Chapter 4

(A/N Notes: How to describe Daichi in a few words: He had already lost)

*Eyeglasses cracking*


Daichi was on the other side of the street as he saw a boy sitting down and sharing a table with Yuriko, and all he could feel at that scene happening in front of his very eyes was despair

He was denying that last possibility because he didn't want to believe that he was already losing to another boy he didn't know about when it came Yuriko

<... Alright! Let's get into action! Depending on whether or not he's her relative, I'll probably get into a fight>

He decided to go in there with the intention of helping Yuriko, though he would be the one needing help in a little while

Meanwhile inside the restaurant

"I'm back, so did you order something already?"

"No, I was waiting for you to come back"

"I see, thanks for waiting"

Takeru had gone to the restroom, and right after coming back he was already looking at the menu, and after a quick look he signaled for a waiter to come to their table

"You already decided?"

"Yup, and have you decided what you want already?"

"Yes, I have"

And when she confirmed, a waiter came

"Are you ready to order?"

"Yes, I want this, this and to drink I want this"

"Got it, and are you ready to order, my good lady"

"Yes, I'll want this one, and to drink I want this"

The waiter tried to woo Yuriko, but she was unfazed and just made her order without reacting to it

"You sure are desired by many, huh"

"I guess so, and what about you? Don't you also desire me?"

"Nope, I'm not that interested in romance especially if it ends up involving me"

"Is that so? That's... Different, I guess"

And as the two talked between themselves a certain someone approached them without trying to raise suspicions

"H, Hey! Y, Yuriko-san, w, what a c, coincidence to f, find you h, here"

"Ara! Vice-prez. Daichi-san, what a surprise to see you here"

"Y, yeah! I'm a, also s, surprised t, to see y, you here, Y, Yuriko-san"

Daichi was doing his best to talk with Yuriko without turning beet red or screaming in embarrassment

"B, by the way, w, who i, is he?"

Daichi them pointed at Takeru, who was now using his phone

"He's Takeru Tanaka, a new friend of mine"

*Eyeglasses cracking further*

"H, he... He's y, your f, f, f, f, friend!?"

His face and voice were filled with despair

"Yup, and we're friends since... Hmmm... I'm not really sure about that, what about you Tanaka-kun do you know how long have been friends?"

"No, all I know is that we first met about a month ago so... I would guess we're friends for about 2 weeks by now"

*Eyeglasses exploding*

Daichi took massive damage at hearing that a boy that he didn't know was already friends with Yuriko while he himself was still way too far from even becoming her friend


And now he was standing in there, completely white and soulless

"... I think he's dead"

"He's not, Vice-prez Daichi-san? Are you hearing?"


"Hahaha... First, take a seat and calm down, I'll go to the restroom for a moment so you can sit here"

Yuriko had a slightly troubled expression as she offered Daichi her seat

"T, thanks..."

He sat down where she was seated, while she went to the restroom

As Daichi recovered from his initial shock, he prepared to interrogate the person seated right in front of him

"So what do you fe-"

"Here are your drinks"


But a waiter interrupted him

"Thanks, this one is mine and this one you can leave here, and can you bring a menu for this guy"

"Sure, I'll be back in a second"

"Thanks... So what were you saying?"

"Ah! Right, so do you li-"

"Here's your menu, sir"

"... Thanks"

"You're welcome, you'll come back after you're ready to order"

"Got it..."

And the waiter left for real for the time being

"So what is it?"

"Argh! Do you also love Yuriko-san???"

"... All that ruckus for that?"

"Just answer me please!"

"Okay... No, I don't love her"


"And what about you? You love her don't you?...!"

"!? *Inhales* Yes, I love her and she's my first love"

"Ah! Nanami-senpai! Here's your drink"


"Ara, thank you, Tanaka-kun"


Yuriko came back right when Daichi was telling his feelings about her to Takeru, making him turn beet red and he had a desperate face as he wanted to dig a hole for him to hide

"Here take a seat, Nanami-senpai"

"Thank you"

While Daichi was frozen, Takeru went to the side and offered a seat by his side to Yuriko, which she accepted without trouble

"Vice-prez. Daichi-san"

"Y, Y, Yes! Y, Yuriko-sama!"

"About your feelings... I feel flattered for you feeling that towards me..."

"Y, yes?"

"But I don't feel the same towards you. So, I'm sorry but I can't accept your feelings. I'm truly sorry for you"

Yuriko lowered her head in apology, but the damage was already done to him since he stopped reacting after she directly rejected him

*Pat pat*

"... Why are you patting my back?"

"It just felt like you did a good job by some reason"

"Yeah, you're right. For some reason, it feels like I took off a weight from my back"

"Here are your orders"

"Ah! Thanks this one is mine"

"And that one is mine"

"I hope you two enjoy your meal, and what about you, sir. Are you ready to order?"

"... A hamburger... And a soda..."

"Okay, anything else?"

"No... Just that..."

"Got it, I'll be back in a minute with your drink"


Daichi just ordered with the remaining conscience he had...

"This pretty good"

"Really? Can I try some?"

"Sure, but only if I can try some of yours"


That was taking continuous damage as he saw the one he loved and a boy who got closer to her than him in a shorter period of time tasting some of each other dish without any problem


"That was a good dinner"

"Yes, I'm pretty full"

"Thanks for paying the meal, Tanaka-kun"

"You're welcome, Nanami-senpai... Hmm..."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm thinking should we start calling each by our given names?"

"Hmm... I don't see any problem calling you by your given name, Takeru-kun"

"... Heh! me too, Yuriko-senpai"


The three were going back home, with Yuriko and Takeru having their conversations along the way, while Daichi looked down as he looked white as a ghost

"Ah! That's right, is Saturday fine for our date, Takeru-kun?"


"Saturday?... Yes, I think it's good. I probably won't be feeling sore by then"

"Then it's settled! Our date will be on Saturday, and can we meet at our home's door at 10 hours in point?"

"Sounds good to me"

"Ara? It appears we separate ways here, goodbye vice-prez. Daichi"

"Bye, Daichi-senpai"

"Yes... Goodbye to you two..."

And the two kept walking home, while Daichi kept standing there with dead eyes

"... He... Is... Going... On... A... Date... With... Yuriko?..."

*Sob sob*

He put his hand on his face as he started to tear up

(A/N Notes: There will be a love triangle? No, though I may make look like there's one, but it's definitely not with Daichi in it

That's for today, everybody!)