Chapter 2: My Mate

Pain. Very sharp pain was all I felt as my mind and body worked to become conscious. I abruptly reached my hand to cover my forehead as another sharp pain emitted across my right temple. There was a soft bandage wrapped around my head. I groaned. What the hell happened?

As I tried to sit up, warm hands gently tried to push me back down. "Don't sit up, miss. You hit your head pretty hard." The voice was deep and gentle. It must have been who the hands that rested on me belonged to. I must see who it is, my wolf whispered so softly I could barely hear her. It made me jump and shot pain throughout my head again.

I attempted to sit up again but the hands push me back down again. "The hell," my voice cracked as I tried to work words out of my mouth. My mouth was very dry, I had to of been out for a while. "Water. I need water."

I heard some shuffling of feet as someone left the room. Perfect, I thought. I attempted to sit up one last time and this time I did. I didnt have someone to shove me back down again. I gently opened my eyes only to shut them again due to the bright lights on the ceiling of the room. I tried another time and forced myself to open them all the way and keep them open. I look around the best I could to figure out where I was. I was in the hospital. What happened to me?? I thought hard back to when I was leaving school and then, I remembered the car! I gasped and threw off the blanket that was covering me to inspect my body. I had a few cuts and bruises along my legs and arms. My eyes reached my chest, which was covered in a wrap all the way around. Then of course, there was a bandage around my head. I groaned again.

Now what? My wolf asked me. I rolled my eyes, even though I knew she couldnt see it. She usually didnt talk to me this much and I was growing annoyed. I gained my wolf 3 years ago, when I turned 16, just like every other werewolf does and she has spoken to me a total of 3 times, each were because of myself being clumsy and hurting myself like usual. What is up with you today? I questioned her. I must see who that person was, and you were hurt, Nova. Obviously, that pains me too as Im a part of you. Im trying to desperately heal you as much as can without any of the doctors noticing. It not as easy as it sounds. She droned. I spaced her out as that someone entered back into the room. As my eyes tried to focus, a man came into viewed and I gasped. He was gorgeous!! He had to of been around 64 in height and had very well-built muscles. Along his arms were numerous tattoos that blended nicely with his deep, tanned skin. As he approached me, I noticed the scowl he threw towards me, scrunch up his eyebrows leaving wrinkles. His deep blue eyes burning holes through mine. His dark, brown hair was tousled looking like he ran his hands through them more times than you could count. It was a nice look on him.

"I thought I told you to stay laid down?" He questioned me, his eyes not once leaving mine. "You're still hurt. You need to rest."

My eyes shifted quickly back to his, I knew he noticed that I was checking him out. I blushed, the redness deepening along my cheekbones. I looked back down to my hands. "I was afraid. I didn't know where I was a what happened to me after you know, everything." I played with my fingers as I tried not to meet his gaze again. I didn't want to be scrutinized by him any longer.

After a few minutes of silence, I creeped my eyes back towards his face. There was a hint of a smile creeping up on the corner of his lips. "It's okay. I just didn't want you to over-exert yourself before you were ready. Whenever you're ready, I can tell you what happened," He suggested as he handed me the glass of water that I asked for him to get for me. I greedily took the glass from his hand and chugged it down in just a few gulps. His eyebrows raised. "Would you like some more?"

I leaned over and set the glass down on the side table and shook my head. "I'm fine, thanks." I looked down at my hands again. I was not very good at talking to guys. I was always frightened and ran as soon as I knew it was a possibility. Right now, I didnt have a choice but to face this man. I had to know what happened and speak to this sexy man, my wolf chipped in. Clamp it, Rosa. I told my wolf a shook my head.

"What are you shaking your head for?" He asked me and took a seat in the chair next to my hospital bed. He watched me intently as he waited for me to respond.

"Its nothing. Just thinking about what happened... How long have I been in here?" My eyes widened as I realized that I had no idea how long Ive been unconscious how long its been since Ive talked to my parents. They called every night before I went to bed to make sure I was alright and if I didn't answer well they came how as soon as possible. They wouldn't be happy to leave work, to say the least. I groaned and laid my head in my hands.

He leaned closer. "You've been unconscious for fourteen hours. You took a hard hit to your head after I moved you out of the way of that car. The doc said that you have a severe concussion. Hey, whats wrong?" He hesitantly reached out and laid one of his humungous hands on mine. There was deep concern laced in his voice.

I sighed. "My parents call every night while they are out of town to make sure I'm alright. If I don't answer their calls, they become worried and leave work. It hasn't happened often, but they usually aren't too pleased about it." I looked up at him. He was watching me intently to see if that was all. "That's all," I added so he knew I was finished.

