Chapter 15 - She Becomes Hate Him

"You'd better go home if you don't get enough sleep, Dera," said one of Zen's employees, when Zen was standing and talking to one of his employees too, he heard it.

"I'm fine. Too bad if I have to go home," Dera replied weakly.

"Besides, what have you been doing all night, until you don't get enough sleep? Later during recess, just sleep for a bit."

"I was waiting for someone, but he didn't come."

"A guy? Duh, just throw him into the sea if a guy like that doesn't want to meet you."

Hearing that, Zen cleared his throat. The two of them were a little surprised because their conversation sounded clear to Zen's ears, maybe even to the ears of the other employees. Dera herself did not think that Zen was there. Because Zen's position is behind them.

"Do the right thing, not tell stories outside your job desk," said Zen rebuked.

When Zen was about to enter his room, he looked at Dera who was also looking at him. Then Zen exhaled and went inside. He didn't think that Dera would wait for him to sleep like that. After all, it's not Zen's fault either, because he and Dera don't have an appointment to meet, only Dera decides for herself, and Zen also has his decision.

Throwing thoughts of Dera away, he focused more on Daisy now. Daisy's character development is getting more and more melting in every effort Zen makes for her. It's just that Daisy has a slightly indifferent side to her surroundings.

Zen's cell phone rings. He saw Daisy's name on it. For the first time, Daisy called him. Causing Zen to smile.

"Yes, Love?" Zen greeted and teased Daisy a little.

"Heh! Did I hear right? You call me Love? Very strange!"

"So what? You're mine. So don't fight. What's wrong, Daisy?"

"I'm going to have dinner with some of my friends later. So you don't have to pick me up, do you?"

"Who are you going with? Where?" Zen asked quickly.

"College friends. Just a few. I rarely have outings with them, so I'd like to spend my college time at least with them. At the mall. OK?"

"I'll drive you. I'll wait. It doesn't matter if I don't join, the important thing is that I drive you. What time?"

Daisy sighed in annoyance. It's useless to ask permission. Not even permission must have gone awry for him. After all, she couldn't refuse or deny any of Zen's words. Until finally she had no choice but to obey and answer all Zen's questions.

After hanging up the call from Daisy, Zen just turned on Daisy's voice tap. He hadn't activated it before, and now he could hear clearly without asking Daisy again.


"Anyone wants to be with me? I was accompanied by my boyfriend," Daisy offered to some of her girlfriends. Ama is included with Daisy. But Daisy also offered two more people.

"Me," said Atin.

"Me too," said Cici.

Daisy just nodded and agreed. Just leave and enjoy the company later with some of the participants.

While at the mall, Daisy parted ways with Zen. Because Zen had already said that he would not come along to interfere, yet just going to monitor. After that, they went to a diner in the mall where Korean food was written 'all you can eat'.

While waiting for the food to arrive, they also took photos together with smiles and laughter.

"Sorry, I'm late. I can still join, right?" A familiar voice made her turn her head. Yes, who else if not Reza? Suddenly, Reza is now the figure his friends have been waiting for with the nickname King of Ex-Boyfriend, which Daisy herself already knows what's the meaning.

"Besides, we're waiting for you. Don't worry, we've already ordered it. Sit down!" said Riko, one of his close friends.

King of Ex-Boyfriend. Daisy thought it was too much. Why do they have to name it like that? Yes, because Daisy and Reza used to be one of the best couples on their campus. Even though they are hiding from Daisy's parents, they are famous in college circles. Then, when they had to break up, Reza was nicknamed that because of his democratic King-like side to his ex-girlfriend, Daisy.

Daisy poked her lopsided bangs thinking about what had happened. Her friends always seem to corner her. Trying to dig a hole in the past and make it fall there again. Well, even though Daisy is wrong, that doesn't mean they have to act like that, especially Reza. He should have made them all stop.


On the way home, Daisy's face scrunched up. Her lips pursed. Zen just kept quiet and suppressed a smile. He knew that Daisy was annoyed with Reza, but as long as Reza didn't make her sick or hurt, it wasn't a problem for Zen.

"Don't frown like that, Daisy. He's already your ex-boyfriend, why to bother because of him?" Zen said openly.

"I hate him. It wasn't supposed to be like that, right? It should be natural, but he made me hate it."

"But it's good that you hate him," said Zen.

Daisy turned to him. "Why? You support someone to hate someone else?"

"More precisely I support my future wife hating her ex-boyfriend rather than having to love each other again," corrected Zen.

"It's the same, Zen!"

"It's different. A person and his future wife are also the ex-boyfriend of his future wife, where are they? You study languages, you should understand the difference in words," Zen said triumphantly.

Daisy was silent and didn't want to reply to Zen's words. Indeed, in her eyes, she was always wrong in anything.

"Instead of that, I want to take you somewhere. I'm sure you'll be happy," said Zen.

"Well, I can't doubt what you said," replied Daisy, shrugging her shoulders, resigned.

Before long, the small and charming face smiled when she saw Zen parked his car at the chocolate shop. The brown stained glass window made her heart feel at ease. Again Daisy couldn't doubt what Zen had given her.

"Come on in and order what you want," said Zen downstairs.

They didn't order much because they knew that too much of it would be bad. Moreover, something is sweet, of course, both of them understand what will happen if they order a lot of chocolate.

"Do you like it?" Zen asked flatly.

Daisy just cleared her throat. She was quite reluctant to say 'yes', while from the start she had always had doubts about Zen.

"It's true that someone like me deserves to be doubted, Daisy. But I don't mind, because I will prove it myself through action."

As if in dead check, Daisy was silent. Zen already knew what Daisy was thinking. But even once Zen never made a face of fear at his proving.

"You're a stubborn and confident person, aren't you," Daisy said.

"Men have to have that trait. At least for the good, don't you think?"

This time Daisy agreed with Zen's words. Without arguing, without denying.