A Text Message

Queen's POV

Looking at Kate while she dramatically drags her feet towards her car is quite a scene to see. Lorraine is standing behind pushing her waist forward while giggling. For some reason, shopping is Kate's archenemy. She told us once that she would rather go on mountain climbing than spending time in the mall!

"Kate, let's share a ride!" Lorraine smiled evilly as if adding salt to a wound.

Kate likes cars. Ironically, she sometimes does not like driving. It is somehow similar to a person who likes to eat but does not like to cook! She has a lot of perks just like everyone else and she does not conceal them.

"Ha Ha!" Kate eyed Lorraine and laughed sarcastically while opening her vehicle. She is holding her cute succulent in her left hand which I assumed, she will place it in her car.

"Come on Kate! Let us save mother earth!" Lorraine insisted while grinning at her.

"Bleeeh..." Kate shook her head and playfully sticks her tongue to Lorraine. I could not help but giggle at her childish expression.

"We can save mother earth and we can also save money. There are too many advantages to count in sharing a ride, Kate!" Lorraine said and started counting on her fingers as she tries to convince her.

"Get in." Kate finally complied. She presses a button on her car and the steering wheel gradually sinks in until it became part of the front interior wall.

"Yey!" Lorraine beamed and I silently walked behind her. Candace climbed on the passenger seat while we are in the back seat.

"Phantom, drive to the nearest mall." I heard Kate commanded her car.

Yes, her car has an autonomous feature. It can maneuver and drive on its own. It's also voice-activated, which makes it cooler than our usual car.

The green lights flash quickly above us signaling the change of driving mode. Then our direction was suddenly displayed on the screen in front.

"Hi, phantom!" Lorraine suddenly speaks and taps the car seat.

"Hello, guests! Welcome!" a robotic sound filled the car in response to the greeting Lorraine made.

"How are you, phantom?" Lorraine continued asking playfully.

"Very well, thank you! How about you?" the robotic voice command replied.

Kate shook her head yet listened to the little talk of Lorraine and her car. Not long after, we are on the road. The four of us are on our phone. I subconsciously took a peek at my story.

It was our third time riding together with Kate in her car and each time always felt incredible! The whole ride was silent until we arrived at the parking lot of the mall.

"I meant to ask, Kate. Why do you dislike shopping?" I ask Kate out of curiosity while we started strolling.

"I can see too many mistakes in one vicinity. For example, the guard at the entrance did not greet us. It is usually a standard protocol to greet customers." Kate replied while she quickens her pacing.

"You just see it Kate because you have four eyes! I didn't even notice that." Lorraine joked and Candace laughed.

"Maybe my job has grown me. Anyway, I could not judge the guard since there are hundreds of customers passing in the entrance every day. It's a tough job." Kate sighed while we check different boutique stall displays.

I look around as we pass to a different crowd of people. Some are about the same age as me while others are older or group of family.

"Oh, I like that gold dress!" Lorraine suddenly yelled and pointed at the mannequin wearing a cute elegant dress accentuated with gold fabric.

We quickly entered the boutique where the dress is displayed. Kate went straight to the couch on the corner and sat there while Candace and I roamed around. Lorraine directly asks the staff to fit the dress of her choice.

"You will look good in that green gown, Queen..." Candace suggested and pointed out the dress at the right corner.

"I plan to wear casual dress. That's too formal." I responded and continued glancing around.

"Then, I will wear that, Its kinda formal event Queen..." Candace replied and asked the staff to take the gown.

As I proceeded to check the other dress, I noticed three other customers come inside the boutique. I didn't pay much attention and continue my search.

An touch of lilac dress with a playful design was displayed in a glass caught my attention. There is a staff standing beside it.

"Excuse me, can I try this dress?" I politely asked.

"Yes, ma'am. This way please." the staff replied and lead me to another fitting room.

As I am about to pull my top, my phone rings. I quickly grabbed it out from my sling bag.

I frowned when I saw the number on the screen. It is unregistered. I reluctantly accepted the call.

"Hello?... Hello, who's this?" I asked but the other line remains silent.

"Hello?" I repeated but did not hear anything so I decided to drop the call.

When I put my phone inside my bag, I heard a notification sound for a text message.


I rolled my eyes in annoyance and check my inbox.

It was the same number as the one who called me, minutes ago! When I opened the message, I was frozen reading its content!

"You look good in person than in your profile picture."

I'm sure everyone wants to be complemented with this kind of words but the way this compliment was delivered freaks me out on a different level!

"This is my number for my personal use! How come a stranger manages to know my contact information?" I secretly asked myself. I stared on the screen for a little longer before putting the phone back in my sling bag.

I quickly went out of the fitting room holding the dress. The staff waiting outside looked at me confused. She might be wondering why I am not fitting the dress.

"I'll take this. Please wrap it for me." I said in rush and handed the dress to the staff. Without waiting for any response, I walked quickly towards Kate.

"You look pale. What happened?" Kate asked me as I took a seat beside her.

"Kate, someone sent a text on my number! It's so weird!" I told her. Nervousness is evident in my shaky voice.

Kate just stared at me as if assessing me inch by inch.

"Calm down." I heard her say.

"It's a creepy text! Look!" I said again as if trying to make her understand why I am shaking in fear.

As I handed my phone to Kate, the same text notification sound echoed on my phone.


I looked at the notification number and saw that it was the same disturbing number!

"Take care love. Enjoy shopping!"

"What the heck!" I exclaimed and looked around the area. No one looks suspicious!

This time, even Kate frowned after reading the message! She did not have much reaction but she grabbed her phone and took a picture of my phone screen.

While I started panicking, Candace and Lorraine walked out of the fitting room while holding their dress of choice.

"You look like you have seen a ghost, Queen." I heard Lorraine commented.

"Pay all your dresses, we will go back now!" Kate said while typing something on her phone.

"But why?" Lorraine asked. I could not voice out the reason. I also felt bad for Raine to put an end to her enjoyment.

"We need to go somewhere, Raine..." Kate responded and stood up.

After paying our stuff, I quickly walk behind the back of Kate. The four of us headed out of the mall. I tried to inhale some oxygen to relax my composure.

As we walked into the parking lot, I noticed two guys standing near Kate's car.

"Do I know you?" Kate looked at them and asked. The two guys just looked back at us before they left without saying a word.

"What is happening?" Lorraine asked in her confused tone.

"Queen received an anonymous text message, Raine. We will file a police report." I heard Kate answered as she climbs in her car.

"Oh, what if it is your mom Queen?" I heard Candace asked me. I only shook my head then handed her my phone to show the messages.

"What the -?" Candace said in surprise.

"Phantom, drive us to the nearest police station!" Kate started as soon as we settled inside her car.

As the car makes its way to the traffic, I stared blankly at each building that we passed by. Anxiety is slowly eating me somewhere deep inside.

The police station may sound like we are overreacting but Kate is always particular when it comes to our safety. She would not allow any chance of us to be in danger.

The day I told my parents that I am leaving our house and stay together with Kate, they had a one on one talk with my parents. I did not know the details of their conversation but I am sure that my parents made Kate feel like she is responsible for my life.

I took a glance at the front seat and saw Candace is playing some game on her phone. Kate is staring straight on the road with a serious expression on her face. I bet there are hundreds of thoughts running on her mind right now. Lorraine is surprisingly quiet beside me.