Chapter 36

(A/N Notes: Alright boys, prepare your seatbelts because I'm about to propose you all an unrefusable trade deal

I receive: Your views, your votes, and your comments

You receive: 4 chapters in a row and diabetus

So what's your answer? [Yes/Of course])

"... And then there was that time Yu-chan..."

"... Interesting, so she was like that since then, huh"

"..." *Angrily and cutely pouting out of embarrassment*

Takeru, Yuriko, and her mother were all in the living room... While her mom kept showing photos of Yuriko when she was younger as she also told stories of Yuriko when she was younger and needless to say, they were both really embarrassing for Yuriko, even more since those stories were being told together with the photos

"So Yu-chan do you have anything you want to add about that story?"


And Yuriko looked away without saying anything while still pouting

"... Fine, fine, I'll stop from telling Takeru-kun about your childhood... So Takeru-kun what do you have to say about those stories and photos"

"Hm? Well... All I can say is that Yuriko is still cute, maybe even cuter than when she was younger"

"That's right! You really got a great boyfriend, Yu-chan"


Yuriko didn't look back at her mother, but Kaga was able to notice that her daughter's ear had turned red, so she was able to deduce that her daughter was blushing and with a trembling embarrassed but happy smile, and she was right. Yuriko was smiling with happiness as she also felt really embarrassed

"So when did you two met?"

"If I'm not wrong, we first met each other a little before the opening ceremony on the first day of school"

"I see, I see. And what were your thoughts about her?"

"Hmm... That she was quite a handsome girl"

"Yeah, I also used to hear that a lot... Actually, I'm pretty sure that my dear also said the same thing to me when we started dating"

"... *Looks at Kaga and looks at Yuriko who's still looking away* Yeah, I can understand why he said that"

"Anyways... What do plan on doing today?"

"Hmm... *Looks at Yuriko* Since Yuriko looks to be doing well, even with her cold. I'll just go back home, I guess"

"*Twitch*! W, wait!"

And as Takeru was getting up from the sofa, Yuriko turned, hugged his arm, and said...

"Please... Don't go... Yet Takeru..."

With an extremely cute saddened face with little drops of tears in her eyes, due to her sulking of earlier

" "..." "

Takeru and Kaga were speechless when they saw the face Yuriko had just made. Then they turned their faces away from her and gripped their chests as they made a pained expression

< >

And for Takeru, it made his face turn completely red since she was acting cute because of him

"... Fine, I'll stay some more time here"

And Takeru sat back down on the sofa

"..." *Let it go of his arm*

After seeing him sat down, Yuriko stopped hugging his arm... Only for her to lay her head on his lap, and hug his waist as she buried her face on his stomach

"... Yuriko?..."


He tried to talk to her, but she didn't say anything, and he was growing more embarrassed as she kept clinging to him like that

"... ... ... Yuriko can you please let it go of me?"

"... ... ... Zzzzzz"


And before he could notice she had already fallen asleep like that, and her hug hadn't loosened at all



Then he heard the sound of a photo being taken, and when he looked at Kaga, he saw her holding a cellphone as she was making the face of seeing the cutest thing in the world

"... Delete it"


"... Delete it"

"And what? Are you really going to wake Yu-chan up, just so you can make me delete this once-in-a-lifetime photo of my daughter being extremely cute with her embarrassed boyfriend?"


Takeru then made a really painful face, since she was right. He didn't have the courage to wake Yuriko up as she used his lap as a pillow

"... ... ... Fine, you win"

"Fufu! She'll definitely like and hate this photo"

"... Well, I guess, I'll just have to wait for her to loosen her hug"

Takeru said so as he petted Yuriko's head

Some minutes later

" "Zzzzzz..." "

After some time, because of the comfy warmth, he was feeling, Takeru ended up falling asleep

"... *Sigh* These kids... *Pulls up her phone*"

Kaga took another photo of her daughter sleeping with her boyfriend, now with both of them sleeping on the sofa

"Now... What do I do with those two? I can simply leave them there... But I also want to see more of my daughter acting cute..."

Then an idea came to her head, she got closer to the two and woke up Yuriko

"Yu-chan~ Let's go sleep on your bed, okay?"

"Hmm? Okay..."

She knew that whenever her daughter was sick, she would always wake up half asleep. And with that, she managed to make Yuriko wobbly walk back to her room, then on a gamble, she woke up Takeru


"C'mon, Takeru-kun come with me"


And luckily for her, Takeru was someone who would always stay half asleep after waking up for quite some time before completely waking up, and because of that, she managed to take him into Yuriko's room

There she put both of them on Yuriko's bed, covered them with a blanket

"Sleep well, you two"

And the two quickly fell back asleep, and right after falling asleep Yuriko hugged Takeru who was sleeping in front of her

Hours later

"Takeru~ *kiss kiss* Ehehehe"

Yuriko was having a dream, where she was flirting with Takeru. Then she opened her eyes a little bit and saw Takeru in front of her, making her kiss his cheek again

Now that her mind was somewhat more awaken, she noticed something strange, she opened her eyes and saw Takeru sleeping in front of her

"... ... ... !?"

And she finally noticed that he was actually in front of her and she had been probably kissing him on the cheek for quite some while she was sleeping



Then Takeru turned toward her and hugged her making her get really close to him


That made her face turn completely red because of the amount of contact she wasn't used to, but at the same time she felt really happy, that she tightly hug him back as she closed her eyes again