Chapter 30

(A/N Notes: Why do I have the feeling that I'm forgetting something?)

It was 9:55 A.M, and Yuriko was alone in the inn room since Aki and Ayano had already left for the beach again, she was finishing her braid as she wore a one-piece white dress, the same one she wore on her first date with Takeru

"Hm *nods* it's looking nice... I hope that he likes it too" *Lightly blushing*

After a few moments, she got up and left the inn room. After some walking, she reached the reception, where she saw Takeru already sitting in one of the chairs in there, wearing a simple t-shirt and shorts, so she went near him

"Good morning, Takeru"

"Ah! Good morning, Yuriko"

"Did you wait long?"

"Not really... And that braid looks cute on you..." *scratching his cheek*

"Eh? Ah! T, thank you..."

They both looked away with their cheeks slightly red

"S, shall we get going?"

"Yes... Let's"

Takeru got up, and they both left the inn, and after walking a little away from the inn, they both held each other's hand

"So do you have a place in mind, Takeru?"

"No, and you, Yuriko?"


"Then how about walk around and see if we find a place that catches our interest?"

"That sounds good since this way we'll have a lot of time to just spend time with each other"

"... *Blushing* *Feeling dizzy due to the heat and embarrassment*"

"... *Also blushing from the recoil*"

They both stopped walking as they were hit by a sudden feeling of embarrassment. Yuriko who has used those kinds of lines before, on a basic daily basis and mostly to other girls, wasn't used to saying that to someone she loved

"... L, Let's just keep walking"

"Y, yeah, that sounds good"

And all they could do was try to ignore what just happened, and find a place for them to enjoy their date

Some time later, in another relatively near place

"Well, it looks like we weren't able to get any girl at the beach, but we always have the city!"

Yamada was trying to raise the mood of his friends, who all failed, including him, failed to get a girl

"And you, man. Just get over that meeting with Nanami-san, that you almost blew it up for me"

"It's easy for you to say when you're not the one getting your heartbroken!"

"Heh! Whenever I see a sexy girl, and I get rejected by said girl, I always get heartbroken"

"Yeah, me too"

"He's right"

"That's true"

"... You guys are all shameless"

He was about to have a very unpleasant surprise

Back to Takeru and Yuriko

The two had entered a little and cozy cafe they had found and were now sitting beside each other on a table as they waited for their orders

"I find it surprising that you hate coffee, but likes matcha, Takeru"

"I don't like the bitterness of coffee"

"I see"

"Here are your orders, dear customers"

" "Thank you" "

Yuriko had ordered a Red Velvet cake, while Takeru ordered a Matcha Mille Crepe cake, and they both took a bite of their cakes

" "So good" "

They were both sweet tooth. And while they were enjoying their cakes, Yuriko looked at Takeru's cake

"Hm? Do you want a bite, Yuriko?"

"Eh! Ah! N, no... I don't"


Takeru looked at Yuriko with a little suspicion, but he still decided to not press her, instead...

"Yuriko, say 'Ahn' "

"Eh? *smiling poker face*... ... ..."

As Yuriko's mind was trying to find a way to get out of that embarrassing situation for her, her face turned redder, until...


She ended up eating it

"Isn't it good?"

"Yes, it is... More so, since you were the one who offered me"

"I see..."

They both had smiling poker faces, and they went back on looking forward, then Yuriko covered her face with both hands, while Takeru looked down, as they both tried to hide their extremely embarrassed blushing faces from each other, and they felt so embarrassed that steam even appeared to be leaving from their ears


After they finished eating their sweets at the cafe, they went back on their stroll as they held hands, they went into some stores that caught their attention, until they reached the beach around the afternoon, there wasn't a lot of people on the beach by that time, but some stalls were still open, so they bought a snack for each of them to eat

"Even though we didn't go to any place that one could call as interesting, our date was surprisingly fun, wasn't it, Takeru?"

"Yeah, it was"

*Glances at Takeru and his clean mouth* "... Takeru"

"Yes, what is it, Yuriko?"

"You have some sauce on your mouth"

"Ah! Really?"

"Yes, here let me clean it for you"

Yuriko brought her face closer to him and touched her lips on his, making him blush from the sudden kiss, as she also blushed, after some seconds her lips parted from his

"... Sorry... I was lying about that... I... I just... I just wanted to have a kiss..."

"I, I, I see..."

Yuriko said so as she cutely blushed and hid her lips with her hand, while Takeru could only blush and look away, but with glancing at her

"Yuriko, there's one thing I want to tell you..."


"The thing is that..."

Takeru approached her, then pulled Yuriko closer to him, and gave her a kiss of his own, and when their lips parted, he hugged her as she laid his head on her shoulder

"I also wanted to give you a kiss"

"I, I, I, I, I, I seeeee..."

Yuriko felt extremely embarrassed, but she still hugged him back


Takeru and Yuriko returned to the inn, where they parted ways on the way back to their rooms

"I'm back"

"Finally, where have you been?"

"I was having a stroll around the town with Takeru, don't worry too much about it, Aki-chan"

"Hoh? So you were on a date with him, huh?"

*Twitch* "W, w, w, what're you possibly talking about, Aya-chan?"

"What I'm talking about? Well, this morning you woke up surprisingly early for the time we all wake up during vacations, you had breakfast earlier than us, you didn't want to go to the beach, and most importantly we both noticed you had separated your best clothes to wear for today... So if I had to say, not only you went on a date with Takeru-kun, you also started dating him"

"Yeah, it was pretty obvious, Yu-chan"


"Eh?" "Huh?"


" " "... ... ... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHH!?!?!?"

"Y, y, you actually managed to confess to him!?"

"B, but didn't you two figured it out just now!?"

"I was joking! We knew you were going on a date with him, not that you were his girlfriend now!"

"Eh?... *Intensely blushing*"

Yuriko fell to her knees as she hid her face due to the embarrassment of revealing herself to her two childhood friends, that she was going out with Takeru came crashing in inside her

(A/N Notes: If I forgot it wasn't anything important

-Author-san, publishing this chapter at 23:05)