Daily Life: Shishiro

Shishiro's POV

"Bye guys~" I said as I got into my car leaving the others.

"So my lady how is school today?" The driver asked.

"It was delightful. I managed to do something I haven't managed to do in a long time with the others" I replied with a smile.

"It's so nice to be young isn't it? I remember back in the day when i was just like you–"

"Ehehe" I let out a quiet giggle, there he goes again he often reminisces about his past when he was still young.

He's isn't that old to begin with and he is a really nice and dependable person if there is anyone I trust its him.

Not long after we arrived at my home "okay my lady contact me if you need anything okay?" He said.

"Will do take care, okay?" I replied and he nodded and drove off.

I entered the house and the first thing I saw was my mom drinking tea in the living room while reading a book.

She noticed me "Ahh Shishi~ welcome home darling" She greeted me with a smile.

"I'm home mom, what are you reading?" I asked.

"Oh this? This is the newest release from YunaYuki. I really love her work" She said excitedly.

"YunaYuki? Isn't that?" I realized that my mom has been reading Makoto's sister's novel.

"Hmm? Is something wrong? " She asked.

"Ah no nothing mom i was just thinking that the book looks interesting hehe" I replied.

"It's really great the book told a story about–" My mom spends minutes explaining basically everything there is in the book but i have read all the book even before it was released.

Maybe i should introduce Makoto's sister to my mom sometime.

But for now I don't have other choice than to listen to my mother's endless talk.

"By the way mom i'm gonna go get change now" I said stopping her.

"Oh right i'm sorry go ahead darling ohh i left a pudding at the desk in your room" he said.

"Really? Thank you mother" I replied and went over to my room and changed into my casual clothing.

I looked over to my desk and there was a plastic bag on top of it.

"Ah pudding~" I always liked sweets and pudding is one of my many favorites.

I took the pudding out of my plastic bag and enjoyed every bite of it.

"Ahh~ so delicious" I said.

After I finished eating the pudding I headed over to my piano in my room.

"Hmm... Let's see how I should continue this?" I said as I stare at a music sheet that I try to create myself.

I have been trying to make my own music but I can't seem to finish it's so hard to arrange and make the perfect combinations of melody even though my father makes it look so easy.

I tried to play the melody I created so far over and over again while thinking of the continuation but no matter how many times I try and how hard I think I can't.

I tried listening to music trying to find inspiration and references but it's also no good.

I kept trying different methods for hours and then I finally gave up.

I let out a sigh "Maybe i'm just not as talented as father"

I decided to take a book from my bookcase. I really like reading fantasy stories and I have an entire bookcase full of them.

"Twisted wonderland i haven't read this one yet" I lay down on my bed and read the book.

The book is surprisingly great. It tells a story about a young girl from London who loves reading stories like myths, legends and fairy tales. One day when she was wondering the town she stumbles upon a grand library, from what she have heard there has been many missing people reported in the library and the ones that are missing were never found.

Curiosity got the best of her and with a little bit of hesitation she entered the library. The inside of the library looks ordinary, she wanders around the library and stumble upon a dark section filled with books with strange names such as"Book of cinders, Blood riding hood, and Sleeping horror"

Suddenly a man showed up behind her saying his name is Phantom he asked her if she ever wonders what happened after a "Happily ever after" with a few hesitation the girl said yes. Phantom then opened the book of cinders suddenly the whole library started to crumble, the girl got scared and closed her eyes, and when she opened she saw a horrible sight dead trees with many people hanging on the branches and in the middle of that dead forest she saw a kingdom.

She asked Phantom where he has taken her and he only replied with "Have you ever heard of Cinderella?" and from that their journey begins solving the mystery of the twisted wonderland and fix it.

My mind is completely captivated i cry i laugh and i blush during it but sadly a story must have an ending, I put the boom back in the bookcase and lay back down on my bed "let's see there is no homework,ate,play piano and read books i guess all that is left now is to sleep" I let out a sigh and close my eyes.

