Chapter 7: The Attack

I thought back to our kiss as I sat in bed later that night, trying to get caught up on my schoolwork. I've missed two days of school now, so I had quite a bit to do.

I touched my fingertip to my lips. Even though it's been a few hours, I could still feel the tingles from his lips touching mine running through them. I can't believe I let him do that to me. I thought to myself. Rosa spoke up, soon you won't be able to keep your hands off each other. The mate pull is too strong. You won't be able to resist it soon enough.

I ignored her, although I knew she was right. I could feel it. I couldn't seem to keep my mind off Abe for long. I sighed and continued my work. Just as my pencil touched my paper, my phone started ringing. Urghh.

I didn't even look at the name when I picked up. "Hello?"

"Hey, babes! Get dressed we're going out." It was my best friend Ava Johnson. We started kindergarten together and that very first day we got sat out of playtime for taking a toy from one of the smaller kids. Ever since then, nobody has been able to keep us apart. She was also the only one that knew everything about my escape plan. I haven't even had the chance to tell her what's happened that past couple of days. This was going to be a long night.

"But Ava, I'm so behind on my schoolwork. If I go out with you, I don't think I'll be able to get caught up," I complained to her. Although she couldn't see it, my bottom lip stuck out into a pout.

"Girl, I don't care! You have ALLLL weekend. Let's go. Wear something slutty. We're going to the club. I'll be there in twenty." With that she hung up on me.

I sighed. So much for getting caught up. When Ava makes up her mind, there is no way in hell no one is changing it. I forced myself to stand up from my bed and shuffle into the bathroom for a shower. Since I was only given twenty minutes, I had to settle with a short five-minute shower compared to my usual fifteen minutes. I decided to leave my hair down and air dry into its natural waves. I applied minimal makeup, concealer, mascara, and eyeliner. My usual makeup choices on any occasion. I didn't need much; my olive skin was perfectly clear, minus the scars that ran along my temple, which were now completed healed.

I walked out of my bathroom and screamed. "Ava!! You scared the crap out of me!" I held a hand to my chest and took in deep breaths as an attempt to settle my mini heart attack.

Ava held her hands up in mock surrender. "Sorry, babes. I figured you knew I was here. We are supposed to have werewolf hearing, you know." She rolled her eyes and made her way over to my closet. She rummaged through my clothes and pulled out a short, red dress. It was sleeveless, so it would show off a lot of skin. "You're wearing this one." She tossed it to me and reached down to grab some black strappy heels and tossed those at me as well.

I laughed as I caught the both of them. This happened every time we went out. She would tell me to dress slutty but would always show up just to tell me what I'm wearing. It's been a thing ever since we started middle school and she started to show off to all the cute boys in our class. I shrugged the dress over my head and smoothed it over my hips. I liked this dress; it showed all my curves in all the right places. I sat on the end of my bed and fastened the heels on my feet. I stood and check myself in the mirror that hung on the back of my door. "Girl, you look good. I don't think you'll have any issue getting any guy you want tonight," Ava complimented me.

I glanced over at her. "Have you seen yourself? You'll have better luck than I will." You also already belong to someone else, Rosa muttered. Ava was wearing a long-sleeved dress that reached just above her knee. Like mine, it showed all her curves, although she had more booty than I do. The green made her murky, brown eyes pop, along with her over-use of make-up. She was always good at makeup, so it didn't make her look terrible like it did with most. Her pin-straight brown hair reached just past her shoulders. "Plus, we have a lot to talk about.. You have no idea what's been going on the past coupe of days…" I trailed off letting those words sink in.

Ava gasped. "Did Nova Alberts FINALLY meet someone?!" When I didn't respond and only glared at her, she squealed making her way towards me wrapping me in a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you! We can discuss this on the way to club."

As soon as we got into the car, I retold every detail from the accident to just that afternoon. She listened to every word and soaked it in. "Wait, you met your mate, who's also the Alpha, and you don't want him?? What is wrong with you, Nova?"

I shook my head. "I told you, I don't want to stay here. If I mate with Abe, I would be the Luna of the pack and stuck here forever."

"And is that honestly so bad? You would have so many people that love you… and you wouldn't be leaving me behind." She sulked as she said the last few words. I didn't know it bothered her so much. She always seemed so okay with it whenever I mentioned it to her.

I sighed. "Like I told Abe, I'm willing to give it try and see where it goes from there."

Ava picked her head and watched me closely. "I'm so proud of you. Miss goody-to-shoes finally has someone!" She started squealing again. I laughed and let her have her fun all the way to the club.

It was packed when got there and had a hard time to find a spot to park. When we did, Ava half-ass dragged me to the door as I tried not to trip over the imperfections of the cement. She smiled at the bouncer who let her right in right away. I never questioned what she did with these men. There was always a large line, but we never waited once. I don't think I really want to know. Those thoughts caused a shudder run through my body.

My eyes had to adjust to the flashing lights inside and once they did, we headed straight for the bar a ordered a few shots. When those were drained, we each got a girly drink that we carried over to an empty table. There were plenty of hungry looks from the men surrounding us as they watched us pass. We paid them no mind. "You know, this is nice. We don't do this as often as we should." Ava stated.

