Chapter 5

(A/N Notes: Welp, I just put a completely unnecessary nail in Daichi's love life coffin, and I don't regret it)

"Phew... Today was really tiring"

After that dinner with Yuriko-senpai and that guy, I came back home with Yuriko-senpai and immediately went to take a bath because I was needing one

"Hm? Oh... The hair dye finally wore off... And the hair dye bottle is also empty... Well, I only use this to cover this streak of red hair and I still have my contact lenses, and it doesn't appear that there's someone with a case of chunnibyou in my class... I'm going to sleep, I'm too tired to keep thinking anymore"

I put my indoor clothes, then went to my bed, and put my contact lenses on the nightstand

"Haa, finally some well-deserved sleep"

But before I could sleep a thought came to my mind

<... Huh... Now that I think about, what was that soft sensation that I felt in my face at the end of the game?... Ah, whatever>

And then I fell asleep like a rock

Meanwhile, at Yuriko's home

"Today was a really amusing day"

That's what I said as I left the bathroom, after taking my bath

"I already finished my homework, prepped all the materials for tomorrow's classes... I think that's all I needed to do for tomorrow morning"

Hmm... I still have some time before my sleep time, but it's already pretty late for me to play anything... Now, would be a pretty good time to have a little chat with Takeru-kun... Speaking of which, we haven't exchanged contacts yet. I need to remember asking him about that tomorrow... I guess I'll just read some mangas online for now

*Phone ringing*


"Heyo! It's me! Your super cool brother! How are you doing my sister?"

"Good evening, brother. What brings you to call me this late in the night?"

"And you still have that prince personality, huh? Anyway, just calling you because I just remembered that I sent you a game that I recently finished through the mail, that's it, bye-bye"

"... Just for that?"

And he already hung up. Good grief, he's always like a storm, he just comes and goes in an instant


I fell on the bed as I sighed... I think I'll just go to sleep... Haa... I'm really grateful for meeting Takeru-kun...

And that was the last thing I thought before falling asleep

At Daichi's place

"... What the hell, did I just do?..." *depressed tone*

Let's revise what happened after I parted ways with Yuriko-san and her friend. I came back to my house, my parents weren't back yet, I took a shower as I cried my sorrows out, then as I put out my personal things from my school bag I dropped that picture that I managed to get from a friend of a friend of mine of Yuriko changing clothes, then I went to m... Oh... That's right, I did that while looking at the photo of the girl who just rejected me...

*Tears up*

"Not only I was rejected by the girl I love... I even end up doing that to a photo of her taken without her permission... *Sobbing*"


Alright, now that I calmed down... I better just go to sleep, before I have to bury my dignity even deeper

Early in the morning of the next day


My entire body is hurting, especially my butt and hand...

*Opens and closes hand*

It even hurts moving my fingers... And it's a little swelled too, I'll just put some tight bandages on it


Even the napes of my neck are hurting... I should just get up already

I lifted my upper body and went to pick my contact lenses case, but I ended dropping it on the floor, making the lenses come out of it

"Oh damn it... I'll go turn on the lights"

And when I stepped on the floor

*Crack crack*

"... Today is not my day..."

... This day already began bad right in the morning... I guess I'll have to use my eyeglasses from now on

At 7:30 AM

"Good morning! Ta... Keru-kun?... Did you get into a fight?"

"You already know the answer..."

Takeru had a tired face, his left hand was bandaged, he had compresses on his neck, and he looked pained on his entire body

"I know, but what about your appearance right now? Did decided on a new debut at school?"

"No, this is my natural appearance"

"Really? To think you had a single streak of red hair in the middle of your black... No, Dark brown hair, with a right black eye and a left hazel eye. That's really unexpected"

"I know, this appearance of mine caused me some troubles in the past"


"Nope, idiots with chunnibyou syndromes"

"... You must've had it hard"

"You don't know how much I suffered because of this face that I have"

"By the way, Takeru-kun"


"Those round eyeglasses make you look very cute right now"

"... Thanks"

He avoided his eyes from hers as he thanked for her compliment

Some minutes later


Daichi saw the two of them walking side by side and talking to each other, making him freeze on the spot from shock of discovering that fact, although he was unable to see the slightly different appearance of Takeru from afar

"Mommy! That guy is acting weird"

"Don't worry dear, it's a normal thing for people of his age" (A/N Notes: Oof)

At the school shoe lockers some minutes later

"See you later, Takeru-kun"

"*Nods* See you later too, Yuriko-senpai"

And the two went their separate ways in the school hallways

"Ah! I forgot to ask for his phone contact because of my surprise from his appearance... I can ask him during the lunch break later"

That's what she said to herself as she went to the student council room do her morning duties, as for Takeru, he went inside his classroom and sat down on his desk, and after some minutes he left the classroom and went to the restroom, and as he was making his way back to his desk

"Hey! Tanaka!"


"... Are you Tanaka?"

When Takeru turned his head to see who it was he saw Daichi, that quickly got confused if the person he called right now was the person he was thinking it was

"Well, I'm called Tanaka and you're that guy Dai... Dai... Daise guy! Right?"

"It's Daichi! And I'm here just to tell you that I won't lose when it comes to Yuriko-san feeling!"

"... Okay?"

Takeru could only answer that when Daichi overly confident and emotional statement with an uninterest reply

"Now I'll be taking my leave"

And when Daichi turned, something flew off his bag and landed on the ground

"Ah! Daichi-senpai. You dropped something..."

"? Ah! Sorry for the- !?!?!?"

When Daichi turned to pick the thing he had dropped, he turned pale from shock when he saw Takeru looking a picture he had in hands with a blank face while his eyes looked like dots

"I, I can e, explain w, why I have t, that picture o, of Y, Yuriko-san changing c, clothes..."

*Looks at Daichi* "... You are a pervert and idiot"

Takeru had a face full of reproval as he looked at Daichi as he turned the photo that had Yuriko only wearing her underwear as she unhooked her bra from her back towards him

(A/N Notes: Do you guys know, when an anime/LN/manga has that scene when a character has a perverted photo of a girl and it's never answered how they got it? Well, I decided to search with my own hands the answer for the question nobody asked, and it'll be answered in the next-next Saturday

and about Takeru having two-color of hairs, all I can is that I'm basically 19 years old, and I have brown hair, with some strands of white hair hidden in the middle of it, and the hair my beard (yes, I have a beard) is both brown and red (the chin area is naturally red). And about his heterochromia, it'll be indirectly explained later

That's all for today everyone!... Maybe, I still have to see if I'll finish writing another chapter somewhere else)