Bring Your Furnace Out

Calvaros' turned around as he prepared to leave. To him, talking to an insignificant Level 11 god is unsightly.

"Stop right there," Aiolos speaks out. His action took Calvaros and Parthenos by a surprise because Aiolos has stepped out of his father's protective shield. At the same time, Aiolos forced his Godhood Power to maintain his flight, which is a vigorous effort considered his might as a Lower-Tiered God.

But to Aiolos, provocation like this is one that he had trouble swallowing them willingly. And with his loss against Battros six days ago, he can't keep quiet after listening to what Calvaros has just said.

"Did you just ask me to stay? Do you know who I..." Calvaros turned around, trying to warn Aiolos to tend his attitude. To the Upper-Tiered Gods, their words are like rules and laws to the Lower-Tiered, even if they're something ridiculous.

And before he finished, portals opened between the two, with swords raining down at Calvaros like a hailstorm.

"Do you think you can do anything at me?" Calvaros roared. To him, trash weapons like these need him only a roar to destroy them into pieces. And like how he expected, they're either broken or shattered, with or without touching him.

Their prior exchange made Parthenos worry.

His mother quickly steps forward to stop the reckless god from injuring her son, but who could imagine that Aiolos was even reckless. The golden spear in his hand descended accurately on Calvaros' Holy Armament.

"Bam!" unknown from where the force came, it throws Calvaros close to twenty steps behind from his position. As for Aiolos, he swiped his left palm on the golden spear, wrapping it with a hint of Godhood Power. Five Silver Crystals vanishes from his crystal pouch without anyone noticing.

[The effect "Puncture" is enhanced into the Golden Spear once]

Words appeared inside Aiolos' mind, telling him what has been enchanted onto his golden spear. And without the intention to talk it out between them, Aiolos raised his spear until it is pointing at Calvaros.

"I don't know what you used on the attack back there, but you're wrong if you think you can hurt me! I am an Upper-Tiered God of War! I won't lose in a battle!" Calvaros' armor shines brilliantly in a golden color before an even thicker armor appeared on him.

The God of War fortifies his position on the same spot.

"Heilig-Reincar!" Calvaros remained still on the spot, with a bulky set of armor protecting him from head to toe. His Holy Armament, the Heilig-Reincar, allows him to continuously produce a protective layer as long he stands still.

His action took Parthenos by surprise. Even the goddess knows how powerful is his ability, which can protect the entire party until Calvaros exhausted his Godhood Power. And as one of the top contenders amongst the Upper-Tiered God, of course, Parthenos tried to break Calvaros' defense before.

It was a failed attempt, although she's close to breaking through.

But today is the day Calvaros' proudest skill is broken. By no other but a young, Level 11 god. Aiolos made his way forward with his remaining Godhood Power, putting all of his bet into a straight attack. His golden spearhead valiantly pushes forth against the Holy Armament of another god.

"Ding!" the sound of air friction from a smooth entry between two hollow iron rods echoed in their ears. The effect of Puncture punched through the layer of Calvaros' proud layer of protection, directly touching his bare skin.

Although Aiolos failed to make Calvaros bleed, puncturing through his proud layer of armor is still counted as giving him a slap on his face.

"You - You - You imbecile!" Calvaros charged forward at the exhausted Aiolos, who lost his power to maintain his flight. With his fist acting like a hammer, Calvaros swung his fist straight at a line to Aiolos' head.

A silhouette moves like a flash by the side of Tetros. When the latter turned her head around for a check, Marcos has gone from where he stands.

"I must be invisible to you," Marcos pulled Aiolos' wrist on a hand, and receiving Calvaros' attack on another. It was a simple move by Marcos, but as simple as it is, it allowed Aiolos' father to take the attack like it was pat from a slime.

Although both of them are Upper-Tiered Gods, their strength differs.

"No," Calvaros tried to pull his fist back, but Marcos' nonchalant expression shows he's not bothered by what the god tried to do. But unfortunately for the God of War, he's still lacking in studying a person's expression.

There was nothing in between Marcos palm and Calvaros' fist, but an invisible force is pulling them together. The latter's fist was smelted in a fire that can't be seen, as he struggled to release himself. Meanwhile, Marcos gently looks at his son, which strengths overcome his expectation.

"A-----hhh..." Calvaros kneeled before Marcos from the pain.

"Honey, enough..." Parthenos pulled Aiolos to her chest. While she slowly hovered back to the bubble that acts as their carriage, Marcos released the God of War.

"I'm sorry," Calvaros said. Nobody could understand his agony unless they're personally smelted by Marcos in the same way. Due to his misfortune, Calvaros made sure he imprinted Aiolos' face into his mind, making sure that he'll make him regret about today in the future.

Both of Aiolos' parents noticed what Calvaros is doing. But as a parent, they couldn't protect their child at all times. Since the trouble happened because of Aiolos' short temper, then he should solve this on his own.

That will also measure his ability and reliability in the future when Aiolos is strong enough to come here.

Once Calvaros retreated, the four of them continue with their journey until they reached a beautiful sanctuary, which came with the appearance of a fortress. Rows of horizontal Ballistas aims at four different directions, with close to a hundred fully armored soldiers patrolling the place.

"Open the fort!" Parthenos ordered.

The voice of hers shook the ground once, with soldiers facing on her upon arrival. Walls protecting the fortress were readjusted brick by brick, which slowly opened a path for the family of four to enter.

As her feet touched the ground, a surge of indescribable power filled the soldiers. It removes their fatigue from patrolling and battle, recharging them to their top condition in preparation for war.

