A Flirt

Kate's POV

While hiking in the jungle trails, the sound of birds chirping above the large branches of trees had made this place looks like that of a fantasy world in some cartoon movies. I am genuinely impressed with how the locals of this place managed to preserve these humongous trees which are surely the same old as my ancestors!

The sound of Candace and Lorraine talking animatedly behind my back blends with the other fellow tourists who are also as excited as us on this experience. We haven't even arrived but satisfaction is already evident in the faces of the people around.

'This is such a nice and great place!' I said in my mind and silently took a deep breath of some fresh air. Then I felt a slow vibration of my mobile phone in my left hand. I stopped on my tracks and looked at the screen notification. There was an incoming call from an unknown number.

I slowly slide my thumb in the right direction of the screen and answered the call.

"Kate speaking! Who's on the line?" I asked in a slick manner. One that I have perfectly practiced when talking to someone in the corporate world.

"Hi, ma'am Kate! You have a booking for Kawasan Adventure and I am Rie, your assigned tour guide. Ma'am, I am wearing a green T-shirt with my nameplate. I am waiting here in table 5 located at the first stage of the Kawasan Falls, please approached me directly upon your arrival." a hint of childish voice responded on the other line. Though the boyish tone sounded professional enough the person talking is definitely younger than the four us.

"Rie, we are still on the jungle trails, it may take for a while before we arrived on your place!" I told the boy in a friendly manner.

"Copy, Ma'am Kate! Take your time and enjoy the scenery!" he managed to maintain his tone and answered with enthusiasm.

"Great! See ya later, Rie. Bye." I said and ended the conversation after I heard him said goodbye on the other line.

"Who is it, Kate?" Lorraine beamed beside me.

"Our tour guide. He is waiting on your table." I smiled at her and we continue on our trails.

"Woo-hoo! This is so fun! Let's take another picture!" Lorraine said and casually throw her empty water bottle on the bin. Then she grabbed her phone and snapped a few more group pictures.

After several minutes of hiking, the sound of the water falling rapidly grows louder. Then on the distance, there was another crowd of people that were gathered on an improvised tent that provides shade to the tables. We finally arrived at the first stage of the falls. The place is completely packed! Almost all tables are occupied!

"Wow! There are so many foreigners!" I heard Candace mumbled while I am searching for our reserved table.

"Hi Ma'am! Good to meet you! Welcome to Kawasan Falls! Do you want to get a tour guide?" a man approached us politely.

"No, thank you. We have an online reservation." I told him.

"That's great! Which table did you reserve ma'am? " he inquired thoughtfully.

"Table number 5..." I answered while looking at the tables around.

"Oh, well... see that hostel on the opposite side? Table number 5 is in there. You need to take that narrow pavement and cross there." the man willingly pointed out the direction before he left us.

"Thank you!" I shouted my gratitude for his unsolicited help while glancing at his retreating figure. But my voice is drowned by the noise of my surroundings.

As we approached table number 5, I saw a small boy who is about 11 years old. He smiled at us and waved his hands. I nodded at him.

"Hi, ma'am! Are you ma'am Kate?" the boy asked.

"You are our tour guide?" Lorraine interrupted in a surprised manner.

"Yes ma'am!" the boy cheekily saluted.

"Girls, this is Rie... And Rie, that is Lorraine, Candace, and Queen." I introduced them.

"Are you allowed to work?" Lorraine inquired again.

"Oh, I am not working ma'am. This is our family business. We owned the small hostel and this area with the table around." the young boy casually explained as if he is used to telling this line with every tourist he meets.

"Oh... Okay." Lorraine said and grabbed a chair. Queen and Candace follows her and sat while silently looking at the water flowing down the cliff.

My eyes traveled on the number of people who are walking on the narrow stairs on the cliff. Some are going up while others are going down.

"This is stage one of the Kawasan falls, ma'am. You can go on the bamboo rafting activity here. Basically, you just ride a bamboo raft to get closer on the falling water. We can also climb the second stage. If you are into bungee jumping, you will like it there. The third stage is where you see the source of the water." The boy narrated formally.

"Yey! Let's go bamboo rafting!" Lorraine said.

"There are six shower rooms situated in that area. You can change and wear life vest as well as a helmet." the young boy said and pointed his index fingers on the side of the hostel.

My three companions directly stood up and sauntered towards the shower room. I placed my bag on the table and secretly looked at the young tour guide who is looking at the retreating figures of my friends.

"How long have you been started helping in your family business Rie?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I grow up in here ma'am. I am very familiar with this place. When all our tour guides are fully booked, I including my brothers would do the job." he answered with confidence. He sounded so mature for his appearance and age.

"How about your parents?" I could not help but ask a follow-up question.

"They are in heaven, watching us." the boy said and maintained his composure. But as soon as I heard his response, a wave of sympathy dawned upon me! I nod my head in understanding and did not speak anymore.

The three were already in their bikinis when they came out of the shower room. Watching how the three of them snatched the attention of the people around is not surprising. The girls are natural head turners! They have maintained a good diet and regular exercise to stay in perfect shape.

While the people around looked at them with appreciative eyes, I saw our young tour guide frowned at their direction.

"Ma'am, I will require you to wear protective gear." the young boy said in a worried tone.

"Oh, don't worry! We will wear them later after we snapped a few pictures." Lorraine playfully said and laughed. The boy nods at her then laughed as well.

"You're too young to get worried, Rie. Don't mind them, they know how to swim." I joked at him when the three started doing their photoshoot session on the pool of natural waters.

"As your tour guide, it is his responsibility to secure our guest's safety." a stern voice suddenly sounded from my back. I turned my head and saw a good looking man wearing a serious face.

"Bro, your back! Ma'am this is Kristoff, my eldest brother." the young boy casually introduced before he jumped and hug the man.

"Go and guard your guests." the man ordered the boy.

"Yes, sir!" the young boy replied. I felt like I want to say a protest along the line that I am also a guest too! But I managed to pursed my lips as I look at our young tour guide went on the side of the pool looking at my friends. Then I saw Lorraine handing her phone to him. He probably offered to take photos of the three.

"Siblings?" I heard the man asked and I looked at him as he casually grabbed a chair and sat opposite to me.

"The one wearing pink is my twin, Candace. The other one with the color red is Queen and the one with the color peach is Lorraine. The two are family." I found myself answering his question with no reservation.

"Yours?" he casually asked.

"I'm Kate." I plainly stated my name.

"Mmmn... And?" I heard him asked again and saw an expectant expression on his face. I raised my right brow and looked straight in his eyes for a brief second. I saw his eyes checked me out and then it sank in my mind what he was asking! For some reason unknown to me, I did not felt offended. I just sat there and genuinely laughed.

"You flirt with your guests?" I said after several seconds of laughing and chuckled on the idea.

"Ahh, just the one sitting opposite to me. So, do tell me yours?" he paused and shrugged his shoulders while sending a wink. I returned his wink and smiled but did not speak anymore.

"I guess, I'll find it out later, Kate" I heard him speak and I shook my head at him then looked away. The sun is starting to burn my cheeks!