Daily life: Shin

Shin's POV

After we part ways from the cafe the day went by pretty quickly and nothing particularly special happened after I left so I decided to go straight home and went to bed.

The next day I woke up with a shock it's already 9 pm and i'm almost late for school. I rushed to the shower grab my uniform and rushed straight to school.

I barely made it to school on time,when I arrived at the school gate Ai was waiting for me.

"Took you long enough brother" She crossed her arms with an upset expression on her face.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked.

"Why should i? Didn't I tell you yesterday? That I will leave without you the next time you overslept? So i left and let you have your beauty sleep hmph!" I can tell she is upset yet cares about me. I guess I should be more mindful next time.

"Okay okay i'm sorry i'll try to not be late next time" I apologized.

"Promise?" She asked.

I nodded "Hmm I promise" I replied.

We both walk inside the school, and along the way we talk a bit to each other about random stuff.

"Ohh by the way is Makoto and the other already here?" I asked.

"You think? You're the only one late today brother" She replied.

"Hey i said i'm sorry" I said

"Hmph" She pouted.

We parted ways into each other's classroom, I opened the doors to my classroom and luckily the teacher isn't here yet.

I let out a sigh of relief and saw Makoto and Shishiro talking to each other and I approached and called them.

"Makoto! Shishi!"

"Ahh there you are! You never been this late before what happened?" Makoto asked worriedly.

"Ahh well about that umm..." I scratched the back of my head "I overslept hehehe" I said embarrassed.

"Geez what were you doing all night?" She asked again.

"I was watching a movie till late hehe" I replied again.

"Seriously?" She asked, surprised.

"Now don't make a ruckus so early in the morning I'm just glad you're okay. I thought you were sick or something Shin" Says Shishiro.

"Don't worry i'm perfectly fine just a little tired of running here but otherwise i'm fine" I replied reassuringly.

We continued to talk for a few moments then the sound of the classroom door opening can be heard and a tall woman entered the room.

"Alright students, good morning for the time being P.E class will be changed with biology due to the teacher being sick so let's not waste any precious time and please open your book and I'll be taking your homework after class" She said.

Hearing the announcement some students let out a sigh of relief and some sounded frustrated.

I didn't mind having a sudden schedule change because this time I actually finished my homework. I guess luck is on my side.

After 1 hour the lecture was finished and the bell rang signaling break time, All students immediately went to their group to chat or go to the cafeteria or wherever.

I was about to take a stroll like how I always do but midway i met Shishiro with a handful of bread.

"Yo Shishiro did you buy all of that?" I asked.

"Ahh Shin hello umm no of course not" She replied.

Shishiro is pretty no wonder she got many fans giving her gifts.

"Do you need help with that?" I asked.

"Umm y-yes if it doesn't trouble you" She Replied.

"Meh it's the perfect timing. I'm hungry right now anyways" I replied.

"But even if it's the both of us i don't think we will be able finish it all–"

"Shishi! Shin! Yuhuu" Makoto approached us from a distance.

"Oh my Shishi did you buy all that? You sure have quite the appetite" She asked.

"No i do nooott!" Shishiro yelled.

Makoto giggled "Hihihi I'm just messing with you. Can I have some? I'm starving and i forgot to bring my lunch today"

"Yeah you know what let's eat all of this together let's all!" Shishiro said smiling.

"Hey hey you guys aren't going to leave me behind right?" Ai said as she came towards us.

"Great even better now we are all together! lets go to the field and eat together!" Said Shishiro.

The four of us went to the school field. There is a big sakura tree at the center of the field and we sat at the bottom of the tree where the breeze gave us a calm feeling.

We each took a bread,opened the pack and took a bite.

"Huh? this melon bread tastes really good!" Says Makoto.

"This choco bread too it's very good. I can tell this is homemade" I said.

"You know I feel bad for the people who made this and giving it to Shishi. They make bread this good but in the end it doesn't work quite as they intended it" Ai said.

"I didn't ask them to give this to me so it's their fault but I can't deny the taste though" Says Shishiro.

We continued to eat and talk, as the time passed.

"I wonder how long it has been since we all ate together like this," Shishiro said.

"Come to think of it you are right, When was it again? Was it junior high?" I said.

"No i believe we stopped at 6th grade i remember back then Ai was so short heheh" Says Makoto.

"Hey i'm not short my body just grew a bit late that's all" Ai replied.

We all laughed, we continued to talk about the past, We talked about our embarrassing accident, Our emotional moments.

Time flew by and then the school bell rang once again.

"Aww break is over already?" Says Makoto disappointed.

"At least we manage to finish the bread hahaha" Says Shishiro.

"Hmm yeah it was really delicious" I said.

"Hey all of you we're going to be late for class Mr.Stephan is next on your schedule right? Better hurry" Says Ai that is already ahead of us.

"Oh shoot I forgot we are with Mr.Stephan after this" I say panicked.

"We better not be late, let's hurry. I don't want to be scolded by father cmon" Says Shishiro.

We all dashed towards our class as expected. Mr.Stephan is already inside but the lecture hasn't started.

Mr.Stephan usually talks with students for a few moments before he starts teaching.

"Ohh hello you three how's your break?" He asked.

"It was great!" Makoto said.

"Good please go ahead and take a seat. The lesson is about to start" He said.

"Okay Mr.Stephan" We all replied, We went to our seat and prepare for the lecture.

The lecture today went by like a normal explanation, equation and then done.

The bell rang once again and with that the school was over.

I packed all my stuff and went over to Shishiro and Makoto.

"Hey wanna go somewhere today?" I asked

"I don't think so i'll go home quick today i have something to do" Makoto declined

"Me too, I don't think I have time today," Shishiro declined as well.

"Oh okay no problem" I said.

The three of us went over to Ai's class and walked together to the school gate.

"Okay we'll see you guys tomorrow i guess bye guys" I said.

"Bye~" Makoto and Shishiro replied.

We all separated, Shishiro was picked up by her private driver while Makoto took a taxi whilst me and Ai walked home together.

5 minutes later we arrived at home and we were welcomed by a surprised.

"Ohh son,daughter, welcome home" A tall man with an office suit is sitting at the dining table with a coffee in hand.

"Dad!" Both me and Ai shouted.

"Hehe surprised? The manager was going to his friend's wedding so I can take a day off today. I bought some donuts want some?" He offered.

"Yeah!" I rushed and ate donuts.

This is our father Narukami Areka, a busy man that rarely has time to come home but he is a really kind man.

"Ai father bought you some new dolls" He took out semi large puppet dolls from a plastic bag "Do you like it?" It's a white teddy bear

"Awww it's sooo cute thanks dad!" Ai rushed and hugged him.

"Hahaha it was on sale so i thought why not i'm glad you liked it" He said.

"Like it? i love it thanks again dad" Ai said while squeezing the doll tight.

"Dad have you eaten yet? I'll make dinner mom should be home in another minute let's make a surprise you haven't told her you'll be home right?" I asked.

"Nope i haven't ate and yes let's do it i would love to surprise her" He said.

I changed my uniform first and went over to the kitchen. I cooked a special meal together with Ai.

Father helped setting up the table and cleaning the dishes after dinner was set not long after that my mom came home.

We welcomed her together and she was really surprised and hugged father. She almost cried of joy.

We all spend quality time together. We are rarely able to get together like this so we make sure to make the most of it.

And as time passes it's getting late and we all go to our room and end the day as the moon and the stars shine through the night.