Chapter 2

(A/N Notes: I am a believer of the true gender equality)

" "Chuuuuuuuu..." "

Ichika was kissing Yuuto on the lips, and the longer she kept kissing him, the higher the damage given to his mental state, pride, and consciousness was

<*Incomprehensible and desperate internal scream*>

And after what felt like an eternity to him, she stopped kissing. She had an embarrassed smile while her entire face was beet red from embarrassment

"I, I, I, I, I'll b, b, b, be g, g, g, g, going, Yuuto-sama!"

And Ichika got up, grabbed Izumi's hands, and left the daycare with him in a hurry. While Yuuto was still dropped on the ground with a line of drool coming out his mouth and dead eyes

"Isn't it great that you have a cute girl who's into you?"

"Shut... Up... Old... Hag..."

"*Vein popping up* What did you just call me?"

"Just... Kill... Me... Already..."

He wasn't in a state to talk back to her



Ichika was sitting silently in the back seat of the car, while her little brother had fallen asleep

*Sweating and blushing intensely*

And now she desperately thinking on why she kissed Yuuto back at the daycare

She then began blushing even more as she thought about her first kiss, that she ended up finding her face with both of hands as she kicked her seat in happiness

The next day


Yuuto was walking towards the main school building as if he wanted to die, and everyone in the surroundings was whispering something to each as they looked at him because of what had happened yesterday

"Hey, man! What's up? Did you become the boyfriend of that little girl?"

"..." *Looks at Kenji*

When Yuuto looked at Kenji who approached him like always, life came back to his eyes, and it wasn't a good thing for Kenji



He sent a full-strength knee blow right into Kenji's stomach, and that made him fall to his knees

"Ack! W, what's wrong with you, dude!"

"Because of you, I experienced hell yesterday"

"W, what are saying?"

"You told the brat were I would be"

"W, what are you possibly talking about?"

"Don't try to fake it, she told me it was you"

"... Fuck..."

"You better be ready to what's to come" *Cracking a punch*


The two were inside their classroom, Yuuto was looking perfectly fine as he used his phone, while Kenji looked like he just took a beating as they sat on their respective seats

"Inoue-kun! I want you to give me answers about what happened yesterday!"

"No, now fuck off, class rep. Niko"

He wasn't in a good mood, so he just said what was on his mind without any care to Niko

"I will only leave when you answer my questions! What did you do to my sister yesterday?"


He just ignored her



She tried to grab his ear, but he just stopped her hand from getting closer by grabbing her wrist

"*Sigh*... Why do you care about what happened yesterday?"

"Because I'm Ichika's onee-san. Making it my responsibility to deal with anyone who tries to do something to her"

"Wait, but she said she didn't have a sibling here"

"She probably just meant that it wasn't the reason that she came here for... Though I would like that if she came every day to pick me up, and let go of me please"

"I see *let go of her wrist*... Anyway, just tell the brat that I will never go out with her"

"What did you just called my cute Ichika-chan as, you damn playboy!!!"


She tried to grab him by the collar and in response, he grabbed her arms

"Why are you so persistent today?"

"Because, when she came back home yesterday she had a very cute blushing face as she kept hiding her mouth! So I'm definitely sure you stole her first kiss against her will!!!"

"It was her, who stole it, damnit!!!"

"... What?"

"That's right, it was her who forcibly kissed my lips, and not the opposite"

"I see... Wait... did you just said that you two still ended up kissing... And on the lips on top of that?..."

"... *Looks away while sweating* Damnit..."



Niko in her anger managed to grab Yuuto's throat and began to strangle him, while he desperately tried to break free

"*Vein pops up* CALM DOWN, YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!!" *Hand chops Niko from the top of her head*


She crouched down as she held her head in pain

"Alright, you idiot. Look at what you just did with all your shouting"

"What are you saying?... Ah!"

Because of her quick fight with Yuuto, she had just shouted things she was never supposed to shout

"Did you see what you just caused?"

"Yes... I'm sorry..."

"You better be, now you better deal with this"


And he sat down and dropped his head on his desk

"*Sigh* Today is already being horrible..."

After school

And as he had thought Niko was unable to prevent the new rumors that she caused from spreading, though nobody still hasn't asked him anything about it, there were some boys who congratulated him, and he only felt like punching each of them for a variety of reasons


"Don't feel down, Yuuto. At least you have a cute girl wanting you"

"Shut up"

"... 'Kay, anyway... Do you want to go to the arcade?"

"... *Sigh* Sure, at least I'll get to beat your ass in there"

"On your dreams, right?"

And right when the two passed through the school gates, a luxurious car stopped right in front of them, and a little girl got out of it in a happy mood

"Yuuto-sama!" *Tries to hug him*

"Geh!" *Steps back to avoid her hug*

And she missed the hug, making her pout as she looked at him

"Why did you dodge my hug!"

"Because nothing good happens whenever you try to hug me, so why are you here?"

"We're going home together!"

"No, we won't"

"Yes, we will!"

"No, we won't"

And as he kept refusing Ichika, he felt someone grabbing his shoulder

"Yes, you will be going home with Ichika-chan"

And when he looked at who had grabbed his shoulder, he saw Niko clearly in rage as she also appeared to be crying blood while she kept a twitching smile on her face

"... ... ... Okay"

He was too scared of her appearance to refuse, and the three entered the car. Kenji stayed there as he saw the car leave

"... Wait... Why didn't I go with them!?"

Kenji regretted not having joined the fray when he could

Inside the car

"Ehehehe..." *Hugging and rubbing her face on Yuuto's arm*

"*Blissfully looking at a happy Ichika*... Grrrr *Glaring with hate at Yuuto*"


(A/N Notes: Kazuma would certainly be proud of Yuuto)