Chapter 121 - The Most Painful Things is Being Left To Die

-(Daisy's Point if View)-

I tried to smile as best I could even though my throat was choked from holding back the tears that were about to come out. "Bad," I replied breathlessly. In the end, I cried. The tears that fell from the corners of my eyes made Jeremy have to wipe them away.

"Sorry, I wasn't by your side when you were like this," he said.

Is he kidding? Why should he apologize when I realize that I should be the one apologizing for hurting him? Why the hell, Jeremy was so good to me until this moment.

"Jason, huh?" I asked him.

Jeremy looked at me with a surprised face. It seemed he realized what I meant, but I didn't expect that what my dream showed ... showed the truth.

"How do you know that name?" he asked me.

"Would you name my baby Jason?" I answered with a question.

Jeremy was silent. But honestly, I know the answer. I just want to make sure that all those dreams are true.