Unusual Morning

Queen's POV

Sunday morning, I was awakened by the loud laughter of Lorraine and Candace outside. I stretched my body comfortably and stared at the ceiling for a little while. Then I grabbed my phone to check the time only to realize that the battery is dead. I got up in bed and smiled as I heard their laughter got stronger. They are probably playing in MMORPG ADVANCE. I plug my phone and charge it before heading out of my room.

"Good morning, Queen!" Lorraine greeted with her usual hype mode.

"Morning Queen..." Candance said in between her smile.

"Good morning guys, what are you doing?" I stopped and took a peek on Lorraine's mobile screen. She willingly shows the game to me.

"We are in PVP (Player vs Player) Arena, Queen. We entered the duo mode. Candace is making fools of some random guys who provoked her earlier." Lorraine explained while looking at her screen.

As I look at the screen, I saw Candace's character throws a skill to their opponent. The other guy fights back and throws a sidekick at her character but Candace managed to dodge the attack.

"Hahahahaha You know Queen, Candace had been dodging his kicks since from the start. This poor guy does not learn his lesson and keeps repeating the same attack over and over. What a fool! Hahahaha" Lorraine stated while laughing.

As Lorraine laughed again, someone from the opposite building of our apartment shouted in a frustrating voice.

"Whoever demon is laughing at me right now, may you choke and die from your laughter!" this voice echoed not only in the neighborhood but also to the speaker of her phone.

"Oh my gosh, your opponent lives in the opposite building!" I commented quietly.

"And is cursing you to be choked and die from laughing, Raine!" Candace emphasized giggling while still playing in the game.

"Whoever is shouting this early in the morning, come out and I will beat you for disturbing my sleep and deliver you to the death's door!" another voice from an old lady on the other side of the building shouted in anger.

"Shut up!" the frustrated voice responded.

"You shut up!" the voice of the old lady answered.

"Well, this morning is rather unusual! Our neighbors are shouting! And someone is cursing Raine." I said and saw that their opponent had left them in the arena.

"Aha! The arrogant guy conceded! Queen, let's take a trio quest! Anyway, I don't mind having that kind of death. I'll die happy! " Lorraine casually said.

"I can't, Raine. My phone is in a low bat. I am still charging it." I replied to her and started walking slowly to the kitchen area.

"Oh, later then." she casually responded.

"By the way, my mom is already organizing my birthday. I have included you all to the guest lists and Kate's boyfriend." I told them. Candace gives me a quick thumbs-up before she puts her attention back to her game.

"Oh my! We should go shopping, today!" Lorraine beamed and put down her phone. I looked at her as she also walks towards the dining area.

"Kate, let's go to the mall!" she sweetly said to Kate who is holding a ladle and is scooping a soup in a big bowl.

"Arranged the plates on the table, Raine! Some guys moved in yesterday in the opposite building." Kate answered not minding what Lorraine told her.

I pulled four plates on the shelf and handed it to Lorraine. She then arranged them and placed the utensils.

"Did you send me your draft, Queen? I didn't receive anything last night." I heard Kate asked me.

"Oh, I fell asleep and did not write anything, Kate. Our trip took out all my energy yesterday!" I explained and took a seat. I saw Kate nodded her head.

"Those guys were our opponent earlier in the game, Kate. Candace taught them a lesson." Lorraine said while stirring her coffee.

"Breakfast, Ace!" Kate then called her twin sister before sitting down.

"I want to go shopping in the mall, Kate! Ace, let's go shopping!" Lorraine looked at Kate with puppy eyes and shifted her gaze to Candace who just entered the room.

"We can play a quest and get vouchers to use online shopping, Raine!" Candace chirped while grabbing her food.

"But going to the mall is fun!" Lorraine pouted.

"How about you take care of our grocery next time, Raine?" I joked at her.

"Oh... let's go to the mall and grab some groceries after shopping, Queen!" Lorraine cheerfully suggested. I giggled at her while placing food on my plate.

"Ah! Delicious!" Candace complimented as she took a sip of soup. I saw Kate roll her eyes and shook her head smiling at her. We continued eating our breakfast silently while savoring its taste.

After eating our breakfast, Candace and Lorraine went to their game again. Kate went to our driveway to clean her car. Yes, you read it right! She cleans her car instead of driving it to a car wash shop. She reasons that her car is modified and she did not allow other people to touch it or see its modifications.

I went back to my room and took a hot shower. After half an hour, I turn on my phone and put my usual red t-shirt.

"Ding! Dong!" I heard our alarm bell on the front gate rang but I did not mind it as Kate is in our driveway.

The screen of my phone lit up followed by a series of ping notification sound.

"Ping! Ping! Ping!" 50x

I frowned as the notification bell continues to echo from my phone.

"Why would I get so many notifications?" I mumbled to myself.

I slowly tapped on my screen and opened the social media account. Then with full of curiosity, I clicked the notification button.

As I read each notification message, my eyes widened! To say I am surprised is an understatement! A soft gasp escaped my lips.

Stevern91 posted a comment on your post 8 hrs ago: Willing to help sweetie...come here, I'll teach you everything! We will enjoy every detail!

abcz_author posted a comment on your post 7 hrs ago: How do you like to learn? Experience is the best teacher babe. I don't mind sharing my knowledge with a queen!

Karrl85 posted a comment on your post 8 hrs ago: Oh yeah! A scene in bed is easy... Chat me and I'll share my knowledge for free.... If you know what I mean. Hehehe

MVstoriex1 posted a comment on your post 8 hrs ago: Bed scene is it? Hmmm, I can give you a free demo baby!

The comments have reached more than a hundred! Some of the messages that I read are mortifying and sent chills to my bones as I kept on reading!

"What have I done?" I told to myself and quickly deleted my post. My heart beats so fast and I took a few deep breaths to calm myself.

A few minutes passed and I stared blankly at my phone. I heard Kate's voice outside talking to someone.

"We don't accept deliveries without returned address." Kate must be talking to a delivery guy. I looked at the window and saw a man with a delivery truck standing outside our gate.

"Ma'am, I am just doing my job. This parcel is delivered with a special request from the sender." The man explained.

"I want to know who is the sender, boss!" Kate said in her tough voice.

"We have data privacy policy ma'am. I cannot disclose the information about the sender." The man told Kate in an apologetic tone.

"I have a concern with my safety more than your data privacy policy! If you cannot tell me the information about the sender, you can go back and return the item. Let us not waste our time." Kate responded sternly and walked away from the gate. The man just stared at her for a while before he drove his truck away.

At this point, I have no idea why Kate was angry with the delivery man. But after she finished cleaning her car, she called us to have a serious talk. As the four of us are sitting in the living room, Kate was silent for a while.

"Queen, you are trending online!" Candace said and show me a post that is being shared thousands of times. It was the post I made last night!

"Let me see! Whoah... What is this help me make a bed scene post Queen?" Lorraine asked with disbelief as she looked at the screen.

I sat there in silence, trying to organize my response. Kate stared at the phone for a long time. She is probably reading the comments on it.

"I have deleted that post, guys..." I told them quietly.

"Yeah, it's not your original post. This is a screenshot of your original post, Queen." Candace stated while Lorraine nods her head repeatedly. Somehow, I looked down on the floor and could not meet them in the eye.