Chapter 2 - Night Woman

"Daisy, my daughter?"

"Yes, Mam. I will make her my wife. Medication and all the necessities of life will be met. I guarantee that," Zen explained when he met Daisy's mother a few hours before Zen met Daisy at his apartment.

Daisy's mother Weiske didn't know what to say. It is finances that are a problem for her now. But Weiske is also not so willing to let her only daughter get married so soon.

"I... I don't know what to say, Zen. Daisy getting married is not what I want right now. Her education-"

"It will be guaranteed. Her life will be guaranteed, I promise," Zen interrupted quickly.

Without thinking further, or weighing heavily on her mind, in the end, Weiske gave her approval.

"Promise me, Zen."

Zen gave a full nod and smiled.


"You recorded your conversation with my mother?" Daisy asked as soon as she saw Zen's one-sided recording.

"I just want to prove it to you. Maybe you don't believe me."

Daisy shook her head. She didn't know who he was talking to. What kind of man is in front of her right now.

She closed the handy cam and handed it over to Zen. Zen stared at Daisy without taking a second. He waited for what Daisy would say to him.

"I want to meet my boyfriend," he pleaded.

"The two of us will meet him. But not now. You must come with me."

"Are you crazy? If I came with you in front of my boyfriend, what should I say?"

"Husband-to-be. That's the point, Daisy. You'll be mine."

The conversation that Zen thought would never end, in the end, he chose to stay with Daisy. Zen didn't want to talk to the woman too much. At least Zen should control himself. Because all this time he managed to avoid women who talk a lot. What's more, he didn't want to be emotional because of Daisy's stubbornness.

Entering the magnificent office, Daisy looked around everywhere. He scanned each side of Zen's office building. Then Daisy went into Zen's private room and they were the only ones left.

"This is my room. Also my office," Zen said.

"Wait. I don't know your name yet," said Daisy. Hearing that, Zen laughed. That's right, Daisy doesn't know her name yet. He didn't even ask earlier.

"Zen. Zen Derico Anwar," said Zen later.

Daisy swallowed her saliva as soon as she heard Zen's deep voice say her full name. He then suddenly fell on the sofa in Zen's room.

"You will accompany me here in this office. There is a laptop over there, you can use it however you want. But you have to be careful." Zen spoke while concentrating on the document in front of him. A document to be signed.

Daisy took the laptop. Without thinking, she accessed several of her social media so she could contact the people closest to her.

Unfortunately Zen already knew what Daisy was going to do. The laptop that Daisy is using is already connected to Zen's laptop. Zen certainly knew what Daisy was opening, even typing.

"Don't mess around, Daisy," Zen's voice is so distinctive, it makes Daisy flinch for being so serious about her social media.

"What kind of stuff?"

Zen didn't answer. He didn't want to destroy that access. So, Zen changed the topic. Just have to wait for something about what Daisy will do, but Zen is one step ahead of her.

"I need your answer. While you can think about it, after my work hours are over, we will go to the boutique."

"I told you, does my consent matter? After all, you're still going to marry me. And what? To a boutique? No! I don't want to!"

"Don't argue! Once again I hear you argue, you will feel the risk I will take."

Zen's threat frightened Daisy. She didn't know what Zen would do, but he would try not to argue with it.


While Daisy was taking a bath, Zen spoke to Tino. "Did you get it?" Zen asked.

"Yes, boss. It turns out to be a campus. His name is Reza. This is the complete document. And sorry for missing this, Boss," said Tino.

Zen just nodded and took the document. He then told Tino to leave and at that moment, Daisy appeared only in a towel.

Zen's heart was beating fast. His breath hitched. He could barely control himself to strip Daisy.

"Sari!" call Zen then.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Please, give her proper clothes. Dress up simply," Zen ordered without even looking at Daisy. In the end, Zen bought clothes without having Daisy come with him because Daisy refused to go to the boutique with him when they were at the office.

"Ok, Sir."

One hour of waiting will not tire Zen. He even waited while reading documents about Daisy's boyfriend.

"You're beautiful," Zen complimented once they were in a closed restaurant.

Daisy blinked her eyes. "When can I go home?" Daisy asked.

Zen sighed. He already knew that he would be dealing with a stubborn woman. "After you answered and signed the document." Indeed, until now Daisy has not said anything, even signed the document. Zen doesn't know what took her so long to make a decision, even though he knew that Zen wouldn't just let her go.

"Should I break up with my boyfriend?"

"You are my future wife, which man would let his future wife have a boyfriend?"

"Do I have to bear your child later? What-"

He put one index finger on Daisy's lips. Just sticking. It was soft and even Zen could feel his index finger twitching. "You can write your questions on a piece of paper in your room. Only questions that are not discussed in the document. Having children is included in it, so you know the answer," Zen explained.

Daisy froze.

"I... how was my college?" Daisy asked.

"Good question. You're still going to college and I'll pick you up."

Dinner went on in silence after Zen's endless talk. Daisy was always asking and Zen liked that. Moreover, Daisy is not an easy woman to conquer.

The last dish as dessert made Zen stop enjoying. He wiped his lips with the napkin provided. Then his eyes found Daisy eyes staring at him too.

"What?" Zen asked.

Daisy just shook her head then lowered her head to continue her dessert.

"Daisy, listen... I don't want to pressure you. All the necessities and facilities for you are already available, you just enjoy it and do what I say," Zen explained as he finished with the final touch of his dessert.

"Yes. Okay."

"Only that?"

"What do you want me to say? You're asking me to do what you want," said Daisy.

"Let's go home," Zen ordered them. Suddenly he felt his emotions peak when he heard Daisy's words. He got up and left the restaurant. Daisy followed closely behind him.

Arriving at the apartment, Zen took off his suit and tie. Earlier after dinner, he was going to meet his special client, introduce Daisy as his future wife. Unfortunately, Daisy has unconsciously made Zen annoyed and emotional.

Daisy immediately went into her room without a word. While Zen is drinking alcohol and sitting on the balcony. Then he pressed his cell phone and called someone.

Zen needs a release. This means that Zen needs a woman of the night.

Daisy couldn't make her lust go away, for now. At least Zen wanted to keep Daisy pure in the sense of waiting until Daisy fell in love with him. Therefore Zen asked his guard to find one woman of the night who could satisfy him tonight.

"Just one, Tino. I need it now," Zen ordered.

"What about Miss Daisy, Boss?"

"Leave it alone. Please hurry, as soon as possible."