Heavenly Dungeon - Duel! (2)

After a short introduction on themselves, the two battlers calmly approached the center of the arena. Without the need to communicate further using words, both of them understand the importance of securing a firm standing point to launch their first attack.

It was a battle between a spear and a shield.

Aiolos' Spear of Heaven's Flame made the air surrounding him combust into flames as the intensity added up to his firepower. Meanwhile, the reckless Calvaros, who seem so impatient a while ago, appear to behave suspiciously.

His preparation by taking up sixteen steps forward to reach the core of the arena strengthens Heaven's Flame fourfold. Four spearheads of flame arranged itself adjacent to the left and right of Aiolos' weapon as he gets himself ready to strike.

"PUNCTURE!" Aiolos' shoulder bears a part of the stress as he thrust the weapon forward. The sudden burst of strength used to allow this spear to move an arm-length forward accurately struck Calvaros' shield even before words coming out from the crowd filled with observers.

"Danggg..." Aiolos first attack made contact but deviated from its original path. As for Calvaros' first layer of Heilig-Reincar, there are five burning lines imprinted on the outer layer of the shield evidently.

The vibration of sounds that screeched faster than the speed of light gave the observers a goosebump that they'll never forget.

"Whoosh!" Calvaros retaliates. The broadsword about 2.2 meters long in his hand was swung from his lower left side, traveling all the way upwards. But unfortunately for him, he missed miserably.

Aiolos' nimbleness technique was the bane of Calvaros' passive form.

But at the same time, Aiolos could hardly deliver significant damage to Calvaros' Heilig-Reincar.

When the Wargod is armed with the cumbersome Heilig-Reincar, his only weaknesses were his weight that could outmatch the physical strength of a school of War Mammoths.

Furthermore, the Heilig-Reincar could get more powerful as long as Calvaros maintain his stance. And as long Calvaros was given sufficient time to prepare, he could produce a Reincar Puppet effortlessly to do his bidding.

"It would take Aiolos twice the effort to deliver substantial damage to Calvaros' Heilig-Reincar..." one of the thousand upper-tiered gods in the spectator's seat said.

His words made everyone questioned his reason for saying so.

"Dang - Dang - Dang!" they're about to ask the upper-tiered god for the remark he made as Calvaros shows them the answer they're looking for. Three pieces of fragment created by the Heilig-Reincar combined into a Kampfer, the first and lowest grade of Reincar Puppet he could make.

Although it was just three pieces out of the supposed to be ten, having an additional target to fight against means Aiolos' chance of winning has lessened.

"I've actually forgotten about Calvaros' ability to produce the Reincar Puppets. As long he was given enough time and opportunity to prepare them, he'll be unbeatable on his own playing ground." another upper-tiered god added.

"No wonder the elites from the Bastion of Thousand considered inviting Calvaros into their team..." their group discussion started to get interesting. More and more gods tried to participate in the chatter to shares what they know about Calvaros.

"But he's not, am I correct? Why?" a nosy god added.

"What else could that be? It's because of his attitude, of course!" the first god who spoke earlier made sure everyone around him knows about it.

"OOOHHH!!!" everyone nodded.


"Dang!" another piece of the fragment added onto the Kampfer's shoulder to create one arm. A weapon was ready as the arm developed as programmed by the Wargod. This way, it allowed the Kampfer to obtain the ability to attack.

"Aiolos, you're going to lose today!" Calvaros remained at his spot as he spews his threats and disdainful words at his opponent. His action is quite laughable to others because it was done from afar, instead of speaking it out face to face.

"Really?" Aiolos mocked the Wargod.

The rose-golden spear in his hand turned darker as Aiolos continue to move around like an eel in the water. Although his opponent now increased from one to two, it hardly threatened Aiolos for now.

And with six more fragments to go, it would take Calvaros at least twelve minutes to fully assembled the Kampfer. And as long he did not approaches the Wargod recklessly, the former could do nothing to him either.

"Come here! What are you doing like a worm over there?" Calvaros shouted at Aiolos.

"What about you come to me?" Aiolos placed his Spear of Heaven's Flame on the arena and checked his inventory. The latter took two swords out from the Void Space before the Kampfer managed to get close.

"I dare you to fight me properly!" Calvaros shouting continued, but Aiolos is taking the words with a deaf ear.

The game of cat and mouse continued in the arena until the ninth fragment of the Kampfer is complete. With only the head part missing from its body, Aiolos decides that it was time for him to get serious.

