
"They're even more extravagant than I am!" Eros steals a peek of their Moonheart. He's wondering where did that come from. As for Logos, he shared the same feeling as Eros.

"No wonder the Ancient Gods always say..."

[The wave from the back will push those in in the front. An Era is always better than the previous one]

But the event must go on. Eros calmed himself down as he starts his show.

"Fellow gods and people, I, Eros, invited you to be the witnesses for this couple before me. May I humbly request for your Godhood Power to fill our Cup of Tianyuan Essence today?" Eros raised a goblet made from a mysterious material above his head using both of his hands.

His beckons made the 4,450 gods presented a hint of Godhood Power into the atmosphere. The power turned into a vapor floated around the Sanctuary Square, like clouds that ready to pour without a notice.

Following the procedure, the seemingly rusted goblet revealed a gentle white light to direct where the vapor of Godhood Power should go. The clouds quickly gathered right above the altar, like it's waiting for instruction.

Eros slowly placed the goblet on top of the altar. Two guiding beams of light pulled Aiolos and Tetros' right palms towards it as their index finger touches the tip of the cup.

A drip of their blood flows into the cup and kickstarts the ceremony.

The goblet turned golden after it removes all its disguise. The body of the goblet is embedded with elemental stones, which could only be visibly seen after its worn appearance is withdrawn.

Circulation begins in the body of the cloud as the golden goblet behaves like a condenser. The vapor condensed into a liquid, where it steadily drips onto the cup. One drop at a time, the cup gradually filled while Eros resumes the ceremony.

"With everyone present as your witnesses, I want you, Aiolos, to answer my question. Are you willing to share her burden as a Food God and fulfill the wish of the people in the Tianyuan Realm?" Eros asked. A golden light appeared from his visage, marking every single word he muttered.

"I am willing," Aiolos answered.

"Standing before your to-be husband, would you be willing to share his burden as the Craft God and answer the call of the people in the Tianyuan Realm?" Eros pointed out his question at Tetros and waiting for her answer.

"I am willing," Tetros answered.

"Aiolos, standing in front of your witnesses, do you agree to take care of Tetros' until death brings you apart?" Eros' next question is somewhat intriguing but knowing how Tetros will answer, Aiolos answered the question out loud.

"I AGREE!" Aiolos answered before the gods and people. This reply brought the golden light over from Eros to himself.

"Tetros, standing in front of your witnesses, will you treat Aiolos as a part of you, fulfilling your duty as the wife of a god, and stands beside him till death brings you apart?" Eros asked while his attention focused on Tetros.

"I am willing," Tetros nodded and answered the question confidently. A smile came from her as the golden light under Aiolos spreads to where she is.

They stare at their partner, almost to the point they wanted to repeat the answer once more.

"Ahem, it's not over yet." Eros reminded them to keep themselves in check. Both of them maintained their prestige as they controlled their facial expression from disclosing what is inside their mind.

"Tetros Shangxian. Are you willing to get married to Aiolos Shangxian, become his wife, and bear his Godhood Power?" Eros' final question is here. The moment of truth is finally here.

"I AM WILLING!" Tetros answered with all the fire within her heart. To her, this is a question she's waiting for from the first day she held Aiolos' hand firmly until it reaches her heart.

"Aiolos Shangxian. Are you willing to take Tetros Shangxian as your wife and walk to the edge of your life until then?" Eros asked.

"I AM WILLING," Aiolos answered. The golden light wraps both of them until it converges onto the ring in between their fingers. The ring holds all their oaths made today and tied them into a unique title named Husband and Wife.

The essence within the goblet condensed into two beautiful pellets like pearls. Once they fed the other with the Essence of Oath, Eros continued.

"I now pronounce you as Husband and Wife. You may exchange your rings and kiss the bride." Eros smiled because the ceremony completes without trouble.

Looking at the pair of a recently married couple, Eros shared their feeling of happiness as they exchanged the rings before Aiolos gave Tetros a deep kiss. This marked an achievement in their life, where they'll spend their life together.

Everyone else showered the couple with applause as they descended from the altar. Amongst the people present, there are two identical couples with some facial features like Aiolos and Tetros.

The first couple had a similar golden hair like Aiolos, with that towering stature even above other gods. The eyes of the goddess are similar to Aiolos, round and brilliant.

As for the second couple, the goddess had a filling chest just like Tetros, perhaps even bustier. Her partner also had a face feature like Tetros, particularly the cheek and nose.

With the Essence of Oath within them, Aiolos may use Tetros' power and grace easily, and likewise, for Tetros. It is one of the few astonishing benefits of tying the knot. Another feature of consuming the essence also gave them an upgrade on their Holy Armament.

Wings grew on the back of Tetros' armor, the Mael'ovo. As for Aiolos, an oval-shape shield appeared on his left arm, which can be extended into a one as big as himself.

