Chapter 37

"I, I'll be taking my leave... S, see you, Yuriko..."

"Y, yes... S, see you, T, Takeru..."

Yuriko and Takeru were seeing each other off, as he left her house, with both of their faces beet red. After Takeru closed the front door, Yuriko let out a sigh of relief

"Aaaawww... My son-in-law is already leaving?"


Hearing her mother's comment coming from behind, made Yuriko's body get tense as she got slightly spooked, but she managed to recover quickly

"Mom... Why did you make Takeru sleep on my bed with me???"

"Because you two were sleeping very soundly on the sofa, and I didn't want either of you to wake up with body hurting from sleeping in a bad posture"

"Well... That's a good reason... But that still doesn't explain why you made us sleep together!!!"

"Oh! That... I just thought you would like to sleep while hugging your beloved boyfriend"

"It was embarrassing!!!"

"Your sleeping face says otherwise"

Kaga them showed her daughter, a photo of the two hugging each other in their sleep, with a clear image of Yuriko's happy face as she pressed her cheek on Takeru's chest

"..." *Getting more embarrassed after seeing the photo*

"And I'm pretty sure, you must have woken up slightly earlier but still chose to hug him"

She was right on the mark, so much so that Yuriko started to heavily pout her cheeks as she usually did whenever someone found out something she didn't want others to know, and because her face was still blushing, Kaga couldn't help, but take a photo of her daughter like that, as she made a face of someone who was enjoying to see something really cute

Later that day

It was nighttime already, and the front door of the Nanami household was opened

"I'm back"

"Welcome home, dear"

"Did something happen while I was out?"

"Yes, it did. Our daughter's boyfriend paid a visit to her today"

"I see *Untying his tie*... ... ... Wait... Who did you say that came to visit, Yu-chan?"

"Her boyfriend"

"... And what kind of person he was?"

Yuriko's father had a slightly threatening tone on his voice

"A kind boy, somewhat too serious, who dearly cares for Yu-chan and makes her show all kinds of cute faces"

"... *Deeply inhales*... Phew!!!... For a moment I was worried she had got herself a bad person"

He put a hand on his chest as he felt all his tension leaving all at once

"Here, some photos of them that I took earlier today"

Kaga then showed her husband, all the photos she took of Yuriko today


And he could only make a surprised face at seeing how cute his daughter looked in those photos, and as he looked at the photos he saw the one with Yuriko sleeping on Takeru's lap

"... So this is the guy who's her boyfriend?"


"Hmm... Why do I feel like I saw him somewhere before"

Around 2 to 3 years ago

In an anime-related stuff store

Hideto, Yuriko's father, was looking for a certain Japanese monster movie that started with the letter g

And when he found one of the movies he wanted, he moved his hand to pick the movie, but then a quicker hand snatched the movie before him


And when he looked in the direction where the hand came from, he saw a 13 to 14 years old boy that looked back at him, the boy had dark brown, almost black hair with a single streak of red hair near his left black eye, while the other eye had a hazel color. And he looked at Hideto with a serious aloof face



The two stared at each other until the boy put the movie in his shopping basket and turned back on looking for more movies

Hideto then picked the other copy of the same movie the boy had picked up and went back on looking for more movies that he wanted

A minute later

Hideto had found another monster movie of the same monster he was a fan of, and yet again when he about to pick it up, a quicker hand came and snatched it from him. It was the boy again

And what happened after was the exact same thing that happened earlier. Hideto would find the movie he wanted only for the boy to pick the first copy before him. But then after the same thing repeating about 3 times, this time Hideto saw a movie he wanted, but without another copy of it... And the boy was standing in front of it

Hideto then went on the attack to snatch the movie before the boy could pick it, and then


The boy was still faster than him and had already put the movie in his shopping basket, then the boy looked at Hideto who was now in a weird pose

"..." *Stare*



"... Heh!"

And the boy made a smug smile as he looked at Hideto, then turned his back to him and left that alley of the movie section

Back to the present


"What's wrong dear?"

"Nothing, I just remembered a certain annoying memory of mine..."

He decided to push that bad memory of his away. He returned the phone to Kaga and finished untying his tie

"By the way, where's Yu-chan?"

"She's sleeping"

"I see"

After knowing that his daughter wasn't awake at the moment, he decided to flirt a little with his wife. By the time Yuriko had woken up, the two had already their fill of each other and had already finished making dinner by then

At Takeru's house somewhat earlier

"Let's see what I'm going to watch today... Ah! This one, a classic!"

Takeru had picked up a movie he quite liked, one that he had bought the only copy of at a certain anime-related stuff store

"... Heh! I can still remember that stupid face of that old man from back then>

He got up and went to watch the movie he picked on the living room

"Really, this movie again?"

" "Shut up" "

Hideo complained about Takeru watching that movie again, but he was shut down by both Takeru and Emily as they watched the movie