Weakling Aiolos



Two bodies combined into one. While Tetros' naked body lies on top of Aiolos, a part of his body strengthened itself to face the challenge. Two shy immortal beings had their body combined romantically, with panting and moaning sound can be heard for hours.

Again, one round after another, Aiolos and Tetros made love from noon to nighttime, back to the morning. Their escapade continued. Both of them were hungry for the warmth and the essence of their partner.

Aiolos laid his gaze on Tetros' twin peaks once again, sending both hands over to grab them tight. A moan came from Tetros, showing how much she enjoys the sensation. Although this is not the first or second time their body combined into one, the excitement is nevertheless addictive to them both.

Once again, Aiolos thrust his "hardened" spear into Tetros. Just like that, a simple and powerful movement. Tetros entered the state of euphoria again and again until she's finally collapsed at Aiolos' mercy.

Five days were gone when the couple came out from their retreat.

Tetros now had a more mature facial expression while she followed Aiolos out. She stands close to his side, neither holding hands nor acting like a parasite gluing onto the host. To people who are staring at the couple, Tetros' demeanor is like an advisor for Aiolos.

As for Aiolos, he's matured slightly. His pairs of eyes glow brilliantly with confidence as if there's nothing he couldn't accomplish. There's also a hint of pride from his expression, likely stems from "conquering" Tetros.

"His holiness Aiolos, and her holiness Tetros, please accept our pay of respect," twenty-four crest holders stand before their gods for the grace.

"At ease, everyone." Aiolos made a hand gesture to answer their greetings. With everyone now relaxed and waiting, Aiolos raised the Holy Sanctuary option to start their daily ritual.

With his grace of [Indestructible] on all tools and Tetros' [Food Life] grace applied to them, this made the couple looked much more attractive in their opinion. But of course, two blessings also means they'll have to pay twice their usual tributes.

But amongst the 24, only a few of them are calculated as valuable assets for Aiolos and Tetros' sanctuary.

Helene Beiming, Titania Xiahou, Gormand Luoye, and Curie Renxian. Along with Aiolos' Hansen and Pharcis Chenyang, Alrune Liyuan, and Yesha Wu, they're the sanctuary's most dependable force when it comes to exploring the Heavenly Dungeon.

Calling it an end to the Holy Sanctuary, Aiolos allowed those with a job or their own shops to leave first. His decision is also based on Tetros' advice before they come out for the regular morning ritual. Because food business like Tetros' starts early of the day, the time they're giving out their grace also has to be adjusted to suit the needs of everybody.

Only five crest holders remained in the audience hall. Except for four of Aiolos' beloved followers, Helene Beiming is also present to make a request.

"Her holiness, you looked happy," Helene said. With only seven of them are here, there's no need for a formal speech. Furthermore, Helene is used to staying beside Tetros whenever she entered the Heavenly Dungeon, thus the inexplainable familiarity between them.

"Do - Do I look too obvious?" Tetros is still shy about it whenever flashes of her intimacy approach with Aiolos went across her mind. Thinking back how she moaned when he moves his hip and how tight she hugs him whenever something came out...

Tetros' cheeks blushed.

"Still, I am thankful for his holiness to keep his promise. And in exchange for your care and love, all of us will make sure we contribute as much as we could." Helene added.

"Sister Helene, we're here too. From this moment onwards, we're a family, so please don't talk about contribution and other things." Alrune came closer and held both of Helene's palms as she speaks.

"Aiolos, you're absolutely cool that day. Did you know how many people are asking to join our family?" Hansen brings up a new topic while the two girls are busy communicating through their gaze.

"Oh? How much?" Aiolos asked, seemingly interested in what Hansen is going to say.

"200 people! And most of them look strong!" Hansen said.

Tetros smiled as he listened to what Hansen has said, but to Aiolos, he's feeling a little embarrassed. Doesn't that mean the attraction of both of them is worst than when Tetros is by herself?

But that's not something to be blamed.

While they're still unmarried, Tetros is counted as one of the top three beauty amongst the gods. Like Hestius, her neighbors beside her grocer is opened there to woo her. If it wasn't due to Aiolos' existence as a supplier to their crest holder's gears, Tetros would be gone to one of them long ago.

When thinking about back then, Tetros is bombarded with no less than 500 requests to join her family. But in the end, only 26 pure-hearted people managed to join her.

That's also why Aiolos felt embarrassed. Hansen's excitement is like a needle that pricked his heart.

