Chapter 6

Louis did not like Brandon in the least.

From when they first met to them working together to find the person responsible for the bombings (Moore), he did not like him. He wasn't quite sure when they began to get along, but they did. They were both very honest to each other, but sometimes they were too honest, which was why they often fought.

     You see, Louis grew up in a very conservative household and had a big mouth with no filter. The combination made in hell. He would say insensitive things towards Brandon, but he was patient with him and explained the situation. Most of the time. Sometimes. A few times? It depended on Brandon's mood. If Brandon was just not in a good mood, Louis would be the last person he'd want to talk to.

    Aside from their petty fights, Brandon saw right through Louis, which is why he didn't like him in the beginning. For example, Brandon just happened to notice Louis gawking at Rebecca as she worked, but he waited until they got back to their dorm before he called him out on it.

    Louis, of course, denied it, but Brandon was persistent about it. To prove that Louis was in fact infatuated, he asked him to tell him five things he hated about Rebecca. He thought it'd be a piece of cake, since he constantly berates and belittles others, but it took a little while for him to compile that list. A week and a half to be exact.


    He proudly gave Brandon the list before homeroom, and Brandon began giggling while reading it. His giggles turned into outright laughter and Louis felt, well,  embarrassed.

He asked him why he was laughing, and Brandon pointed out how it took him a week and a half to make the list and the contents of the list. Rather than insulting, the things that Louis hated about Rebecca just showed how much he was in love with her.

    One of the things on the list was about how she smiles while talking to everyone except him, and the others were habits that he couldn't have known unless he's been paying close to attention to her. Louis began to blush even more and even excused himself as the period started.

    He splashed his face with cold water in the bathroom, while trying to convince himself he didn't love Rebecca, except he did. When he admitted it, a memory flashed through his mind. It was of his mother. The day she left with her boyfriend, never to be seen by him again. He suddenly remembered why he was so against falling in love with Rebecca.

    His embarrassment slowly turned to his former constantly-agitated-state as he walked back to class. Brandon tried to talk to him, but he just brushed him off, and returned to his tantalizing manner.

    At lunch, Louis decided to skip school, but Brandon confronted him before he did. He asked him what was wrong, but he refused to talk to him. As Brandon was about to start arguing with Louis, again, his phone went off and he rushed back to class. He told Louis to meet him at a cafe after school, but Louis didn't want to.


    Louis wandered around town and found himself in front of the cafe where he was supposed to meet Brandon. He thought of going in, but walked away. As he was going back to the dorms, Louis bumped into someone and they apologized and hurried away. He put his hands in his pockets as he was walking and soon began chasing after the man all the while he cursed him out.

    He ended up running into Halley during the pursuit and she joined in to help him out. They eventually backed the man into an alley and threatened to use force to get the wallet back. The man then took the wallet out, dropped it on the floor, and kicked it to them with no resistance whatsoever. Halley reached down to pick up the wallet, and at that instant, Louis pushed her away as the man tried to stab her with his pocket knife.

     He took the blade to the arm and still managed to knock him over. Louis's eyes began to glow their fiery red, and Halley's with her aquamarine hue. The objects in the alley began to float around and some of them were lit on fire. The man backed further into the corner as Halley threw the projectiles at him, but they heard someone call out to Halley last minute. They stopped midair as she turned to see Brandon and Rebecca behind them. Rebecca placed a barrier over the man as Brandon checked on his little sister and scolded Louis's reckless behaviour.

    Louis overall ignored him, so Brandon gave up and instead went to check on the thief. He exclaimed at his appearance, but before he could say his name, three men entered the alley and claimed to be detectives. They asked if they could help with anything, but before Halley could tell them about the thief, Louis declined their help.

    They pressed on a bit, but Brandon caught on and kept on rejecting their help. Rebecca and Halley later joined in, claiming that the man was a friend, and that they were playing a game. The relentless cops offered to escort them out of the alley, and they accepted the offer in order to shake off all suspicion. Rebecca dropped her barrier, and Brandon helped the man to his feet.

