Chapter 4

(A/N Notes: Time to give Yuuto more stress!)

"I'm back!"

"Welcome back, ojou-sama. And I see that you brought Izumo-sama home safely"

When Yua announced that she came back, a maid properly greeted her back

"That's right, sometimes I need to act like a proper mother"

"That is certainly one of your good points, but where is Ichika-sama?"

"... Eh?"

Yua who was all happy because she was being a good mother, noticed that Ichika wasn't with her

"*Puts hand on the forehead* Your klutziness is terrifying sometimes, ojou-sama"


Yua was making a face of despair as she sweated heavily at her grand mistake of forgetting about her beloved daughter for hours

Some time later

"I'm really sorry!!!"

"Yeah, you should be"

It was already night, and there was also a typhoon going outside. Meanwhile that Yuuto was making a face of someone who was really pissed as he talked over the phone with Yua, who was apologizing to him with all her might, as he made dinner for him, his siblings and Ichika

"I'm really sorry, but could you let Ichika-chan stay at your house tonight?"

"Huuuuuuuhhh?" *Very angry tone*

"... I'm sorry!"

"Haa... Fine, I'll take care of her for tonight..."

"Really! Thank you very much"

"But, you better not forget your children outside ever again"

And he said that with a very angry and threatening tone

"... Y, yesh..."

And Yua couldn't help but answer accordingly in a scared tone

"... A, and just to know is Ichika-chan doing well over there?"

"..." *Looks at Ichika*

"S, s, s, s, stay away!"

Ichika was cornered by Suki who was looking at her with shining puppy eyes and was inching closer to her by the second

"... She's completely fine!"

He didn't even hesitate to lie

"I see! Then I'll be hanging up now"

"Sure *Hangs up the call*"


And after finish the call, he put the phone in his pocket and went back to paying attention to the dinner he was making as Ichika's scream, for help to get Suki to stop laying down on top of her was like a melody to his ears

"..." *Cooking*


"...!" *Stops cooking*


"..." *Goes pick more seasoning in the kitchen cabinets*


And after some minutes, he now only had to wait for an hour for the food to get ready

*Snaps fingers*

"! Woof! Woof!"

"Haa... Haa... Haa..."

And with a snap of fingers, Ichika was set free, and when she looked at her savior, he was putting dog food in Suki's tray. When he finished doing that he to the living room where his siblings and Ichika were, Both of them didn't help her because they had already noticed that she was the perfect sacrifice for Suki

"Alright, y'all time to take a bath"

" "Okay!" "

His two siblings got up form the couch and went to the dressing room, to undress their clothes, while only Ichika remained there

"So what're you waiting for? Follow their leads, so we can this finished asap"

"Hmmm... W, will you be taking a bath with them?"

"Of course, I will. I can't leave three brats inside a bathroom to their on devices"


"You're also included in that list"

"... I, I, I, I Will humbly decline!"

"..." *Serious glare*

"..." *Defying glare*

He just picked her up, and held her under his arm


She was already screaming as she intensely blushed

Almost an hour later

"... ... ..." *Covering her fully red face with both hands in the corner*

Ichika was suffering the consequences of being seen naked by Yuuto and seeing Yuuto naked as she was given a bath together with his siblings. While Yuuto had a bored face as he channel hopped

*looks at the time* "..." *Gets up*

He then went to turn off the stove, remove the pressure from the cooker and taste the soup

"Delicious. Finally, some good fucking food"

Then he picked four bowls and put the soup in it

"Alright, y'all time to eat"

" "Yay!" "

His two siblings who came to pick their bowls quickly noticed one important detail

"Hey! Why does your bowl have more meat than ours!"

"Yeah! We demand more meat!"

"Eat and don't complain or stay hungry, you choice, brats"

" "... Tch!" "

And he gave the other bowl on his hand to Ichika, and she noticed that hers had slightly more meat than the twins. After eating they all brushed their teeth, and played their own games, with Ichika sticking close to Yuuto both because she wanted to and to prevent Suki from laying down on top of her

" "Zzzzzzzz..." "

And at the usual time, his siblings fell asleep, so he picked then up by their feet, dragged them to their bedroom and laid then down on their bed, then he went to prepare a futon for Ichika in his bedroom, after doing that he went back to the living where he saw Ichika swaying left and right from sleepiness

"... *Sigh*..."

He picked her up and put over his shoulder, and brought her to the futon that he prepared beforehand, and laid her down. And now that all kids were sleeping

"Now that the brats are out, time to clean!... *Tired sigh*..."

And he went to do the dishes, put the leftovers in the fridge, clean the kitchen and the living room, after doing all that, he still had an hour before going to sleep, and he used that remaining time to do his homework, even though he wanted to play video games, and by the time he finished it was already time to sleep

"So tired..."

He laid down on his bed and quickly fell asleep

Middle of the night

*Thunder SFX*

"Eeeeeeppp!!! Haa... Haa... Haa..."

Ichika was woken up by loud thunders, then another thunder stroke scaring her again

*Thunder SFX*

"Eeeeeeeekkk!!! Y, Y, Y, Yuuto-sama?" *Shaking Yuuto*

"Hm?" *Half-woken up*

"C, c, c, can I, I s, sleep w, with you?..."

"... Huh?... Sure?"

"T, t, t, thank you..."

Ichika then timidly went underneath his blankets, and when he fell back to his sleep he hugged her because of her fluffy hair

*Blushing* "..." *Hugs Yuuto*

Ichika was able to fall asleep soundly thanks to his warmth and sense of safety that she felt near him, though he was definitely the most dangerous being to her by a landslide

(A/N Notes: Well, Ichika is now an adult from what she saw in there)