More soldiers came to her side, with each of them wearing an identical set that explains their position. But as more and more soldiers making their appearance before Parthenos, it surprises Aiolos and his fragile soul.

Standing before him is 100,000 elite officers loyal to his mother. Out of 70,000 of them are a Decanus in her mother's troops, leading ten Legionaries. 20,000 belonged to the Centurions, leading 100 Legionaries, and 10,000 Primus, the cream of the crop in her military.

"All hail the God of War!"

"All hail the God of War!"

"All hail the God of War!!!"

"Bang - Bang - Bang - Bang" blade and spears knocked on the shield as they're worshiping Parthenos upon her arrival. Before the eyes of 100,000 people here, Parthenos' position in their heart is significantly greater than any of the Ancient Gods.

"Bang." the knocking sound stopped the moment Parthernos raised her palm up. The level of discipline between them is exceptional, even to the point it impressed her husband, Marcos.

"Officers of Parthenos, open your eye wide. Standing here beside me is my beloved son, Aiolos." Parthenos pulled her son into the intense gaze of everyone below them. Although Aiolos hesitates, his mother convinced him over and again that nothing like Calvaros' reception will happen again.

"DUM! DUM! DUM!" shields slams onto the ground, with the soldiers gathering right before their eyes. Half-kneeled before the four gods, the Primuses speak.

"LOYAL SOLDIERS OF THE GOD OF WAR GREETS THEIR YOUNG MASTER!" their voice was so firm and strong, with no hesitation at all in each word. Their powerful greeting unconsciously removes a hint of anger, jealousy, and hatred within Aiolos, thoroughly removing the wisp of darkness that seeps inside his body during the wedding ceremony.

Even Parthenos smiled as she noticed the changes in Aiolos' heart.

In the battle against the Heilig-Reincar, Aiolos' emotion is somewhat propelled by a hint of fury and hatred. While it did not turn him into a complete maniac like Battros, there's a hint of similarity in her eyes.

But with her people's help, she managed to remove the wisp of darkness thoroughly in her son's body.

"Primus Corner, Primus Stolla, I'll need your companionship when we're going into the 4th floor. Prepared yourself to my order." Parthenos picked two of her most attentive Primus as the partner for their exploration later.

"Let's go," a slope to somewhere with blinding light signified the end of the audience.

The family returned to their private estate away from the hustling and soldier's screaming. Looking at the well-equipped kitchen, Tetros had an urge to prepare a table of dishes for her parents-in-law.

"Psh..." Parthenos pulled Tetros with her while telling her to say nothing. The mother and daughter-in-law pair left the living room quietly, allowing Aiolos and his father to have a quick talk.

"Still angered by what happened six days back?" Marcos patted the seat beside him, telling Aiolos to be seated. But his words also brought out the wound in Aiolos.


Six days ago, after Battros and Raven Sarira's retreat, Aiolos fainted in his mother's embrace. When he wakes up, the disturbance already over, with all the Ancient Gods left. Only the crest holders of his and Tetros remained by their side.

Furthermore, Hestius took the liberty to bring Rochelle back to her place because their contract between them reaches a conclusion.

Looking for his wife once again, Mercurious and Helios greeted him. The existence of his in-law parents is like his parents, strong, powerful, and intense. Tetros went into Aiolos embrace the moment their eyes met, but their intimacy obtained a disdain from Tetros' father.

"Humph," Mercurious steps aside to somewhere else, seemingly dissatisfied with the lousy performance of his son-in-law.

Aiolos immediately struggles to stand up, but find no strength on both of his legs. He falls onto his knees halfway before he managed to stand up. Lucky for him, Aiolos has a supportive mother. Parthenos gently lifted her son's buttock, supporting him from falling down once more.

"Are there any wounds on you, Tetros?" Aiolos checked his wife. Of course, he noticed her burning cheek from Battros' slaps. It hurts him so much from looking at her face.

"No..." Tetros replied. Although there's nothing much for them to do right here, he's clueless about what they can do now.

The existence of the Orc Half-Lord, Battros' betrayal, and Raven Sarira's return to the scene mean the curtain to something is bound to happen. Furthermore, his exchange against Battros tells how weak he is in comparison to the Battle-God.

"Let's get a rest. We'll explore the Heavenly Dungeon tomorrow and strengthen ourselves before we meet Battros again. I won't lose next time." Aiolos said. He grabs Tetros palm tight, afraid that she will be taken away again.

"Go home and complete what a newlywed should do." Parthenos and Helios said.

"There'll be something that is bound to happen on the Heavenly Dungeon. The exploration you know until now is soon to change, so take your time now to enjoy what the couple should do."

"Just remember, what you need to do now is not staying in grief and anger, but value what you have before a new wave of threat is coming to us," Helios added. Her sentence made everyone held the breath in them for a moment.


"Instead of anger, I am more disappointed in myself. If I worked myself a little harder, won't the result be different?" Aiolos answered his father's question.

"Father, I want to get stronger. What should I do?" Aiolos asked.

"It's easy. Follow your mother to the Heavenly Dungeon later. While we're waiting for them to cook dinner, let's practice a little." Marcos stomps the ground where they sit, and a training ground appeared around them. Soon, even the sofa vanishes from the training ground.

"Father, this???" Aiolos asked. He has no idea a sanctuary could be so flexible.

"Bring out that furnace." Marcos opened his right palm, where a hammer with the word (Tianyuan) surfaces. The aura of this hammer displays a familiar to Aiolos' Furnace of Tianyuan, as both of them originated from the same source.