Chapter 3: Released

My doctor entered the room after what felt like hours after I hit my call light button. "Hello, Miss Nova. I'm Dr. Evans. I'm happy to see you're finally awake." She smiled, as she made her way across the room to me, her long red hair swaying in her high pony tail. She seemed to be trying not to be too intimidating, without much luck. "I'm just going to check over your head and make sure you are well enough to leave. Mr. Michaels is here to escort you back home."

I simply nodded in response, not knowing what else to say. What was there to say? That I'm okay with that? I surely wasn't yet. I wasn't prepared for what was to come of me… or us. I mentally shuddered. It's odd to think that I had to spend the rest of my life with a stranger. He DID save your life. We owe him. The least you could do is give him a chance. Rosa interrupted my thoughts. I sighed. I knew she was right. I could never give anything to him that would even come close to what he did for me. I had to make it up to him.

Dr. Evans began unwrapping the gauze around my head. I hissed as the material stuck to the deep gashes that were left from the accident. "I'm sorry. I'm trying my best to make this the most comfortable I can for you." She inspected the cuts and nodded more to herself than me. "I'm just going to clean it up some more, cover it, and then will we start to get the discharge papers ready for you head home."

I nodded at her to agree. Just then, I heard someone walking quickly up to my door. I looked over and Abe was peeking his head in. He noticed me staring and hurriedly hid on the outside wall. I'm sure he heard my pain from the gauze being removed. I shook my head. "You can just come in Abe. I already know you're out there."

Abe made his way around the corner and slowly entered the room. He had a small smirk peeking up on the corner of his mouth. I've noticed that he does this when he's nervous. "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to interrupt. I was just worried about you." He glanced down to look at his feet rather than look at me in the eye. I knew he was still upset about what I said to him earlier.

I smiled at him. He was sweet. "You're fine, Abe. It's to be expected." Abe must have heard the smile in my voice. He titled his head up a way, just enough so that his eyes could look up and reach my gaze. I kept the hidden secret in my voice, so that only Abe would catch on and he did.

He lifted his head up the rest of the way and returned my smile with his own. It didn't reach his eyes, so I was unsure if it was forced or not. I couldn't blame him if it were. I broke his heart by my words. I didn't mean them. He didn't know that though.

I sighed and looked away. We will talk about it later. I jumped, which made me receive an odd look from the doctor next me. I tried covering it by scratching a scratch on my arm. The voice was loud and demanding. I glanced up at Abe and he smiled at me again. The voice had of been him. The only time I ever heard such a voice was from my dad… who was an Alpha.

I gasped which made me receive a weird look from both Abe and Dr. Evans. "Everything, okay?" Dr. Evans asked. She had stopped cleaning my wound.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. That just stung a little," I replied trying to blow off my random outburst.

She and Abe both nodded. Abe seemed satisfied as if he were genuinely worried about my wellbeing. No shit, Sherlock! Rosa yelled at me. You're his life now and vise versa. You should feel the same way about him. I did sort of, I admitted to myself, which confused me beyond belief. I had only just met him. This pleased my wolf. I felt her jump for joy in the back of my head. I mentally rolled my eyes at her and laughed. I had never felt her this happy before. We found our mate, Nova!! Of course, I'm happy!

Abe must have felt my wolf's happiness because his smile grew wider at me. I just smiled back and looked back at my doctor who had finished rewrapping my wound. "Alright, miss. All done. I'm just going to leave your release papers up front if you just want to grab them on your way through and I think you're all set to go. If you have any questions, you are more than welcome to call the front desk to get a hold of me. I'm here more often than I'm not." She gave me a small smile as she left the room.

I released a breath that I didn't know I was holding. Abe walked up to my bed. "Are you all ready to go?" he asked me.

I nodded. "Let me just get changed out of this awful gown and back into some regular clothes…." I watched Abe awkwardly. "Um… would you mind turning around a minute? These gowns don't exactly have a backside."

Abe laughed and turned around, but not before covering his eyes as I got up from the hard mattress. I found my clothes folded on top of the side table and slipped on the clothes that I was wearing for school yesterday. Some parts were covered in my blood from the accident, but I didn't care. I was covered more with my clothes than what the gown did. I folded the gown and set it on top of the mattress for housekeeping to deal with later.

Abe was still turned around covering his eyes. I softly laughed. "I'm ready now, Abe."

He turned around and looked me up and down. He nodded when he seemed satisfied with what he saw. "Good. Let's get you home so you can change out of your blood-stained clothing."

I agreed and followed him out of the room to head towards the waiting room. I grabbed my release papers before we headed out the door into the chilly, fall weather.