates. There are some changes to your skills. The others, you may do what you like until tomorrow morning. I'll go back and prepare your gears for tomorrow's exploration." Aiolos decided to let them notice the changes on their own.

As for himself, he'll have a busy night tempering and repairing their gears for tomorrow.

The furnace's flame went into an intense degree the moment Aiolos fired it. With an entire chest full of Tianyuan Ores, Aiolos wrapped both hands with Godhood Power as he smelts the ore into ingots of Tianyuan Iron.

With close to twenty-five ingots prepared, Aiolos proceeds with the repair and touch-up, starting with Hansen's light armor. Although his wound can be said to be in the average, the pressure taken by his armor is not low.

His left chest armor was shattered. If Aiolos was not mistaken, Hansen has lightly brushed off against death. If it was not because of his grace, Hansen would be gone just like the few casualties yesterday.

Close to one and a half Tianyuan Iron ingots were used to replace the irreparable part. While at the same time, Aiolos added a few features on his armor to fit his new skill, the Swift Blade. Since the attack focuses on speed, he reduces the thickness of the pauldron so he could move more smoothly.

He continued with Yesha's armor next. From the way of the cracks, Aiolos could feel the pain inflicted on her. There was a crack as well on her chest plate, which means this girl had taken a full-force strike right on her chest.

[I think Yesha should thank her parent for not giving her a big chest like Rochelle. If not, that attack is going to be even more painful...]

Aiolos tells jokes to himself as he repairs the chest plate. After he changed the straps that fasten the armor together, he placed his focus on her wrist protector and greaves.

As for Alrune's equipment, it is much simpler. Aiolos repairs the chainmail she's wearing before moving to Pharcis.

[This Pharcis...]

A surge of pain hits Aiolos. Wearing about the same equipment as Hansen, it made Aiolos questions the monster Pharcis met. Everything was damaged from headgear to armor, all the way until the skirting, wrist protector, and greaves.

Only the Lord's Cloak remained safe and untouched.

Even her two sets of gauntlets she loves so much were in a state of no longer repairable. Aiolos sighed. He takes a few steps to where the Item-Box is kept and poured their content out. At the same time, he took the potion pouch he bought for Pharcis out, with a plan in his mind.

[Your god is going to create everything anew for you. I'm going to let the entire Tianyuan Continent to witness the birth of a battle-queen]

Aiolos tossed what he's going to use besides the furnace and drank an entire bottle of Stamina Potion. With three types of crafting hammers in his hand, the sound of him hammering the iron gets louder as time past.