Daily Life: Makoto

Makoto's POV

After we parted ways from the cafe I decided to stop by a nearby bookstore before going back home.

I entered the bookstore and browsed through the different sections. When I was browsing through the different books I noticed a book that seems to be one of my sister's books.

"Oh wow this looks better than the previous volume must be nice being famous, good luck sis"

I continue to browse through the store looking for a book that i want to buy, and this usually goes for hours cause there are so many good and interesting books but i can only buy with the money i have "I guess treating three people isn't healthy for my wallet oh well"

"Aww this book looks cute but that one look interesting aaaghh which one should i buy?" I thought to myself.

"Then there is only one way to decide" I said then I looked at my surroundings making sure nobody nearby was looking at me.

I took a coin from my pocket "heads for interesting tails for cute" I flipped the coin up into the air and caught it.

"Tails! 'The cat beyond time' it is then hehe" I took the book and brought it to the counter and paid for it. I barely have enough money but it's all worth it.

After that i got out of the store while looking at how much leftover money i have "Not enough huh?" I let out a sigh "Looks like i'm walking home luckily it's not that far.

I was planning to go home by taxi but because i'm short on money i have no other choice than to walk.

Well it's not so bad cause i enjoy exploring, you know what they say 'interesting thing happens only when you slow down' i'm not sure if that is actually what people say but whatever hehe.

As I walked down the road whilst checking my phone for interesting travel locations suddenly I bumped into someone and fell down.

"Ow ow ow"

"Miss, are you okay?" A voice of a young man called out to me "I'm sorry i wasn't looking at where i was going" I said as i got up "H-how about you? A-are you okay?" I asked back concerned.

"I'm okay too, again i'm sorry" He bowed down as a sign of apologizing.

"Hey hey it's no biggie calm down" I said reassuringly.

"I'm sorry but i have to go now bye" He says as he runs.

"Huh? Must be a really busy person" I thought to myself.

"Oh shoot it's getting late" I immediately began to run until I reached home.

"I'm hooome!" I shouted as I entered my house "Sis? You home?" I shouted again calling for my older sister.

"Welcome home Makoto what is it?!" A voice of a grown girl can be heard from the second floor.

Not long after that my sister came down a 20 year old college girl with a straight brown hair, and a noticeable panda eyes from all the all nighter she's been doing, and a rising Novelist named Shinjo Yuna also known as 'YunaYuki'

"I bought some coffee from the cafe I visited with my friends. Do you want some?" I offered.

"Ahh nice timing thanks Makoto i'm really in a mood for some coffee right now" She took the coffee i offered and sat down in the living room with her laptop ready.

"Ohh this tastes really great" She said.

"Right? Next time you are free i'll treat you for some more, you really need to taste their special menu" I said.

"Then I better finish this fast then, ahh~ this coffee really puts me at ease" She said while taking a sip of the coffee and continued to type one her laptop.

"Hehe glad you like it, oh by the way i saw your book at the bookstore today it's just released isn't it?" I asked.

"Yeah" She replied short.

"It is selling really well, says sis i wonder what's it like being a famous writer?" I asked.

"It's very tiring" She replied.

"Ahh hahaha" I laughed awkwardly.

"But I don't really mind. I enjoy writing a lot, being able to share my fantasies and imaginations with other people and seeing their reaction is really satisfying" She explained with a smile.

"Ohh really?" I asked.

"Uh huh it's very frustrating at first with all the critics despite all those time i've been writing and fixing over and over again i remembered that time me and my editor didn't sleep for 3 days straight"

"But after i went through all that, the happiness that comes after the struggles, the satisfaction from the readers reaction it was all worth the time and effort, i mean to be honest everything is fun as long you are doing what you like to do"

"You've really become just like mother sis. I bet both mom and dad will be proud of you" I say.

"Ahaha this is still nothing but I do hope they are happy" She said.

Me and my sister have been living alone ever since our parents when we were still in junior highschool because of an accident.

After that my sister has been taking all the responsibility, i always see her working hard all day and all i can do is pray for her.

After we grew up I started taking over house work and my sister became a novelist. I'm glad that I can help her even if just a little.

I walked over to my sister and sat down next to her and lean on her shoulder "I miss mom and dad" I said then she wraps her arms around me "Me too i miss both of them too"

Tears flowed from our eyes longing for our parents, we stayed like that for a few moments.

"C'mon stop crying i bought you your favorite pudding using my earnings today its in the fridge go ahead" She said

"Really? Yes!" I jumped out of the couch and went towards the fridge and took the pudding.

I stared at the pudding for a moment then looked back at my sister that is currently typing on her laptop with a serious expression "I love you sis" I whispered and proceeded to go to my room and eat the pudding.

It is now 8pm at this time. I usually go to the river nearby to take pictures of the stars so I changed my clothes, grabbed my camera and went over there.

A calm field illuminated by fireflies and night sky painted with millions of stars no sight is more beautiful than this.

This place is my favorite spot in the entire world. I might be over exaggerating a bit but I came here a lot just to either think about stuff or just chill when I'm bored.

Me, my sister, my mom, and dad used to visit this place often when we were little so this place holds many memories. I wish I could go back to those days.

I sat there and took some pictures of the view and after that I left, and while on the way home I was spacing out.

Then without me knowing a car is speeding towards me and then.

"Hey!!!" A man shouted and pulled me away and we both fell down.

"Hahhh hahh hahh are you okay?" I panicked and immediately got up and bow down multiple times.

"I'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry!!" I apologized.

"No no it's okay anyways are you hurt anywhere?" He asked.

"No i'm-i'm fine, wait , aren't you–?" I noticed that the guy that saved me was the guy that I bumped into earlier.

"Oh it's you, You're the girl I bumped into earlier , what are you doing here?" He asked.

I told him what happened and he nodded.

"Next time be careful okay? I need to go now see ya" He said as he's about to leave.

"Wait before you go, what's your name?" I asked him.

He stopped "Me? My name is Naoto, Sakami Naoto you can call me Naoto" He introduced himself.

"I'm Shinjo Makoto. I owe you one" I bow again.

"Like I said it's okay," He replied reassuringly.

He then soon walked away and left me.

I then started walking my way back home, when I entered there was nobody in the living room so I assumed that my sister was back in her room.

I took a shower, got changed, and sat down on top of my bed in my room.

"Haaaah!! Gosh you're so stupid you are lucky he was there haaah" I said to myself.

I sat down at my desk and opened my diary.

"Dear diary, As expected you can never predict what's going to happen in life it's full of unexpected turns of event you will be sitting alone for a moment and without you knowing you might meet someone unexpected"

"The amount of hello and goodbyes in this world are like the amount of stars in the sky, Today i met a really nice guy named Sakami Naoto i bumped into him on the street and the next thing i know he saved my life"

After I finished writing I closed the diary,turned off the lights and lay down on my bed.

I let out a sigh "I wonder if i will be able to meet him again" I thought to myself as i closed my eyes and slept as the moon Shines brighter fly higher signaling the end of the day.