Chapter 29

(A/N Notes: *Warning* This chapter contain an absurd amount of sugar in it, be aware)


"Y, yes, Yu-chan"

"Please give my parka back!" *Grabs Aki's shoulder with a teary face*


"Please give it back! This is too embarrassing for me!!!"

Yuriko was unable to endure the embarrassment that she felt when Takeru saw her using the two-piece swimsuit, and because of the shock she received from Yuriko being desperate, Aki returned the Parka to Yuriko, which she immediately put back on giving her some peace of mind

"Okay, now what do we do with him?"


They both looked at Takeru who was unconscious

Some time later

"*Opens eyes* *Yawns*... huh?"

Takeru woke up, and the first thing he saw was Yuriko's face, as he felt something soft on the back of his head

"Ah! You woke up, Takeru-kun"


And he closed his eyes again and tried to go back to sleep since he always wakes up tired and wanting to sleep more

"P, please don't go back to sleep!"

"... Okay..."

He lifted himself and sat down with a tired look on his face

"Are you okay?"

"Huh? Ah! Yes, I'm fine... You put your parka back on?"

"Aah... Yes, I did"

"That's good, I don't want other boys looking at your body"


Yuriko clutched her chest as she blushed after hearing Takeru being jealous and looking cute as he did that


Takeru then laid down on the towel again since he still felt tired, and Yuriko looking at him pouted a little


Yuriko picked up his head and laid on her lap as she made a satisfied expression, while he blushed a little making him look to the side

"... Yuriko-san?"

"Yes, Takeru-kun?"

"Do you remember that time we went back to our apartments after comparing each other grades?"

"Ah... Yes... I do..."

Yuriko clearly remembered that day, and what also happened, making her blush and feel a little shy

"... Do you remember what you said to me back then when I asked if we should date"

"... Yes... That my heart wasn't ready yet..." *trying to hide her embarrassment*

"But what about now?... Do you still feel like that?"

"No, I don't... But... I still find it too embarrassing..."

"I see... Yuriko-san"


"Do you want to go out with me?" (A/N Notes: Smooth tactlessness)


Yuriko made a very cute pouty face as it was also red with embarrassment and Takeru who saw her making that cute face couldn't but press both of her cheeks making Yuriko feel even more embarrassed

"I really like your embarrassed look, Yuriko"

*Looks to the side* "That's unfair of you... S, stupid..." (A/N Notes: B, baka...)

"*Small laugh* Yes, yes. So what's your answer, Yuriko?"

"Isn't it obvious?... Of course, I want to, Takeru"

They both had embarrassed looks on their faces, and when they properly looked at each other, they couldn't help but end up giggling about themselves

" "..." "

"What do we do?"

"I don't know, I wanted to call the two... But I can't find myself to intrude into that atmosphere"

The two childhood friends of Yuriko were slightly away as they tried to come with any idea

"Me too... No, actually, I need to go to the restroom... I receive too much wholesome sugar"

"Yeah, let's go find a restroom first"

Aki and Ayano left to another place because they were feeling sick after seeing Yuriko and Takeru in their own little world... And so am I. Jesus, I exaggerated way too much the sugar levels this time, that even I'm feeling sick now

Early afternoon

Everyone had already come back from the beach to their inn room's, had a quick shower, and lunch, now they were going down a street towards an arcade they found online

"*Happily humming*"

"Did something good happened to you, Yu-chan?"

"Yes! It did!" *Very bright smile*

"Good for you"

Yuriko was shining brightly in happiness, so bright that even Aki felt that her eyes were looking directly at the sun

"It definitely involves Takeru-kun doesn't it?"

*Twitches* "P, please, don't talk about it here" *Making an extremely cute embarrassed face*

"... *Blood cough*"

Ayano couldn't endure the cuteness of an embarrassed Yuriko, so her body responded by letting out blood

"What's wrong? Do you two need me to go to a doctor?"

"N, no... We're good... We... Just need some rest... *Coughs blood* You can go ahead..."

"O, okay?..."

Not really knowing what was going on with her two friends, Yuriko just kept going on ahead as Aki said for her to do



And she happened to meet with Takeru by chance

"... T, Takeru"

"... Y, Yuriko"

And now they were both troubled about what to say and do because of their new relationship, so all they could do is feel somewhat embarrassed

"S, so are you also going t, to the arcade?"

"Eh? S, so you're also going there?"

"Yes... I was going with Aki and Ayano too, but they stayed behind for some reason"

"I see... Then... Do you want to go there together?"

"Huh... Yes, I'd love to"

They walked side by side


Then Yuriko noticed that Takeru was holding her hand, as his cheeks blushed a little. Making her feel a warm feeling in her chest



"I really do like you, Takeru"

"... *Looks away from her* Me too, I also really like you, Yuriko"

And she saw that his ears had turned red, only making her feel warmer in her chest

" "..." "

"You know... I think it was a bad idea pushing them to get together"

"Yeah... a bad idea for our stomachs that is"

Aki and Ayano were unable to call or approach the two, because of the too wholesome atmosphere between Takeru and Yuriko, which only made them have stomachaches because of too much sugar

"So Yuriko... Do you want to go somewhere tomorrow?"

"Just the two of us?"


"Hmmm... I don't really have a place in mind, but I'm fine with just walking around while holding hands" (A/N Notes: I can't believe Yuriko is such a depraved girl)

"I see"

"Then let's meet at the inn reception, is 10 A.M good for you?"

"Got it, I can't wait to go on a date with my girlfriend"

"And I can't wait to go on a date with my boyfriend"

" "..." "

They both looked at each other as their faces turned redder until they both looked away out of embarrassment, but without letting go of each other hands

(A/N Notes: *Author is still on vacation*)