"Is there a reason you're still here, Helene?" Aiolos asked. With everyone left except her, there must be something for his and Tetros' concern.

"Yes. Titania, Gormand, and Curie are planning to groom three juniors, so I am available. Since your team of four seems to be a lack of two members, I am thinking about joining them." Helene answered Aiolos' question honestly.

"What do you guys think?" Aiolos asked Hansen and the others.

"We're happy with it!" Alrune pulled Helene to their group as they introduced themselves one by one to Helene. And based on how quick they familiarized with one another, Aiolos nodded with approval.

"Come to me, my wife." with everyone now left except the recently married couple, Aiolos was going to give Tetros a kiss again. His hand held Tetros' soft wrist, pulling her over to his lap. His hand landed in between her thighs, allowing Aiolos to fulfill whatever perverted thoughts he has.

"Brats, come out and meet your parents." suddenly, the voice belonged to a male god entered their sanctuary. His words shook the palace for a moment, along with its residents.

"Let's go," Aiolos held Tetros' hand as the couple came out. Standing just before his parents, Marcos and Parthenos, Aiolos politely bowed before the two Upper-Tiered Gods.

"Come with us to the Central Tianyuan Sanctuary," Marcos said. With a flick of his fingers, the four of them floats in a bubble where it's speed could be described as faster than Aiolos flying.

"F - Fa - Father... M... Mother..." Aiolos tried, but it is indeed difficult for him to get used to calling them.

"Slowly get used to it. What we have is nothing else but an entire lifetime." Parthenos said. She gently looks at the pair while feeling the happiness that stems deep from her heart.

"How handsome are my boy and his wife. Her beauty is comparable to me back then while I am younger," Parthenos smiles while staring at Tetros as they made their way back home.

"Aiolos, go talk to your mother. Else she's going to fall onto the ground from looking at your wife too much." Marcos said. Parthenos' flight height is lower than the others for at least a few inches.

"Mother..." Aiolos approached his mother with Tetros by his side. Since their flight is maintained by his father, there's nothing much for him to do now. Perhaps talking to his mother is not a bad idea.

"Are you curious about why we're not by your side when you're born?" Parthenos asked. In fact, most of the gods living inside the four sanctuaries are below a hundred years old, which means that's there must be a place for older gods to live together.

Aiolos nodded to answer his mother's question. Even Tetros is feeling curious about what Parthenos is going to say.

"That's because we have more important things to do. Since both of you have been targetted by Battros, there's no reason for us, the older gods, to keep it as a secret from you." Parthenos said. She took two pieces of the crystal-made card out from the void space and gave one to each of them.

With the key in their hand, the scenery turned.

The beautiful sky a while ago turned into a piece of space canvas with millions of stars around. In this Tianyuan Continent, although day and night exist, they provide no benefit to the life of gods and mankind.

Every single tree, river, fishes, grass, and more depend not on the sun, the moon, or the air to survive, but Godhood Power.

Godhood Power that was created to cover four linked area, namely Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western Tianyuan Sanctuary. In the middle of this real scenery canvas, there was a smaller, but grandeur palace sits.

"This is the real appearance of the Tianyuan Realm, the place we're living on," Parthenos said.

"Halt! State your name and affiliation!" as they're flying closer to the Central Tianyuan Sanctuary, a god in a set of armor bulkier than Aiolos' Oxaltheim obstructed their path.

"Marcos Shangxian and Parthenos Shangxian, with our child and his wife, Aiolos Shangxian and Tetros Shangxian. We're here to meet the Southern Star God, Nantian Shangxian." Marcos extends a similar crystal-made card for his inspection.

"The card is real. You may enter." the god stands a few steps back from hindering their movement. Additionally, he's looking at Parthenos, as if he's waiting for her to say something.

"Good job, Calvaros. With you here, I think there's hardly monsters dare to come and cause trouble. Also, that's my child, Aiolos," Parthenos praised the god for being impartial in his duty. And in fact, the entire chasm below them is also counted as an entrance to Heavenly Dungeon.

Like how she said, monsters of different levels are always trying to invade the Tianyuan Realm territory, hence, the need for a guard standing here to provide protection and security.

"What? Are you joking with me, Captain? This weak boy is your child? The child of our famous God of War, Parthenos?" Calvaros steals a glance at Aiolos, only to let off a mouthful of spit as he gauges Aiolos' strength.

When he noticed the fact of level 11 and less than 150 points in Godhood Power, he can't help but asking if Aiolos is an imposter!