Chapter 5

Needless to say, Halley was not comfortable with even hearing Moore's name, so interrogating him wasn't the first thing on her bucket list.

According to Winona, Moore refused to say anything no matter what they did to get him to tell the truth. They promised to shorten his sentence and lower his charges if he told them everything he knew about the Saviours, but he didn't mind going to jail. They tried using a truth spell on him, but he evaded every topic. They couldn't use the bad cop approach either, because he didn't care about his own well-being at that point.

However, Aaron conceded with, "You know what? I'll tell you whatever you want to know, with a catch of course! I want to spill all my secrets to one person and only one person: Halley Markson."

Everyone was a bit apprehensive about letting Halley near Moore. Even Halley wasn't very excited about talking to the pedo who blew up her school. The last time she spoke to Moore, she got scared and almost hurt Kylian. He had forgiven her ages prior, but the thought of almost hurting him lingered in her mind.


They arrived at the all-black building in the middle of nowhere where Aaron was being held. From the outside, no one could possibly know or see what's going inside. It makes sense that the building was in the middle of nowhere, after all, it was an intelligence center. Sure, it was obvious against its surroundings, but which of the 20 something Class X magicians are gonna break in? If they did choose to, Kiara was one telepathic "help" away.

Halley talked herself up as she went up 11 floors until she got to the room where he was being detained. Even though there was a wall between her and Moore, her knees gave way, and she got scared again. Kylian hugged her and reassured her that she was in good hands. He knew she could do it, it was time for Halley to believe in herself.

Louis went in with Halley and a sly grin emerged on Moore's face as she walked in. He began to openly flirt with her, and Louis told her that she was taken and to go somewhere else. Moore turned to Louis and replied, "That's never been a problem before. Your mother would know all about that wouldn't she."

Louis told him to clarify, but Moore simply ignored him and tried to make conversation with Halley. Halley, expressionless, told Moore to clarify what his comment meant, and he accepted his loss. He said that he was involved with Emilia's infidelity, and her divorce. Moore then commented how Louis and his mother looked so similar. It was obvious that Moore was trying to instigate a fight or act of aggression from Louis, but he didn't get one.

Halley continued questioning him and asked him to clarify even more. According to Moore, Emilia was born into a very abusive family, that didn't really care for her as a person, but more like a tool to get them more power. Emilia and Gilbert (Louis's dad) met in high school, and Gilbert immediately fell in love, but Emilia didn't. She initially rejected him, but ended up marrying him under the influence of her family. Shortly after Louis was born, Emilia found the love of her life and that's when her affairs began. Eventually the public found out and she divorced Gilbert.

Fearing for her life, she turned to her only real friend. The only man she had met who treated her like the dormant human being she was: Chadwick. Chadwick protected her from her own family, and watched her from the shadows. They were good friends and she even got closer to Moore, in a romantic way.

One thing led to another and Chadwick even offered to officiate their wedding, until she betrayed them. Emilia found out about Chadwick and had arranged to tell the world about him. They couldn't have that, so they killed her and dumped her body in her family's lake.

Halley sneakily pinched Louis as a sign for him to keep calm, and she continued to question Moore with her expressionless gaze. She then asked about her own mother: Caroline Markson.

"Caroline was a maid in Chadwick's house, and she had found out about the Saviours. Chadwick kept her around just to see what she would do with the information. She tried to tell others about what she had seen, but not even her own husband believed her. A week before her death, she and Jebediah were arguing about Chadwick's role in a terrorist group. She stormed out with her camera and just happened to witness us kill Emilia. When Chadwick found out, he had her hunted down and succeeded. And- well, you know the rest." Moore said this to provoke Halley, but she didn't flinch.

She moved on, asking about Celestia, and Moore said that Chadwick wasn't directly involved in the kidnapping, but it was his fault. He had angered and decommissioned three Class X members of the Saviours for their reckless behaviour, and they kidnapped Celestia to spite him. Chadwick had spent years searching, but he couldn't find her. He felt responsible for the entire thing, which is why he kept the Saviours together, to find her.

He had tried to disband the Saviours, but he kept them together to find his grandbaby and kill the last surviving Sullivan, Michael. Halley avoided the obvious question, "What does Michael have to do with the Sullivans?" and instead asked about the Sullivans. Moore mentioned how they were the reason behind Soo-young's disappearance. Halley questioned what they had to do with it, and he just implied that "most don't know much about the Sullivan Saints."

You see, after the fire, all the Sullivans were pronounced dead, but Michael was very much alive. His aunt took him in as her adopted son, and named him "Michael" after her grandfather. Michael's old existence was tossed and he became Michaelangelo Sullivan, a nobody. Why? Aunt Clara knew that whoever killed his parents would go after him too.

Chadwick found out that Michael was still alive and arranged for him to die from the blast at school. He planned to connect the crime to Dragontooth, and quietly get rid of the Saviours. And he would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for those kids. I'm sorry I had to do that. The setup was just too perfect.

Halley asked him about the Class X members who had broken off, but Moore told her to convict Chadwick before she tried to go after "those monsters". At the end of the interrogation, Halley leaned back in her chair and confused everyone present with her final question:"Why should I believe a single word you say? After all, you did try to kill me." Moore smirked as he remarked how he "loved that part of her,"

He saw that she was unimpressed, and told her about a rogue informant who knew everything about the Saviours. If they could catch them, they would be set in court. But there's a catch. Like always. This informant had been off the grid for about a year and a half, and they had to get to them before the Saviours did, which was a lot easier said than done.

Halley then turned to Moore before leaving and asked him why Kiara was so hell-bent on proving Chadwick's innocence. Aside from the obvious fact that he's her grandfather, Aaron pointed out that Kiara was the Dark Creator's magician. "The power she holds is millions of times more than you could ever imagine. That kind of power is pretty scary, especially to a 17-year-old." Moore told her to "check the cellar" before asking for a kiss. She told him, "Go f*** yourself." before going back to everyone. I am trying my best to keep this PG, okay?

They were amazed by how calm she was the entire time, but she ignored the praise and instead asked what cellar he was talking about. William and Michaelangelo told them about the cellar, and she was more confused as to why they didn't think to tell them. Britney pointed out how Chadwick would've known about the cellar if they said anything, so it worked in their favour.

They went over what they had to do, and Brandon decided to split the team into two. As Winona was gathering her information and witnesses, Louis, Rebecca, Brandon and Halley went to find the elusive informant and the rest went to search the cellar for the information they urgently needed.