With a sword in both his hands, Aiolos made his way over to the Kampfer to disarm his opponent. Both of the blades are connected via the handle to create a dying knot that can't loosen without external help.

"GO!" Calvaros made the helmet fragment of the Kampfer goes faster to the nine assembled pieces to provide assistance. But Aiolos following surprised both spectators and his opponent.

He reaches his arm out to grab the Spear of Heaven's Flame from where it stands and made a simplistic swing towards the Kampfer before he repeated the same onto the head that flying over at him.

The flames melted the Heilig-Reincar fragments that Calvaros was so proud of, leaving only four parts of incomplete Reincar Puppet lying on the ground.

Pshhh..." the godhood power that Aiolos turned into a lump of molten slag continues to burn while the gods and mortal surrounding the arena remained silent. Even the five Ancient Gods were shocked to their core from the sudden reversal in the duel.

With his hand slowly reaching to the other end of his spear, Aiolos sent a thrust toward Calvaros.

The Wargod retreated from his position after witnessing how easy it was for Aiolos to melt his Heilig-Reincar apart. The remains of his Kampfer on the ground is the proof of how dangerous is Aiolos' Spear of Heaven's Flame.

Both duelists stare at their opponent, but this time, their standing changed. Aiolos' show of his real power pulled him away from the zone of weaklings.


"Spear of Heaven's Flame... Tianyuan Flame... Don't tell me???" while the public is still awed by Aiolos' retaliation, the Southern and Eastern Ancient God seems to notice something amiss.

"Nantian, do you know what kind of power that brat found?" the Eastern Ancient God asked.

"Mmm... No," the Southern Ancient God answered. But deep inside his heart, he's feeling excited at Aiolos' performance. To someone as proud as the Southern Ancient God, only an inheritor of his lineage of this quality is worthy to be called his grandson.


"I'll see how long you can maintain the flames!" Calvaros approached Aiolos to decide the outcome of their battle. With 1,500 years' worth of experience, Calvaros is not some minor character either!

The Wargod approached Aiolos with the broadsword pointed downwards.

This way, the handle could travel faster than Aiolos' long spear. The latter was struck by Calvaros' battle experience right on the start before he could respond.

"Urgh..." Aiolos placed his hand on where his stomach is. He immediately looked for an alternative move to compensate for his failure to connect his first attack.

But to Calvaros, a minor character like Aiolos wasn't worthy of the attention he's giving him now. He faced the Craft God with a shield and broadsword in his hand as he placed aside those attitudes he had a little while ago.

Aiolos made a thrust again this time, but it was parried by the Wargod without putting in too much effort. The handle came in once more and struck Aiolos on the same spot as before.

"Aargh!" Aiolos retreated.



"This is not good..." Marcos whispered beside Parthenos' ear.

"Yes... Our boy is still too inexperienced in battle like these." Parthenos slammed her fist on the balcony walls as she gets frustrated from how the battle shifted and now escalated.

"Swoosh! - Swoosh! - Swoosh!" Aiolos stops using the thrust technique and relies on swinging his spear instead. The fiery head formed by Heaven's Flame floated adjacent on both sides of the rose-golden spearhead as Aiolos swings his weapon three times.

The first two failed to connect, but it managed to make Calvaros retreats from entering Aiolos' attacking range.

His third attack connected at Cavaros' shield and melted a part of his defensive gap. The spectator remained silent as the battle escalated into this kind of face to face situation. As both of them were wary about their opponent, nobody tried to make a substantial move to decide the outcome of this duel.

Calvaros let go of his shield that's now destroyed by Aiolos' rose-golden spear. The Wargod continued fighting with only a broadsword in one hand.

Aiolos delivers a few stabs forward, and a few of his strikes managed to breakthrough Calvaros tight defenses. The opportunity was too attractive for Aiolos to give up, and the former immediately made a thrust once more towards Calvaros' Heilig-Reincar.

"No! That's a trap!" Parthenos said. But with the layer of godhood power blocking the sound from going in, her words can't reach her beloved son at all.

Half of the spear's tip entered Calvaros' defensive gap, but the Wargod chuckled in response.

"Not good! This is a weak point he made on purpose!" Aiolos noticed his mistake and retreated almost immediately after he found out what Calvaros is trying to do.

But he was too late.

Calvaros grabbed the body of Aiolos' spear on his left hand and gave this junior a punch using his right. That attack crushes Aiolos' Oxaltheim armor without holding back and throws Aiolos back like a released arrow.

"Ahh!!!" Tetros' heart fell onto the ground looking at the attack struck Aiolos in point-blank.