Mental Hospital

Erica! What you want Lisa? what you doing? Nothing I'm up getting dress to go with my mama to the store. Okay so what you'll getting? some stuff for me to eat on since ain't nothing in this house oh okay. I will get something we all can eat on. My mama pulled up with my daughter. Hey mommy! hey baby I miss you I miss you too. When you coming home to be with your child soon as I get clean. Your child cry every night for you. I know I'm going to get it together. Yeah tell me anything but she really miss laying with you in seeing you when she get up. Okay I'll be back to myself soon just give me a minute. After me in my mother talked I get a call from Lisa. I knew she was going to be on some bullshit. Today was the day I was tired of the same ol shit. Today was the last straw I got tired in finally broke down. Erica! what Lisa come talk to me. Okay she sat me down why you feel like harming yourself. I told her my history and my current situation. Baby girl it's going to get better just pray. I been through the same thing you went through just keep your faith don't lose it.  I look at Lisa in my eyes she can tell I had gave up. She said lets pray before I leave. we prayed in I felt a relief ease off me. Soon as Lisa left for the week we turned up in got high in drunk. That Saturday I get a call from Lisa you'll gots to get out  my house before I get back. I knew that was the day I was going to turn up on her. But Jazz grab the phone out my hand before I could say something.

Jazz was like that's fine I got another bitch to be with. Jazz an Lisa fell had a big argument in Jazz told her oh bitch you wasn't the only one I had a back up plan. Then I grab the phone from Jazz in Lisa had a full attitude. Erica tell your mama to come get you and your stuff out my house cause you'll on that shit in my house. I'm like wtf you talking about the lady next door told me you'll had everybody in my house fucking and getting high. It wasn't me or roach face it was all Jazz ideal. Like I said get out my shit I want you'll gone before I come back. Before I knew it I was like bitch come put me out hoe. I'll be waiting on your Fuck ass to show up. Hoe run me one when you get here. I waited in the road for that bitch to come I wasn't leaving. She called the police on me I said pussy hoe come see me why you called the police. Jazz disappeared when the cops came and Roach face was in my mama car. Come on Erica man it ain't worth it yo. No! I'm not going no where till this pussy hoe get here. The police said ma'am you need to leave her house like she ask you. I told him and his partner Fuck both of you'll ass. I want that hoe head.

She yell I'm on my way. Scary bitch never showed The officer said you can go home or go to the crazy house. I cursed they ass out in he slammed me on they car. See I tired to be nice but you want to be stubborn. My uncle said Erica don't resist arrest just go do your three days or more. They sent me to the nut house where I sat in this white room with nothing but a night light. I said Fuck all you'll I'll blow everybody up I'll kill myself. They gave me some medicine that will put you to sleep. As the days came to the end I got to see my daughter she cried cause she wanted me to come home. They let me leave with her. The next day I got up in seen my baby girl smiling jumping on me. Hey mommy I miss you I love you I'm glad you home. I'm glad to be home too baby. I'll be back I need to go some where real quick. I was out in about in I ran into Jazz ass. Bitch where the fuck you been hiding mother fucker?  Shit at ol girl house oh okay that's what's up so what we got I miss you.

Man I miss you too. As we linked up I got back out there on that stuff again. I started doing the same thing all over again staying out all night in getting fucked up. My mind was in all kinds of places. One night I decided to over dose to take the easy way out. But that ain't work that just ended me back in the hospital in the crazy hall. I got to the hospital I don't know what got into me it was like I felt something over take my body. The doctors wanted some blood but I wouldn't let them stick me. I got into defense mode I went to hitting on the people. They sent the sheriff lady to talk to me in calm me down.  I was high on that coke and pills. She look in my eyes in could tell I had done hit a good amount. She grab me in said let them do it. The lady came in it's too late. Bitch you'll not going to put me to sleep. Ooh yes we are you should of cooperated the first time. Before I knew it I had the incredible hulk strength. I fought two big heavy set security guards and some other doctors. I went in on all their staff in the hospital. I punched the fuck out of five people. The staff was scared to come in the room where I was.

They sent the lady in there to hold me it's okay it's okay just relaxed. Before I knew it that dirty bitch stuck me in the ass in I dropped. I tried to move I was tied down to the bed I mean tied real tight down.  The lady said hey Mrs. Erica you been out for three days are you ready to go? I looked at that bitch an took a swing but couldn't lift my hand off the bed. I hollered let me go bitch for I kill you. They put me back down in I stayed a little longer then three days. I woke up finally in said what happen to me she said you was very violent. I had to put you down twice cause you took out two of my guards and some doctors to be so little you had strength. I looked at the lady in laughed. She said you ready to go home yes? I am.  I got on the bus in headed home I feel a sleep twice before getting there. I got home in cursed my mama out for not being there to help me. Now everybody kept there eyes on me. Until I ran into the one I wanted to fight so bad. This bitch had the nerve to show her mother fucking face around me. Hmmmmm just know what goes around comes around ten times worse.