On their status description, changes have to be made.

The word [Exalted-Mael] replaced Tetros' Holy Armament. As for Aiolos, it was [Oxaltheim] instead.

But something else decided to disturb the tranquility of this marriage. A domineering individual releases the Godhood Power near the Heavenly Dungeon. Taking a great leap into the Southern Tianyuan Sanctuary, he vandalized some of the furniture as he lands inside the Tianyuan Square.

Completely darkened, the domineering individual held a mace many fellow gods recognize. His Godhood Power is chaotic, without a hint of golden hues like Aiolos and the others.

"HOW DARE YOU TAINT MY BELONGING!" Battros swung his mace forward on the crowd Aiolos is at. His attack without a hint of notice came forth like a mountain, forcing Aiolos to extend the shield to its utmost limit.

"Dang!" Aiolos' shield cracked and shattered with a single attack. Without the defensive armament defending him any longer, Battros' second attack connects at him via his belly armor.

"Urgh!" a mouthful of blood is coughed out as Aiolos slammed on the altar where he tied his knot with Tetros. The stage cracked upon touch like it was made from chalk.

"Aiolos!" Tetros flaps the eight metal wings behind her, but Battros' hand caught onto one of her wings. With a jerk of his hand, Battros pulled Tetros over to his side before he gave her a slap.

"I TOLD YOU BEFORE. YOU BELONGED TO ME, LIKE IT OR NOT. HOW DARE YOU KISS SOMEBODY ELSE WHILE I'M NOT AROUND?" Battros shows Tetros his so-called love with a few slaps straight onto her face in full force.

That seemingly simple attack knocked Tetros out.

"How dare you cause trouble right before the five of us!" the Southern Ancient God swing his palm forth to produce a wind that could blow Battros away.

"Don't destroy the fun so early! I'm not satisfied yet!" a black energy curtain deflects the attack. At the same time, the black fog appeared once more within the Southern Tianyuan Sanctuary, right in front of the five Ancient Gods.

"Who are you? How dare you invade our haven without showing yourself!" Northern and Western Ancient God sent their Godhood Power like an armament to attack the black fog. But the attack was useless before the formless body.

Southern Ancient God then controlled the intensity of the sun within his sanctuary, extreme heat poured into the square, trying to smelt the black fog. But unfortunately for him, not only the fog didn't vanish under the heat.

"Collapse!" the black fog suddenly screamed, causing the entire square to collapse from where it was. Below is the mouth of a living volcano, with a flame sufficient to turn the mortal beings here into blocks of charcoal.

"Save the people! They're the treasures of our Tianyuan Realm!" Northern Ancient God yelled. He was the first one to charge into the crowd and kept them afloat from falling into the lava. Looking at his effort, the other Ancient God followed, except for the Core Ancient God.

"DISPEL!!!" a circle of magic incantation destroyed the Volcano with its lava. The ground miraculously returned to how it was before, now with more gravels and pieces of rock around.

"Hypnotism? When did the being hypnotized us?" the four Ancient Gods returned to the side of Core Ancient God, who's now holding a golden stone in hand. The stone dimmed after a while like it was out of juice.

"Aw... I thought the fun will continue." the black fog sounds disappointed.

"But why not we continue with the next show?" the black fog intended to continue. Again, without notice, an army of orcs appeared right within the square they stand.

There are more than 100,000 orcs of all classes, all equipped with armament comparable to what everyone is wearing. Leading them is the Orc Half-Lord, alongside with the Thunder Beast and Grass Golem.

Thunder strikes at the crowd with most people, guided by the Thunder Beast. As for the Grass Golem, more and more miniature golem appears from its belly as it keeps munching the brick on the ground.

"HOW DARE YOU CAUSE TROUBLE IN THE SANCTUARY!" the Southern Ancient God explodes in anger. He produced a trident with one hand and tossed it towards the biggest threat to the mortals, the Orc Half- Lord.

But an arm pops out from the cloud and catches the spear.

"You didn't improve after this long? What a disappointment." another hand pops out from the black cloud.

"Who are you!" Southern Ancient God asked. A being that could receive his attack nonchalantly must also be someone with the power to enter the 9th floor in the Heavenly Dungeon.

"I've been looking at you all since young, how could you forget your Teacher?" the black fog sighed. The being slowly brings his body out from his hideout, along with a funny-looking hat.

"RAVEN SARIRA," the Core Ancient God said. As the eldest god present, even he is considered as a junior before this Ancient God of Prank. The name caught the four Ancient Gods by surprise, as they're staring at this eldest brother of theirs.

"He's dead!" the Northern Ancient God said.

"Am I not living quite well right here?" Raven Sarira jokes. He enjoyed the feeling of people falling into despair and negativity.