Chapter 1: What Felt Like the End

Nova Alberts was just like any average senior in high school. All she wanted was to do her time, leave, and never look back. Of course, she had to work hard for flawless grades in order to get a free ride to a college; preferably a thousand miles away, so she would never have to look back at that crap-hole town of Ashland.

Nova sighed and ran her fingers through her long, blonde hair. She loved her hair. She didn't cut it for years. It reached past her behind but still, she wanted it even longer. Some would say she was crazy, but she didn't care. Her hair made her bright, blue eyes contrast with the rest of her, including her olive toned skin. Nova wouldn't say she was beautiful, but she wasn't remotely ugly either.

"Nova Alberts!"

She jumped clear out of her seat at the sound her name. She glanced up and it was, of course, her instructor in her Psychology class, Wade Peterson. Nova sighed again. "Yes, Mr. Peterson?"

"I asked if you knew what the next paragraph of the chapter consisted of, but I can see you haven't been paying attention to any of the discussion we've been having. I would like to see you after class, so we can go over the whole chapter again together." There were a few snickers from her classmates at that.

Nova rolled her eyes but replied, "Yes, sir." What else was new? It's not the first time this has occurred. She nosed off in most of her classes, although she knew what every book consisted of. She had plenty of time at home to do her studies. Her parents were always out of town on work business and didn't have anything better to do but to read and get ahead. The sooner the better, she thought to herself.

The end of class bells rang, and everyone began compiling their belongings in their book bags; all except her. "We will start where we left off tomorrow and there will be a quiz, so be prepared!" Mr. Peterson hollered after my classmates as they headed out the door. There were quite a few groans in response.

Nova had her head in her hands until Wade spoke up, "So, what's going on Nova? Why haven't you been participating in class as much lately?" He had sat backwards in the desk's chair that was directly in front of hers and had his chin rested on his hands, giving her his full attention.

His dark, green eyes burned holes into hers as he waited for a response from her. "Nothing is going on, Mr. Peterson. Just a lot on my mind lately."

That wasn't satisfying enough for him. "Is there anything going on at home that you want to talk about? This isn't much like you." Ha, yeah right. This was an everyday occurrence. He just wanted to put a name on it for why she acted the way she does like every other teacher wanted.

"Mr. Peterson, there's nothing happening at home. Graduation is coming up and I have just been considering what I want to do afterwards." Nova gave him a very honest response. She really was trying to figure out what she was going to do with her life after high school.

He reflected this for a moment, then nodded in acceptance. "Okay, Ms. Alberts. If there ever comes a time that you need someone to talk to, you know where to find me. I won't make you stay and go through the chapter, as I know you know every word that is wrote in it." He laughed and she smiled in response. He was right. She knew every word, of every chapter in all of her textbooks. "I won't keep you any longer. I will see you in class tomorrow," he stated as he got up from the desk.

"Yes, sir." She stood and collected her things and headed out the door. The hallways were desolate by the time Nova reached her locker. She turned the dial a few times, entering her code to access the door. It popped open and she stuffed her entire bag inside. She wasn't going to focus on anything tonight. Nova had partaken in enough thinking for the day. She signed for what seemed like the hundredth time and closed her locker door. Just another day, she thought to herself. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Nova turned and headed toward the exit of the school. When she got outside, the parking lot was empty, not one person in sight. Lucky bastards.

She didn't have a vehicle, and she missed her chance at taking the bus due to staying after with her instructor, so she started her journey towards her home. She decided that she wouldn't waste time and began walking along the cross walk...

"Look out!" Nova abruptly turned and saw the car zooming towards her, and closing her eyes as she knew it was too late to duck out of the way. Just as she decided this notion, she was enveloped in warm, strong arms. All she felt afterwards was the sudden pain that erupted across her body before she was enveloped in a sheet of darkness.