
One Day before Aiolos and Tetros' Marriage Ceremony.

To the residents of Southern Tianyuan Sanctuary, this is a glorious occasion where everyone, man and gods, was invited as a witness.

The more witnesses there are, the stronger is the oath they made. It was a testimonial that allows two gods to combine their sanctuary together as one, along with their body and soul. Then, life could be born from them by fulfilling the cycle of life.

And unlike mankind, gods were born not within the womb of their mother, the goddess, but the realm itself. Everything resulted from their lovemaking would be nourished by the Tianyuan Realm, until the fortuituous day.

Except for the ten Ancient Gods, all gods present in the Tianyuan Realm were born this way, since the beginning of the Tianyuan's Calendar.

"Prepare the seats!"

"Unroll the golden carpet!"

"Arrange the gifts!"

"Your holiness, God of Law!" a crest holder came forward while the authoritative being is busy with the preparation. For the oath making ceremony tomorrow, not a single error can happen with him taking the lead.

"Speak. Can't you see I am busy?" the God of Law said.

"Your holiness, we're out of space. Please extend the square by fifty meters." the crest holder reported the obstacle they're facing. The way they're speaking is as if the Sanctuary Square could be adjusted on a whim.

But everything is made possible from a flick of his finger.

The God of Law controlled a hint of Godhood Power from the Southern Ancient God, which allowed him to rearrange the Southern Tianyuan Sanctuary at will. And of course, as the only individual who dedicates his whole existence to event organizing, this marriage could only be better than the last, and not least!

"Continue! I want everything to be ready before nightfall." the God of Law ordered.

"Yes, your holiness!" the crest holder returned to his position.

"Eros, you're too serious. Be a little happy, won't you?" a god appeared from a distance, but his voice traveled much faster than his body that slowly descends from the sky.

It was Logos, who came with a set of wedding robe matching the ceremonial's theme. It was befitting his name as a Middle-Tiered Craft God, to create two beautiful and high-quality robe just before their marriage in the next morning.

"Logos, you should go back after you're done with your delivery. Don't disturb someone else just because you have nothing to do." Eros, the God of Law, was frustrated by the arrival of the Craft God.

Only those present in the square can comprehend the problem between them.

Two gods that are aiming for perfection, yet there could only be one winner on the day. Their battle has been going on until now, without a side managed to secure a victory.

"Flower God! Food God! And Craft God! Where is the decoration for the altar and Ancient God's table?" Eros ignored Logos' existence entirely after he's finished with what he was going to say. By yelling at the other lower-tiered gods around him, Eros steps away from arguing with Logos.

But while they're busy with perfecting the show, Aiolos is busy perfecting his craft.

Sitting on the table before he is a pair of wedding rings, earrings, a necklace, and Tiara made from Low-Heaven Iron. If one checked the accessories quietly, it is easy to notice how the Godhood Power is oozing out from them.

To make sure his success rate is higher, Aiolos added six bottles of Low-Heaven Potions from his undisclosed account. The end results are six pieces of Xia-Tian-Ji accessories that could even make a Middle-Tiered God jealous.

Although none of the accessories managed to form a strand of consciousness like Scarlet Blood, he's still satisfied with their quality.

Aiolos shivered when he thought about how anemic he is after coating his blood and Godhood Power on them. The feeling of collapsing at any moment is still hard to get used to, even after his first experience from crafting the Scarlet Blood.

But compared to then, his cultivation is obviously much higher right now.

There's only one more task before he called it a day. Aiolos moved the Mannequin with Rochelle's figure beside him as he studied the style of her preferred armor one last time.

The moment the rough sketch of the armor is imprinted in his mind, Aiolos raised the flame intensity of the forge. Pieces of Low-Heaven Iron floats in between the (Tian) and (Yuan) flames until it entered the moldable state.

With a hammer in his right hand, Aiolos hammered the iron to temper them further. Using his finger to attach the pieces together, Aiolos repeated this process until the supporting frame is settled.

Aiolos then bolted the iron plates onto the frame. With his Godhood Power as a multi-functional tool, Aiolos made sure there's no gap at where it shouldn't. The ventilated section is also made with care, which fits the armor flawlessly.

The moment the armor without decoration is created, Aiolos raised the intensity of the flames to color the armor purple. Heated and quenched for three times, Aiolos removes any impurities that remained on the armor.

Injecting his Godhood Power while attaching their decoration, Aiolos made sure it fits the mannequin well before he added a final touch on the purple armor. Before he forgets, Aiolos made sure he engraved the name (Purple-Cloud-Armor) on the shoulder guard.

"Ding! - Ding! - Ding!"

A purple glows visible the moment Aiolos coated the Zi-Yun-Jia with his blood. Three chimes similar to a bell came out from the armor like it's calling for a person. The sound reaches Rochelle's room, thoroughly waking her up from her sleep.

