Chapter 102 - Rejected A Gift From Someone

"Get out all of you! Now!" Daisy exclaimed. Raja himself was too drunk to argue, so Daisy didn't care.

"Come on, get out! There's no party or anything! You've already been paid, right, with him. So get the hell out!" once again she ruled.

Some of the ladies' night came out annoyed as they were still engrossed in the atmosphere Raja had made.

Daisy on her hips looked at the messy house with a few glasses and drinks. Raja was lost in a dream and she had to take care of Raja first. Take him to bed and let him sleep.

After cleaning up the mess, Daisy heaved a sigh of relief. She sat on the soft sofa and let the night breeze wash away her sweat.

Daisy can only check her cellphone when the situation is quite like this. She saw a call from Jeremy and a message too. At first glance, Daisy just looked and read it, but she didn't reply. She didn't want to give false hope.