Visiting Tourists Spot

Lorraine's POV

"Which place are we going to check, Kate?" I beamed with excitement as soon as Kate walked out of her room. She looks busy with her phone and did not respond to me immediately.

"There are so many things to do here in Cebu. Most of the tourist spots are also open even though it's Saturday. I'll go check this Osmeña Peak first." I heard Kate say while walking towards the couch.

Since we arrived in this region, we have never explored most of the area yet. I quickly searched for the place she said on my phone. After the result of my search displayed on the screen, I eagerly read the description of reviews about the place.

"OMG! It says here that this is the tallest mountain peak in Cebu and it allows us to have a 360-degree view of the area! This is so cool! Let's pick this Osmeña Peak, Kate!" I said while smiling cheerfully and clicking the available photos online.

"It's a great place to visit but not today Raine. It's already late. The afternoon is not the best time to visit there. It says here that Osmeña Peak is ideal for camping and sunrise and sunset watching." Candace shouted inside her room. She just probably wakes up from her half an hour nap.

"Have you been here, Ace?" I asked her.

"Nope! But some of my online friends, a few years ago went camping in Osmeña Peak, Raine." she quickly responded.

"Oh... It's here! There is a suggestion of another place which is perfect for all of us. Our new bikinis that were just delivered the other day is perfect for this destination! Check the tourist spot called Kawasan Falls, guys! It says here that the place is a combination of a waterfall to natural swimming pools and lagoons. Here's more, we get to experience jungle trails before getting in this place!" I told them loudly while grinning from ear to ear.

"This place indeed looks fun! Go, pack your two-piece bikini or one-piece, while I will call this place Raine" Kate said without moving an inch on the couch.

"Yey!" I interjected with great happiness before I run to my room and hurriedly looked for the new bikini in my closet. I also grab a fresh towel and toiletries. After several minutes of preparing my things, I went back to the living room and wait for them.

While sitting, my legs are rapidly stomping on the floor as my body is overwhelmed with full of enthusiasm. This is my second time to go to other places in this region!

The four of us are living like people with no permanent address. We only rent an apartment and check-in from one city to another city. This is mostly because Kate travels a lot. The company that she is working with sometimes sends her to other branch locations to facilitate quality control or sometimes train the new employee. And as for the three of us, we are just like her tail. Wherever she goes, we follow.

"Are you ready?" Candace inquired with a red bag in her hand. She had completely changed her outfit.

"You look so cute and pretty, Ace!" I said while looking at her baggy white shirt inserted in her short shorts.

"Didn't I told you earlier? Just give me time to rest and you will be able to see my angelic face!" she playfully said and smiled charmingly at me. I giggled and shake my head in response to her.

"I have managed to reserve a parking space for two cars only. Candace will share a vehicle with me while you share your car with Queen, Raine." Kate said while replacing her eyeglasses with sunglasses. The two twins are so identical! The only difference is that Candace does not wear eyeglasses.

"Okay... " I agreed and stood up. I put my phone in my bag and went to Queen's room. Upon entering her room, I saw her in deep thoughts.

Even if the four of us are close friends, Kate rarely invades our personal space. She will let us solve our problems first on our ability. I know she had also noticed that Queen was bothered by something but Kate probably wants her to figure out a way for herself first. Candace on the other hand is too busy on her online gaming. Her emotional quotient could be said as the lowest among the four of us. She can notice changes in the real world but she is more sympathetic in the virtual world. Even if she saw the unusual behavior of Queen, she will usually shrug it off.

"Queen, nice outfit! Let's go! I'll drive." I called her and watched as she nodded her head and slowly picked her knapsack.

"Why are you bring so many things, Queen?" I heard Candace asked after the two of us closed the door of her room.

"I'm bringing my laptop, just in case I'll get inspired on writing later, Ace. Bleeh!" Queen answered while childishly stick her tongue out.

"Such a hardworking fella!" Candace playfully commented.

"Most hardworking award goes to... Queen!" I announced, joining Candace on teasing her. She just produces a giggle while we walk out towards the driveway with our bags.

Later on, we are driving through the busy road full of vehicles going out of the city. Kate is driving an obsidian gray car while I am utilizing a black sedan. I am tailgating Kate as her car navigates through. After several minutes, we are finally entering the south provincial jurisdiction road.

The street is almost empty and I noticed that Kate suddenly went on full speed and managed to create a great distance away from me. As I was about to step on my gas, I heard a loud sound of an engine roaring from my back then a red sports car swiftly pass through me. It was chasing Kate's car!

"Are they racing?" I subconsciously blurted out as I tried to catch them.

"They are!" I heard Queen answered.

"Oh my gosh! This is like in the anime that I watched before! Is this place has no speed limit? " I said while focussing on my speeding. It's so hard to catch the two cars ahead of me because the red one is a sports car and the obsidian gray that is owned by Kate is also modified while I am just only driving an ordinary black sedan!

Soon after, we entered a few blind curves and I got distracted on the beautiful ocean view scenery.

"Wow!" Queen and I both expressed as I subconsciously managed to slow down my speed. The color of clear water until it changes into deep blue mirroring the bright sky is completely breathtaking! I heard Queen took a deep breath on the relaxing sight.

"Oh, no! I lost track of Kate." I suddenly said after a realization dawned upon me when I look ahead and see no sign of any car anymore.

"It's fine. I'll check her on GPS." Queen chuckled while looking on her phone.

After half an hour of me full speeding, we finally reached the location of the place. I saw Queen calling Kate on her phone as I try to find her car in the parking lot.

"Where do we park?" I heard Queen asking Kate on the phone.

"Go straight on the left side of the church." I heard Kate responded as Queen placed her phone on a loudspeaker.

The place is bustling of locals and tourists. Some people are laughing out loud. Other groups are already wearing their helmet and life vests. This scene hyped my excitement to a new level.

"Yey! We are here! Let's go!" I said and we finally went out of the car. I saw Kate and Candace holding two water bottles.

"Catch!" Candace said smiling at me while throwing a water bottle on my direction.

"Oh! Thanks, Ace!" I exclaimed and manage to catch the object. Kate then properly handed another bottle to Queen.

"We will hike from here until we reached the waterfalls!" Kate said smiling and started walking. The three of us followed her from behind.

While we are silently hiking, a smile curves on my face looking at some people around us who are taking videos probably for their vlogs. Others are taking selfies and groufies. I glanced at my companion and saw Queen taking pictures of the random flowers while Candace is looking at the towering trees on the side. Kate is stiffly walking straight ahead of us.

"This is so cool! Let's take a picture guys!" I said when we reached a small bridge. I quickly took my phone out and opened my camera. The four of us then smiled widely at the front camera before I tapped the center button on it. 'Perfect!' I thought and posted our picture on my social media account.

"The sound of the water falling is so soothing! It's just like the sound effect on the virtual games." I heard Kate said while I put my phone back to my bag.