He nodded and smiled. "Well, lucky for you, I heard your phone go off numerous times and answered your mothers phone call and told her that you were fine and explained everything that happened. I also told her that if anything happened, I will be sure to call her and let her know. She isn't coming." He moved his hand away from mine and sat back. My wolf was not happy about this action. Put it back, she commanded. I mentally pushed her to the back of my head. I didn't have time for her antics right now.

What he said however, did not calm me down. What if what he did made my parents angrier? They arent here yet, so I suppose thats a good sign. I sighed and ignored my anxious feelings and settled back farther into my pillows. "Thanks, I guess," I finally mumbled back to him.

I watched the TV that was playing on the back wall of the room. Teen Wolf was playing and I internally groaned. That was the worst possible TV show in the history of TV shows. Who could possibly come up with such made up stories about werewolves? Werewolves were nothing like the TV show in real life. It was quite sickening honestly. The man must have realized this as he reached for the remote to turn it off. I was instantly pleased. I then realized that I did not know his name. I didn't think the man was remotely acceptable to call him instead of his name. I glanced up at him and realized that he was staring at me waiting for me to speak again. "If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"

This time his smile reached his eyes. "You can ask me anything, sweetheart. My name is Abe. Abe Michaels." My wolf gasped at this. I know him. I ignored her comment as he reached out his hand like a polite gentleman and I graciously accepted it and the sparks that immediately commenced made me gasp. This didn't happen the last time he touched my hand, what the hell?! He never released his grip so I wasn't sure if he felt this too. "The doctor wasn't sure who you were. What's your name?"

My eyes turned from him and investigated a space along the wall. It was an off white compared to the rest of it and it got my mind of the feeling that started to rise from the bottom of my stomach. What is happening to me? "Nova. Nova Alberts."

"Nova... "He sighed as he said this, damn near moaned, elated that he finally had a name for me. I was very confused at that point. Why would he care what my name is? I glanced at him again and he gave me a look of satisfaction. Okay, yup. He's officially a weirdo.

My wolf began pushing herself back into my head. He is anything but weird! He is our mate and you will start treating him as such! Our mate. I froze at these words. Abe couldn't be. No, I didn't want him to be. I don't want a mate! I shouted back. Bile rose the back of my throat and I shot up out of the bed and ran to bathroom, ignoring the pains shooting through my limbs and the shouting of Abe following behind me.

As soon as I reached the toilet and plopped down on my knees as my stomach tried to release whatever it was that was trying to come up. Which wasnt anything, I hadnt eaten all day. I dry heaved and I felt tingles as Abe pulled my hair back away from my face.

"Sh. Its okay." Abe tried to calm me by rubbing my upper back with the hand that wasnt holding my hair. I became angry as more tingles shot throughout my body from just a single movement from him.

I shot my head up, turned around, and pushed him away. "Dont touch me. Please, I dont want you near me. You cannot be my mate." Tears started to pool up in my eyes and my vision became very blurry. I could not see his reaction to this, but I felt it. The pain that shot through my upper chest was enough for me.

Abe took a step back from me, releasing my hair. "Im sorry, Nova. I didnt mean..." He trailed off. He didnt know what to say to me. What I said hurt him. He stood and looked anywhere but me. "I will just leave you be. I will be in the waiting room if you need me." With that, he was gone.

I did not get up from my spot in the bathroom for what felt like hours. I cried my eyes out. I couldn't have a mate. That meant, I couldn't leave. I HAD TO LEAVE. A mate would not let me do such a thing. I just couldn't believe that I didn't even realize he was a wolf until mine said anything to me, much less my mate! I should have felt it. That's because the pain you were feeling from the accident overcame any other feelings. I should have told you sooner, my wolf spoke up this time. I realize this isnt exactly the best time, but I think you need to consider talking to him about this. He will help you through it and calm you down. That is his job now, you know.

I commenced my crying party for a little while longer. I didnt know if I could face him quite yet. That meant, I would have to accept the fact that I had just found my mate and I would never leave this town.

When I finished feeling sorry for myself, I wiped my tears with the back of my hand and stood. I cant walk away from him, I finally decided. He deserves better than me and I want him to know that. But hes also my mate. I could never have anyone else but him.

I exited the bathroom and slowly walked over to bed when I started to feel all the pain from the accident again. I sat down and grabbed the call light that was sitting next to my pillow. Now is as good a time as any, I said to myself as I hit the button to bring Abe back to me.