"What's happening?" Rochelle left her bed in a hurry. With only a scarf covering the rosy cleavage that her sleeping gown failed to keep it hidden, Rochelle made her way to Aiolos' workshop in a rush.

"Tok - Tok - Tok." she knocked on the door.

Aiolos opened the door for her to come in. It was also the first time she did something before even asking for his permission. But the feeling of being called over made her feel unease from the moment she wakes up.

Although she could roughly feel the fondness of the caller, Rochelle does not dare to imagine it. For her, it's been only a day after they came back with three pieces of Low-Heaven Ores! How could Aiolos finish the armor within such a short time?

But the purple glow from the Zi-Yun-Jia tells her otherwise. Her heart almost stops beating from the shock. If it was a dream, she hopes she will never wake up from it.

At the same time, the Zi-Yun-Jia is behaving weirdly. The moment Rochelle steps inside the workshop, the purple glow intensified for Rochelle to notice it. Like a baby hunger for the touch of a mother, the mannequin rocks from where it was bolted.

Aiolos lets Rochelle and the Zi-Yun-Jia have their moment. A strand of consciousness formed the moment Rochelle touched the armor. The status panel only Aiolos could read appeared on top without any valid reason to explains it.

He left his workshop quietly without informing here. Perhaps allowing "Yunzi" and Rochelle to communicate for the night would be the best gift he could give them. In fact, "Yunzi's" existence is much stronger than Chixue.

"I've fulfilled all my promise." Aiolos smiled.

Closing his eyes for a quick rest, Aiolos wakes up along the moment the sun rises inside his sanctuary. Looking at Hansen and the girls hurrying between their room and the bath, Aiolos revealed a smile again.

Aiolos went back to the workshop. While the Purple Cloud Armor is still there, Rochelle is nowhere to be seen. Perhaps it is due to her self-restraint, which caused her to made a decision to leave the armor here until Aiolos permission to remove it.

And after a quick wash, Aiolos came out, only to see his crest holders, including Rochelle, is dressed for the theme. Looking at how beautiful and good-looking is all of them, Aiolos couldn't help but chuckles twice.

"Let's go," Aiolos said.

The Hexaltheim followed Aiolos as they step outside.

Dressed to impress, the six of them proudly made their stop before Tetros' Grocer accompanied by the clappings and congratulating words. The masses followed as they picked Tetros up and made their way altogether to the Sanctuary Square.

"The day is finally here..." Tetros had the feeling of crying from happiness. Although it's neither too long nor short based on their lifespan, finally able to get married to their loved one is all that matters.

When they arrived at the Sanctuary Square, Aiolos and Tetros were escorted to their respective waiting room. Before she left following the people handling the ceremony, Aiolos handed a beautiful box to Tetros, reminding her to put them on before the custom started.

Aiolos followed them to a different place, where the groom should appear. With him inside the waiting room is Logos, who are waiting for him. The wedding robe in his hand could only be said to fit Aiolos perfectly, without the need to measure.

He's just like Aiolos, a God who's confident and excels in his craft.

Putting on the wedding robe that comes with a sleeveless robe and an outer robe, Aiolos was surprised by its overall quality. What he didn't expect is the clothing itself is a Low-Heaven Tier product itself!

"Once you put on your equipment, you'll be the star of the show for today." Logos said. He waved his hand at Aiolos to place a yellow jade pendant on his waist.

Additionally, he teaches Aiolos what to do the moment he made his appearance. As the person who aims for perfection in everything, Logos added many ways Aiolos could take to made his entrance more impressive.

Music begins.

The God of Law stands before the altar as he raised his hand for their silence. There are close to 200.000 mortals and 4,000 gods present as the witness for today's ceremony. There is also a row of special guests, namely the five Ancient Gods.

Tetros made her appearance the moment Eros lowered his left hand.

She walked with four Flower Goddesses beside her, covering her tracks with flower petals. But nothing of their show could compete against Tetros' beauty, which is enhanced by her tiara, earrings, necklace, and the Moonheart.

"What the..." the crowd and gods all had their jaw dropped from her accessories. While the goddesses are envious of her beauty, the married couples are jealous of how lavish is her wedding gift!

Its a set of one Middle-Heaven and four Low-Heaven accessories!

At the same time, Aiolos steals a glance at Tetros, who walks down the golden carpet until she stands before Eros near the altar. The God of Law pointed his palm at the center next, where Aiolos should make his appearance.

"Hexaltheim!" Aiolos glides down from the elevated staircases, all the way until he's halfway to the altar. The four pairs of golden metal wings of his flapped for a few more times as they slowly returned to when the extensions are unused.

Along with a Middle-Heaven bracelet on his wrist, Aiolos takes a few noble footsteps to reach the altar. His show right in front of everyone took their jaws down once more after they barely came back up from Tetros' entrance.

"Let's begin the ceremony!"