Chapter 120 - It Comes True & It Hurts

-(Daisy's Point of View)-

I was surprised when my cell phone rang and it displayed the name of Raja on it. I smiled and answered the call. Before I could say hello, suddenly a foreign voice asked, "Is this really the wife of Raja?"

"Yes? Sorry, who is this?" I asked in a flustered thought.

"We're from Siloam Hospital would like to inform you that Mr. Raja had a car accident with a truck and..."

My phone fell down as soon as I heard the news. I no longer hear the whole thing because I immediately limp helplessly.

Raja... there's no way it was an accident. Impossible!

Suddenly tears fell down my cheeks and my chest felt tight. I literally felt like I couldn't move or get up from where I was sitting. I don't care about my cell phone. The calls I heard over and over again made me not move at all.