Chapter 103 - She's The Only Cure

While waiting for Raja to come home and so as not to be boring in the house, Daisy invites Ama to meet up and go for a walk. Of course, their destination is only the mall. Daisy feels happy if she goes around with Ama because Ama always has a purpose and is certainly not boring.

This time Daisy will tell Ama everything. Tells about her and Raja and Jeremy too. So far Ama's response is really like a sister who understands her sister. Even so, Ama still advises her to do it safely and accept the risk if something happens.

"So sex is really good, huh?" asked Ama innocently.

Daisy laughed at Ama's silly question because her friend had never had sex. Even just a boyfriend for the first time she had.

"Hmm, yes. More or less," Daisy answered shyly.

"Gosh! So what now?"

"Well, now we made a deal to do it once a day, Ama. We, well, both changed," Daisy explained.

"But, isn't it painful?" asked Ama.