Never Summon the Scary Kate!

Kate's POV

As I glanced at Queen, her demeanor suggested how she felt. Her expression looks in between guilt and regret.

"It's good that she stumbled on the dark phase of social media as early as her age. Kate may be the youngest but she is smart. This experience will teach her a valuable lesson." I told myself secretly while checking the post she had made.

"I think you need to deactivate your account for a while, Kate. The post is creating a scandalous image of you." I heard Lorraine told her in a worried tone.

"Yeah, some of these people are misinterpreting your post and creating a different context from it! It's ridiculous!" Candace added as she also browsed at the comments.

None of us speaks for a while. Tears have started to fall on Queen's face and she tried to wipe it as subtly as she can.

"These comments are so disgusting!" Lorraine broke the silence.

"Why did you posted this in the first place?" Candace asked softly.

"Oh... Uhm, I just want to have an idea for my next chapter?" Queen answered innocently.

"What?" Lorraine shrieked in disbelief.

Candace also stared at Queen with her jaw opened.

"There is nothing wrong--..." I started to speak but was cut off by the alarm bell in our gate.

"Ding! Dong!"

"Hold on... While I get the person outside, you start deactivating your account, Queen. As for the two of you, don't bother replying to those comments. Raine, try to contact Dale and have him come here. Ace, contact anyone you know who can put those posts down." I instructed them before I walked out of the living room.

Outside, another delivery man is standing.

"Good afternoon, ma'am. Package and parcel for Blue de Apartelle." the man said politely.

"Hi! Yes, this is Blue de Apartelle. We are not expecting for any delivery, who is the sender of the package?" I asked the delivery man since none of us had a pending order in online shopping.

"The package is addressed to Ms. Kate. The sender is Mr. Nate." I slightly smiled upon hearing the delivery man's replied.

"Yes, that's me. How about the other parcel?" I inquired while taking the small box from Garden La Veronica that Nate sent me.

"There are two letters here ma'am. This one is sent from The Regency. The other one does not have a return address." the delivery man slightly frowned while holding the envelope with no return address. He flips it over but did not see anything.

"I'll take the one sent from The Regency. The other one can be sent back to whoever is the sender of that parcel. I'm sure your company has the sender's information." I told the man before turning my back at him.

"Thank you, ma'am." I heard him say.

"Oh, and if you can indicate in your system for future reference, could you please put a notice that Blue de Apartelle does not accept deliveries without a return address!" I called the man before I closed the door behind me.

The Regency is the company where I worked. Judging by the thickness of the envelope, I can guess that they are sending an invitation to some sort of event.

I placed the letter on the counter and joined the girls back in the living room holding the box that I got from Nate.

"What's that?" Lorraine asked with enthusiasm as she pointed her fingers on the box.

"It's from Nate, Raine..." I replied while smiling, removing the previous tension in the room.

"Awe! Open it!" Lorraine beamed with excitement.

I opened the box and saw a beautiful tiny succulent in it.

"That is so cute, Kate!" Queen commented.

"That man is giving me a responsibility!" I said as I examined the cute plant in my hands.

"Oh, it's kind of sweet gesture. Yiiiee!" Lorraine started to grin widely.

I eyed on her and placed the plant upon the center table.

"Have you called Dale, Raine?" I eyed her.

"Yes, ma'am! But he is busy today, he said he can come over next week." Lorraine answered cheerfully. She shifts her mood from being worry to being happy automatically!

"How about you, Queen? Did you deactivate your account?" I looked at her and she nodded her head quietly.

"Typhoon will handle the post. He said it will be gone before we finished this discussion." Candace speak and began to get busy with her game.

"Wow! That sounds reliable!" Lorraine commented and watched my sister play on her phone.

"There is nothing wrong if you want to explore writing smut, Queen. But you have to think of what is proper and what is right." I looked at Queen more seriously.

"Give it a few more years before exploring it. And based on the outline of the drafts that you have sent me, it's too early for you to introduce your character to such scenes." I added as she listened eagerly.

"What is not too early, Kate?" Lorraine asked while tilting her head as if she is answering the hardest puzzle in the world.

"Oh, that would depend entirely on the owner of the characters! But if it would be me, I say... Hmmm, maybe in the third book?" I playfully answered and smirked on Lorraine.

"You got to be kidding me! How?" Queen asked with her tone full of curiosity.

"Depends on how far you set your limit, Queen! To be an author, your imagination should be as vast as the universe. The possibilities in your mind must be boundless! As for me, that's not my line of work. So, that's for you to discover along the way!" I shrugged and answered her truthfully.

"Yeah, Kate's job is to find a mistake from other people!" I heard Lorraine giggled and said softly to Queen's ears. As if she is telling Queen a secret but she also deliberately let me hear it.

"Speaking of mistake, I hope you have learned your lesson, Queen. Don't make me point it out, otherwise, this house will flood with your tears." I told her and she raises her thumbs.

"Do not summon the scary Kate! She can transform into a witch." My twin sister joked while playing on her phone.

I slightly laughed at her humor though it could be true. Most people around me have complained about how strict I am. Well, I love reporting mistakes and correcting people. Others just don't understand that I intend to bring out the best in them.

"The bed scenes were demanded by my readers, Kate." I heard Queen finally said what's bothering her.

"The characters are in your own hands, Queen. It's good to be open-minded but do not overlook the fact that you are the authority of this story, you don't need any validation from someone else." I told her then suddenly I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

I looked on the screen and saw that Nate was calling.

"Excuse me, girls..." I said and took my plant from the center table before I walk towards my room.

Then I slide on the right side of my phone screen, answering Nate's call.

"How can you send me a succulent?" I directly confronted him. I heard him laugh loudly for a long time.

"Hahahaha... You better take care of that. You can place it inside your phantom." he suggested.

Phantom is the name of my car. It was modified 3 years ago by some company who happened to be owned by Nate. He didn't told me before, but now I am suspicious that he was the one who personally modified it.

"Did you modified my phantom, Nate?" I asked him to confirm my suspicion. He laughed again.

"Yes, I did. It's not yet too late to express your compliments." I heard him say.

"You did great, Nate!" I said in a genuine tone.

I remember telling him during our first meeting that I want to own a car that can drive on its own and at the same time has a speed of a racing car. The car must look ordinary as well. He had completely done it to my phantom.

"The ecstasy of being complimented by a perfectionist! It's euphoric!" he playfully said in a teasing tone.

I laughed at him and did not speak anything. We enjoyed the silence, it's not awkward. It's more comforting when I talked with Nate.

"Baby, I'll expect to see you on Monday evening at The Regency? There is a car show event in there." I heard Nate mumbled. Then I suddenly remember the envelope that was delivered earlier.

"It's your company holding the event?" I inquired.

"Not really, I'm just a guest there. Bring your friends, if they have nothing to do." Nate replied.

"They will surely tag along, Nate..." I affirmed.

After almost an hour of talking over the phone, I told the girls about our Monday arrangement. Lorraine got a solid alibi and insisted on going to the mall to get our outfit. I shook my head at her persistence and finally agreed.