Chapter 28 - Why Always Him?

"Hello, Daisy." Devan's call surprised Daisy because Daisy didn't see who was calling her. It's just that Daisy already recognized Devan's voice.

"Hi. What's up?" Daisy sounded nervous. Zen also glanced at the nervousness on Daisy's face. He also wondered who Daisy was talking to. Daisy also saw Zen looking at her so seriously that she couldn't move.

"At one o'clock how about we go outside?" he asked.

"Okay, I'll call you later. Bye!"

Now, the problem lies ahead. Daisy had to ask Zen's permission. Saying things honestly and as much as possible doesn't hurt him.

"I'll go with Devan at one o'clock in the afternoon. Can I?" Daisy's permission to him. Zen sighed. He didn't want to forbid Daisy until their wedding arrived. So, he couldn't help but allow it even though his heart was burning with jealousy.

"Okay, and you'll be home before seven o'clock," Zen warned. Only Daisy nodded her head in response. Zen immediately went to Tino who was in front of the apartment to follow Daisy and Devan wherever they went. Request a report if something happens.

Apparently, Devan picked up Daisy early, so Daisy didn't have to wait in advance. They both smiled at each other as if happy to meet each other.

"How was your pregnancy?" asked Devan as they walked.

"Fine... well, although I still feel weak myself."

"Okay, we'll have ice cream. Do you like it?"

"Love it!!!" Daisy exclaimed looking happy.

Zen, who heard Daisy and Devan's conversation, was in pain because Daisy had never been so happy with him. He thought, why does the woman he dates always end up with Devan? He hastily shook his head because he didn't want bad luck to befall him again.

There is something different when Daisy is with Devan. Even though it's new, it feels like it's been a long time. The comfort that Devan gave made her really want to be close to Devan. But on the other hand, with a strange feeling, Daisy didn't feel her beating heart as fast as she did when she was with Zen.

Just thinking about it made his head throb. Especially when her condition is still weak like this. Even Daisy suddenly texted Zen that she wanted to eat pizza with him tonight.

Seeing the message from Daisy, Zen smiled. He couldn't understand the time Daisy sent him a message, something that rarely happened. Zen knows that Daisy is starting to love him, but Daisy is still too shy to admit it.

"Who are you texting with?" asked Devan suddenly.

"Oh, this is Zen. I just texted him and he replied," Daisy answered honestly.

Of course, the same thing as Zen, Devan felt excruciatingly more pain because Daisy was still busy with texts addressed to Zen when she was with him.

"You love him, don't you?" asked Devan which surprised Daisy. On the other hand, Zen was waiting for an answer from Daisy. Grateful that Devan asked the question, which meant that he was indeed jealous of Zen.

"Or you can't admit it yet because of the dilemma?" asked Devan again.

"Dilemma of what?" this time Daisy asked back.

"The dilemma of me or your beloved Zen."

Daisy was silent. She did feel glued. But loving... she only felt for one man.

Before Daisy could answer, Devan had opened his lips again to speak. "Daisy, listen... if you can't answer it or decide your own heart, I can make you fall in love."

Instantly Daisy's heart seemed to burst. Hearing Devan's statement, made her feel awkward. She can't feel love for two people. Even being near Devan she could only feel comfort.

"Sorry, Devan . . . but what you're saying is going too far, I guess," said Daisy.

"I can see you're confused, Daisy."

"No, I'm not confused. You've misunderstood, Devan."

"What do you mean misunderstood?" asked Devan who was getting a little emotional.

Daisy sighed. She looked at Devan guiltily. Maybe it was her fault to allow Devan into her life, while she chose Zen to be his destiny deep down.

"I and Zen are something, something that can't be let go. While you and I... just friends. Yes, I just think of you as friends," Daisy explained nervously.

Devan was silent. The pain of hearing Daisy's explanation ran through his veins. Giving pain to every bone until he could see the seriousness of Daisy speaking.

"Did Zen threaten you? That's why you said that?" asked Devan still in disbelief.

Daisy shook her head. There was pain because she had to hurt someone she considered a friend, but it turned out that the friend she considered him was more than just this.

"Zen even knows we met, Devan. I asked his permission. I had to hurt him first to meet you."

Hearing that, Zen's face brightened. At least the flutter of butterflies in his stomach made him both angry and happy. He could at least calm down after hearing Daisy's little confession.

"You love him," Devan said coldly.

Daisy was silent. She didn't know if she should say 'yes I love him' or rethink whether she loved Zen or not. But it seems impossible if she doesn't love Zen, while since the first meeting until now, Zen has given her what she wants even though the man is very arrogant and selfish.

"You're just like Kanya," Devan said quietly. His voice trembled. Daisy could hear for herself how Devan struggled to say that and held back his sobs.

Daisy immediately widened her eyes. She doesn't like being matched by anyone, especially her future husband's ex-girlfriend. "I'm not like her," Daisy corrected still in a calm tone.

"Yeah, you're like her. You get pregnant with Zen, then one day you'll leave Zen and-"


Daisy's slap sounded loud enough in every corner of the table of diners who turned their heads towards them. Daisy herself didn't care about the shocked stares from them but she really hated what Devan said.

"Stop saying bad about anyone, Devan! I don't really know Kanya, but at least I'm not her. Do you think every creation has the same character? Not even twins!" Daisy exclaimed furiously.

Devan touched Daisy's slapped cheek. He lifted his head to see Daisy getting mad at him. "And now it's enough to prove that you do love Zen," Devan repeated later.

"If I love him, why Devan? Does it harm you?" Daisy asked getting bold.

"Yes! You harmed me from the first time we met Daisy! My feelings, my heart, my body… they want you! And now, when I know you belong to me, I feel a huge loss! Why does every woman I like, turn out to be Zen's first? Why?"