Chapter 3

(A/N Notes: This story is pretty difficult to get it right)

After some minutes, the car was in front of his house

"Take me to live with you! Nnnnnnggggrrrr!!!"

"No! Hnnnnggggrrr!!!"

Yuuto was trying to get out of the car as he also tried to forcibly break free from Ichika's hug. While Niko was doing her best to endure the scene of her adorable sister clinging to a man she absolutely hated because Ichika was in love with him

But she didn't do anything because she also doesn't want Ichika to hate her

And by putting his brain its full potential he came up with three ideas, and two of them were absolutely out of question for similar reasons

He steeled his resolve and stopped trying to break free from Ichika's hug, and instead, he hugged her back


"... FUEEEEEEHHHH!?!?!?" *Blushing*


Because Ichika wasn't expecting him to hug her, she became extremely flustered making her loose her hug, something that Yuuto didn't let pass


And he broke free of her hug, left the car, and closed the door. And the car began to move and left, inside the car Ichika was still blushing and flustered from Yuuto's hug, and Niko was using that moment to hug her, as she gave Ichika head pats

Niko loved Ichika more than she hated Yuuto

Back to Yuuto

"Phew... Today was really tiring... Wait... How did she know where I lived?... ... ... Aaahhh that lousy Kenji..."

He was opening the front door, as he found the answer to his question, and when he opened the door a golden and fluffy fur came running towards him, barking in happiness, and that sight was enough to put a very happy smile in his face


And he crouched to hug his adorable golden retriever, and right after the dog, a boy and a girl around thirteen years old came

"Nii, nii! What's for dinner?"

"We want hamburgers!"

"You're going to eat whatever I make, you brats" *Caressing Suki to his heart's content*

"That's tyranny!"

"You tyrant!"

"Then you two can stay hungry" *Still pampering his dog*

" "Please have mercy on us, great one" "

"Now that's more like it, I'm going to take a bath so don't make any trouble"

" "Okay!" "

And he got up and made Suki go after his siblings, who tried to run away in fear, but they got caught under Suki's belly, as she wagged her tail happily

After he took a bath he made dinner for everyone, finished whatever homework he had, play some games, and went to sleep while her cursed and promised to beat up Kenji tomorrow


It was after school, Yuuto had already beaten up Kenji on the first moment he saw him, had a test of strength against Niko because of her hatred towards him, and felt like punching a bunch of people because they kept congratulating him on getting a true loli girlfriend

And right now, he was sitting on a bench in the public park near his house, as he kept watch over his siblings...




"Woof! Woof!"

As they were chased by Suki because he ordered her to play with them

"Arf! Arf! Arf!" *Waging tail*

And Suki had brought him, Yuu, his younger brother from his shirt collar as he had a tired and pale face

"... Good job, girl" *headpats the dog*

As he was paying attention to his dog, a brown and fluffy hair approached him from his blind spot and

"Yuuto-sama!" *Hugs him around the neck*


"I've missed you so much! You weren't at your school when I went there! At least tell me where you'll be go-... "

Ichika's eyes met with Suki's eye, making her go silent as she kept looking at his dog, then

"!?!?!?" *Backs away*

She stopped hugging him and took distance from the dog in an instant with a blue face, and that confused Yuuto, but he was quick to understand the situation, making him form an evil grin on his face. He got up from the bench and called Suki to come to his side as he went around the bench, then he crouched down with Suki beside him

"Catch her"


And Suki went running toward Ichika in a really happy mood, and Ichika seeing that started running away from Suki in fear...

"Waaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!... Agh!... Ugh... Huh? Gyaaaaaa!!!""

Until she tripped and fell on the soft grass, giving more than enough time for Suki to catch her under he belly


"Kukukuku... Who would've thought that you have a fear of dogs"

"Please!... Get this thing off meeeee!!! Waaaaaaaahhh!!!" *About to start crying*

"Suki is female, so make sure to address her properly next time. Now, Suki *Snaps fingers*"

And with the snap of his fingers, Suki got up and went to obediently sit by his side. Ichika who was now free managed to lift herself up and sit while trembling

"So why are you here?"


Ichika was too scared of his dog to speak, making him sigh, and he made Suki go after his siblings again, and with the dog away Ichika calmed down

"So why are you here?"

"Mommy brought me here..."

"And where is she right now?"

"I don't know..."

"... Haa... I wonder how did she manage to become a mother when she's like that"


Ichika who was now feeling dejected looked like a lost puppy, and Yuuto was weak against puppies, so he unconsciously gave her a headpat (A/N notes: Lewd)

"!?" *Blushing*


And because Ichika's hair reminded him so much of his dog's fur, he began to caress her head and hair with more motivation, making Ichika blush even more and to feel more embarrassed

"..." *Scratching Ichika's chin* (A/N Notes: Lewder)


She was completely powerless to the pleasure she was receiving from him. And after some minutes he finished pampering her as he was standing up while feeling satisfied, while Ichika was laying on the grass overwhelmed by the pleasure of getting caressed and headpatted by Yuuto (A/N Notes: Holy molly... Yuuto completely lewd Ichika)

"*Feeling blissful* Hm?"

When he looked to the side he found his siblings looking at him with eyes that they were about to make fun of him

" "Lolicon!" "

"*Vein pops up* What did you say, you brats?"

"We said you're a lolic-"

"Say what again, you brat?"

Yuuto had grabbed Yuu in a way that covered his mouth, as he grabbed his younger sister, Sakura, shoulder as she tried to escape

"I guess it's that time of the year again, huh?"

" "!? *Shudders*" "

The two knew very well what he meant with that, but before they could do anything, he swiftly grabbed one of their legs and lifted them up

"It's typhoon season again"

" "*Blue faces*" "

And with that, he began spinning them around making them scream their lungs out... And after some seconds, they were all on the ground, without any injuries, but Yuu and Sakura had their souls leaving from their mouths, while Yuuto was on the ground because he stupidly got himself dizzy while messing with his siblings

"... Oof! Huh?... Oh..."

He felt something heavy falling on top of him, and when he looked down he saw Ichika on top him, then he saw her facing him as she held his head

"Yuuto-sama... Chuuuuuuuuuu"

<*Sound of Yuuto's sanity shattering*>

The pampering he ended up giving her, because of his love for fluffiness came back to bite... Kiss him back, as he only made IChika more in love with him, and right now she was kissing him with a lot of love

"Chuuuuuuu... Huh?... !?"

Then as she was kissing his lips, she felt something grabbing her by the collar of her clothes, and when she was laid on the ground she saw Suki looking at her as she happily wagged her tail

"... Eh!?... ... ... Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! Yuuto-sama help meeeeee!!!"

Then Suki laid down across and on top of Ichika because that was her way of showing she really liked someone, but for Ichika that was a nightmare, and to makes matter worse, Suki laid down her head and began sleeping, and Yuuto had dead and soulless eyes

And now there were four idiots and a dog laying on the grass of the park, with the dog being on top of one of them as she screamed in fear

(A/N Notes: Saved by the doggo, defeated by the doggo)