I smiled and agreed. My mate, my mate, my mate. Rosa started freaking out as I felt a pull towards the door. My smile didn't falter as I looked towards it… and there was Abe, standing sexy as ever. He must have felt the pull from his wolf also, he was looking around for someone. As soon as he found me, he grinned and sauntered over to us. He was wearing a tight, navy blue button-down shirt and some dark boot-cut jeans. His hair wasn't disheveled like it was most times, but instead was styled back. He looked great. No, he looks hot! My wolf stated for me. I didn't disagree with her.

Ava was talking nonstop about different plans she had for us once graduation passed, when she noticed that I wasn't even paying attention to her. Her eyes followed my train of sight and her breath caught in her throat when she caught sight of him. "Is that Abe?" She whispered excitedly, shaking my arm.

I nodded to her unable to process any words. Abe finally reached us after what felt like hours and gave me one of his million-dollar smiles. "Hello, sweetheart." He said to me. He looked down at my friend. "Hello, Ava."

Ava shook her head out of her thoughts, "Wait, you know who I am?"

Abe laughed at her words. "Of course, I do. I know all my pack members." Ava nodded her head in understanding. She must have forgotten when I mentioned that he is the Alpha of the pack. He held his hand out to me. "Care to dance, my beautiful lady?"

I simply nodded. I glanced at Ava who was smiling wildly at me and mouthed Oh My God to me and started fanning herself. I rolled my eyes and reluctantly let Abe drag me into the middle of the dance floor. An upbeat song was playing but that didn't stop Abe from laying his hands on my hips. We started dancing, following the beat.

I felt his hot breath against my cheek and my ear. "You look gorgeous tonight, love." He half whispered; half yelled in my eat so I could hear him over the loud music.

I smiled up into his gorgeous blue eyes. "Thank you." I don't know how long we danced for, but my legs started to feel like jelly before we stopped and sat back down. Ava had gotten up and found some guy to dance with. I shook my head. She always found someone to keep her company.

"Would you like another drink, lovely?" Abe looked down at me.

"Yes, please."

"Okay, I will be right back," and he was off to the bar. I sighed. I didn't know how I was going to get myself out of this one.

A few minutes later, someone walked up next to me. "Hey, pretty lady. Come dance with me." The man grabbed my arm and tried pulling me up from the booth.

I pulled my arm out of his reach. "No, thank you." I glared up at him and willed for him to go away.

"Did that sound like a question to you?? Get the hell up and dance with me." He grabbed my arm again and dragged me out of the booth.

I panicked. "No! Let go of me!" I yelled, hoping someone would hear me over the loud, thumping beat of the music. I should of been able to help myself. But I couldn't, Rosa doesn't know how to control her emotions and she would of shifted in front of all of these people. That's a no no.

Suddenly, I was dropped to the floor, the man no longer holding me onto my arm. I rubbed the now red area along my forearm. I looked up and Abe had the man that grabbed me by the throat. "If you so much as look at my girl again, I will rip out your throat. You got me, mutt?" The man nodded eagerly, trying to breathe around Abe's strong grip and was dropped down to the floor in a heap. Abe turned back towards me and helped me up. "Are you alright, sweetheart?" He rubbed my arm and pulled me into a hug. I laid my head on his chest and breathed in his earthy woods smell. It instantly calmed me. "I apparently can't ever let you out of my sight without another guy trying to mark his claim on you." He laughed lightly, knowing the situation didn't much call for it.

"Can you take me home? I don't want to be here any longer." I whispered, hoping he could hear me over everything going on around us.

Abe nodded and reached down to grab my purse, never releasing me from his arms. "Let's go." I remembered Ava just then and just decided to text her when I got home safely. Abe helped me into the passenger side of his truck and made his way over to the driver's side. "Are you alright?" I shook my head, tears fighting to fall down my cheeks. He leaned over and wrapped his arms around me again, instantly calming me. "You're safe with me now." He laid a kiss on the top of my head.

He started the engine and started to take off. We just barely got on the road when Abe slammed the breaks. Ahead, there were at least eight wolves standing in front of us. He growled and put the truck in park. "Nova, when I tell you to go, shift and run home. Don't look back no matter what you hear. I will meet you there soon." With that, he opened his door and stepped out. He shifted, ripping his clothes to shreds. He growled and his completely black wolf approached the others. He stood a foot higher than others, claiming dominance over them. Abe is the Alpha after all. The wolves paid no mind to this factor. They attacked, jumping him all at once.

Go, Nova. Abe's voice rose in my head and I didn't hesitate. I stepped out, leaving the door wide open, not wanting to attract any attention to myself as I shifted into my pure white wolf and taking off through the woods. I ran as fast as my legs could take me. I heard leaves crunching and branches breaking behind me, but I didn't look back once. I was almost out of the woods when a wolf attacked me from the side, hitting my once injured head on a tree. I went limp and darkness enveloped me once again.