Last Chapter : Dropped

"I've told you that I'll trample on your dignity! Weakling!" Calvaros moves forward proudly, in large steps. His confidence returned to him once again after he overcame Aiolos with his hand-to-hand fighting style. The Wargod cracked his neck and shoulder to express his satisfaction as the distance between them shortened.

Aiolos did not move a single finger. Not even the sound of breathing can be heard from him.

"Aiolos! - Aiolos! - Aiolos!" Tetros called her husband's name repeatedly, even after she knows that no sound from outside could come into the arena. All she could hope is the invisible link between them as she kept calling for him, words after a word.

"Tsk..." Calvaros turned his sight to the public and enjoyed the shower of attention they gave him. He was contempt with everything happening now as he assumed that he had won the fight. Of course, all he needs to do is wait for the Ancient Gods to come onto the arena and announce the result.

He continued to smile and waved around him, ignoring the need to start assembling the Kampfer using the pieces formed from his Heilig-Reincar.

And as Calvaros enjoyed his moment as a winner, an ember appeared on the wings of Aiolos' Oxaltheim. The ember spreads slowly from one metal feather to another as veins of burning flames started to grow.

The process is like how wood charcoal decays as they burned.

But only those with the eyes of an artisan could notice the differences between decay and reconstruction. Aiolos' four pairs of golden wings lost its brilliance hue as it was replaced by the dull greyish ashes on the surface.

This transformation catches the spectators by surprise.

As for the Wargod, he finally noticed that their gaze is not at him after he's done with his self-appreciation. He turned around and quickly took a glance at Aiolos. But all he could have is a beam of scarlet mirages before it vanished.

Then, the mirage continued left and right. Something slapped on Calvaros' face out of sudden without warning and made him lost his balance.

"Kampfer!" Calvaros tried to combine the extra parts into a new Reincar-Puppet. The components flew outward from where he designated and started to assemble under the direction of his Godhood Power.

But again, the same feeling of an impact kissed his face for the second time. This time, Calvaros was toppled upside down as he falls flat on the ground and leaving an indent mark on the arena.

As for his proud Reincar-Puppet, it was turned into a few pile of slags from getting burned in high-temperature flames.

"Wh - What - What is this?" Calvaros looked around him. The mirages from the red light continued for a little while before it finally stops by his side.

"Danggg!" a loud bang almost deafen the ears of the public as the spear clashed against Calvaros' Heilig-Reincar. The Wargod was thrown away once more as he rolled on the ground and losing control.

Aiolos stands still at where Calvaros just left. Flames were churning out from his eight wings like a booster, along with the four adjacent fiery tips accompanying his Spear of Heaven's Flame. Standing right before the other gods and mortals, Aiolos looked like a god that could control the element of flames.

"That's my son!" Marcos stares intensely at the arena as he tried to guess what Aiolos will do next.

"Aiolos..." Tetros placed both of her hands on her chest to calm herself down.

As for Parthenos, she released her Primus, Centurion, and Tribunus from bothering her as she paid all her attention to her child.



"Heh... You still have that kind of power. Why aren't you bringing it out earlier?" Calvaros stands up and prepares his posture once again. The Heilig-Reincar started to create more parts as the Wargod stands still at where he is.

"Go!" The creation of his third Kampfer was accelerated using a large amount of Godhood Power. The scene before where the incomplete Kampfer trying to apprehend Aiolos no longer happened with Calvaros now getting serious about the fight.

"Flame Wave," Aiolos simply swings his spear from the left all the way to his right. Intense flames were generated as it bombarded Calvaros and his Kampfer like the after-effect of an explosion.

The Kampfer melted into a pile of slag once more without giving Calvaros an option to salvage it.

"What is this?" Calvaros slowly lost himself as his third Kampfer melted. He's now out of idea on how to compete against Aiolos. Although fighting at a close distance could help him to achieve a victory, he believes that Aiolos will not be the fool that repeats the same mistake twice.

"The secret you want so much. This too." Aiolos chuckled. He gently swiped his hand across the tip of his spear as he includes the enhancement onto his weapon.

[The effect "Multiply" is enhanced into the Golden Spear once]

"Nice," Aiolos said.

"Wait! - Wait! - Oh, Sh*t!" the Wargod panicked. Aiolos sudden changes in both temperament and ability startled Calvaros to the point he lost control of the flow during a fight.

The "Multiply" effect doubled Aiolos' attack as he stabs toward Calvaros. His blow melted the chest pieces of Heilig-Reincar as flames started to spread inside the armor and burn the Wargod like fuel is added into the fire.

Calvaros rolled on the ground as he tries to distinguish the fire, but it was for naught. The flame remained even after the Heilig-Reincar vanished from Calvaros' body.

It was a shameful act of the Wargod to be seen struggling with the flames used by Aiolos, a lower-tiered craft god. Of course, they'll go through a painful lesson if they dare to underestimate the power of Heaven's Flame.

The Wargod fainted after a fifteen minutes struggle. Calvaros was thoroughly charred to the point he's hardly recognizable if he's walking down the street.

"The duel ends here." Southern Ancient God removes the Godhood Power that separates the arena from the public and announced the end of this friendly competition.

"Wow!!!" the crowd screamed. The sudden turnaround from losing to winning devastated the spectators. They're both shocked and surprised by the end results.

And just like this, the match is over.

Life continued.

Aiolos returned to the Southern Tianyuan Sanctuary along with his wife as they continued with what they're doing so far. And their gain from this short trip can only be said to be beneficial to both of them.

The end.


Author's Note:

Dear readers. This book, Heavenly Dungeon Exploration, will be dropped due to many personal matters and also the lack of motivation to continue writing the story. As it was a very reckless approach of mine, I found out that writing a god-dungeon-system mix story wasn't my forte as it takes quite a lot from me to complete a chapter.

And to make sure I don't disappoint my readers further, I've decided to give up the contract opportunity for this book and plans for a much better story in the future.

Please forgive me for quitting this book, and wish me luck in the future to produce something with quality, entertaining, and better-developed piece of work. Stay safe, and stay healthy.