Bzzt bzzt "Ah!"

I was almost asleep before I was woken up by the vibration of my phone.

"Ah its Ryuji!" I picked up the call and a voice of a young man can be heard.

"Hello are you home yet?" He asked.

The person calling me is Kuroyuki Ryuji. He is a first year at our highschool. He also loves music but he can't play any instrument but instead he has an incredible singing voice.

"Ryuji, hello good afternoon how are you? Yes i'm already home" I replied.

"I'm good" He replied.

"What can i help you with?" I asked.

"Oh nothing i'm just wondering if you want to visit? So we can hangout" He asked.

"Sure why not i would love to it has been a while i'll be there as soon as possible" I replied

"Great then I'll wait, take care" He said as he closed the call.

I quickly took my music sheets with me hoping that he might be able to help me out.

I went to the living room and my mom is still there reading "Where are you going Shishi?" She asked.

"I'm going to Ryuji's," I replied.

"Oh? It's been a while hasn't it? Take care then tell him i said hi" She said.

"Will do mother" I replied.

I called the driver and asked him to take me to Ryuji's place. After a few minutes he then arrived and took me there.

"I'll pick you up at 6 okay?" Said the driver.

"Yeah got it thanks again" I replied.

I rang the doorbell to Ryuji's house soon after he then opened the door "Shishi welcome come in make yourself at home" He welcomed me.

"Ryuji it's nice to see you again. I haven't got a chance to meet you at school" I said as I entered his house.

"Is that so? Haha I never leave the classroom that's probably why, anyways please have a seat" I sat down on a couch in his living room.

"Say what's that on your hand?" He looked at the sheet I brought.

"Oh this? So i was thinking on making my own music but i hit a dead end mid way and i can't find any inspiration to continue it" I said.

"Oh really? Can I hear it? You can use the piano in my room if you want" He said.

"Sure why not let's go" We both went to his room and i saw a grand piano in the middle of the room.

Ryuji's father left it for him before he passed away and he is mostly living by himself because her mother is currently outside of Tokyo taking care of her work.

"Okay if you'll excuse me" I said.

"Go ahead" He gave permission.

I sat down at the piano and played the melody written wholeheartedly and then stopped.

"Well that's it" I said.

"Hmm maybe something along here?" I was surprised when he walked towards me and played the piano like a professional.

"Oh wow that's a perfect fit have you been training?" I asked, amazed.

"Yeah i have been playing little by little" He scratched the back of his head.

"Play a song for me would you?" I asked.

He then nodded and played really emotional music.

His fingers dancing on top of the piano with a face full of expression.

Soon it finally came to me the melody that i needed but before i say anything my phone rang it's already 6 and it's time for me to go home.

I parted ways with Ryuji and when I arrived at my home I went to my room and sat down and wrote the melody.

After that I called Ryuji and told him the good news. He said he can't wait to hear me play.

"You're going to love it it's called will of the fairies" I said excited.

"Can't wait next time i'll come over to your house okay?" He asked.

"Sure why not" I replied.

I ended the call and they couldn't help but to jump in happiness. I quickly told my mom and dad what happened.

I invite them to my room as I show them the music I have created. I can see the shock in my fathers eyes and the tears that came down from my mothers eyes.

I can tell both of them are happy and so am i.

"Say Shishiro do you want to perform in a concert?" Asked my father.

My eyes immediately lit up when I heard that "I would love to but...."

"But what?" He asked.

"I want to perform with a special guest" I requested.

"Who is it?" He asked curiously.

"Ryuji," I said smiling.

I can tell both of them are surprised "why Ryuji?" Asked my mother.

"Because this song would never be complete without him" I said.

"Then i'll arrange it just tell me when you both are ready" Said my father.

I hugged both of my parents. I couldn't hold my tears. Finally I can perform. Finally, I can show people what i can do.

I hope both me and Ryuji can play our melody together.