    Louis walked beside Halley as she healed his arm, and she whispered to him that the "officers" weren't detectives at all. Louis knew that, and was sure that they were Saviours after them.


    They went to the cafe and took the table dead center of the shop, and Brandon ordered everyone drinks, at Louis's expense of course.

    He then turned to the man and suddenly revealed him to be Daisy Smith, the sought after informant. Louis was shocked that Brandon would say something like aloud, but Rebecca explained that she had put a sound-proof barrier around them. Brandon ignored their little conversation to ask the man if he was who they thought he was, and to their relief, he was.

    The man introduced himself as Daisy and he explained how his location had been compromised a week prior by a hacker. Brandon and Halley glanced at each other at the remark before asking him to tell them everything he knew about Chadwick and his relation to the Saviours. He immediately declined and claimed that he hadn't been paid and therefore couldn't give away any information.

    Louis mentioned how he stabbed him in the arm, and Daisy passed it off as a careless mistake on Louis's behalf. "A careless mistake?" Louis exclaimed, "Tell me what would possess me to walk into a blade. Tell me!" "I don't know. After all," Daisy slyly replied, "You could've been having another of your temper tantrums. For all anyone knows, you may have started the altercation." "That's not true." Halley interrupted, "You stole his wallet." "Oh, I simply wanted to get his attention." Daisy said as he pointed to Brandon then Louis. "Hothead here was the fastest way I could think of."

    Rebecca, sick of the argument, asked him what he wanted, and Daisy paused for a moment before pointing at Brandon and saying, "I want him." As Louis was about to deny such a preposterous request, Brandon accepted the terms and asked him for the information. Louis and Rebecca protested the idea, but Brandon felt that the information was more crucial than spending the night with a shady stranger they had just met. They knew he wasn't going to change his mind, so they unwillingly went along with the arrangement.

    To start the questioning, Halley asked Daisy if he was aware that Brandon would turn sixteen in a week, and he didn't care as he wasn't planning to sleep with him. Halley carried on the conversation without letting his sly comments distract her, and the result was nothing short of what they expected.

    Chadwick was directly involved in the the murders of the Sullivans and the bombings at their school. He also killed Emilia after she had planned to expose Chadwick and all of his crimes, and he also ordered Caroline's murder, who had evidence of the murder. However, he had nothing to do with Soo-young's disappearance just as Moore had mentioned, but Celestia's kidnapping was his fault.

    They asked about the group of Class X ex-Saviours *pun intended* , and Daisy warned them to stay far away from them, as they were extremely ruthless and dangerous. They had broken away after Chadwick tried disbanding the Saviours, and it wasn't a pretty occasion. Chadwick lost half his men the night they decided to leave. "The only reason the other half survived was because they were halfway across the world from those lunatics."

    Halley asked Daisy to testify if the chance arose, and he agreed, since he didn't like Chadwick or his family. Louis mentioned that they were friends with Kiara at this point, and Daisy dismissed her and her brothers as angels. The rest of her family weren't as kind as them, in fact, he described them as cold and heartless. "A block of ice is warmer." His words, not mine.

    They all wanted to know more about Kiara's family, as she never mentioned them, and he told them how they were terrified of her since she made her contract with the Dark Creator at 21 months old. Chadwick was also scared, but he knew someone had to help her control her power and ended up raising her in her parents' stead.

    Halley expressed her dismay of possibly hurting Kiara, but Louis mentioned that "It is her duty to do what's best for her people. If sentencing her grandfather would save more lives from being pointlessly lost, she wouldn't even have to make a choice. The answer would be apparent." He then got up to call William, and told them to follow him out as the "cops" by the door looked restless.

     They went to the counter and asked the barista to talk to the owner, Jonathan, Brandon and Halley's family friend. They told him that some people were stalking them, which resulted in them taking the back way out of the building. The group headed towards the direction of William's hotel. Louis had booked Daisy a room in it, so that they could keep an eye on him.

    Rebecca flashed a smile at him because of his consideration, but he ignored her as he wondered how Kylian and the others were doing.