The Proposition

Pedro gripped down on the Winchester he held across his lap when he spied a body of riders coming up the canyon to his loftily placed ranchero. Picturesque wasn't the word for this canyon valley that he called home.

The ranchero was simply just part of the picture. Crafted out of the native rock it blended in seamlessly with the surrounding environment and that there was a waterfall flowing nearby about six months of the year only made it all the more spectacular in appearance.

The gringos wanted his land for cattle, but one in particular wanted it for this house alone. Pedro's grip on the Winchester lessened as he identified the leader in the group of riders headed up the road.

He was one of the neighboring ranchers. The only one who wasn't out for his land, but even maybe that would change.

Was today that day?

Pedro got up and left the Winchester leaning against the wall. There was nothing he was going to do against so many riders all at once anyway.

He stood on the veranda waiting. He didn't miss the sound of two shotgun triggers being cocked back. That would be Sessina at the kitchen window.

"Put it away Sessina!"

After a moment of hesitation, he saw the shotgun barrels retreat, but the gun no doubt remained fully cocked and just out of view. The girl was nothing but trouble!

To do as she had done last night would be the death of them all!

Pedro worked on regaining his composure along with stifling the urge to spank his daughter all over again. She should've been spanked, but it was much too late for that.

He had let her have her way for far too long and now she was set in her ways. He had soundly failed at raising her to be a submissive minded lady as her mother had been.

There was nothing wrong with spirit, but Sessina took things to extremes.

The neighboring rancher, Ralph Eklund, pulled to a halt in front of the veranda. He and Pedro exchanged greetings, but there was a clear undercurrent of tension in the air.

Ralph got down and so did his men. Pedro gave them a wary glance and Ralph noticing it quickly said, "These are for my protection."

The words had an honest ring to them, even as Pedro had always known Ralph to be an honest person. That knowledge of the man being reinforced now caused Pedro to relax slightly, but just slightly.

Ralph gave the kitchen window a glance before meeting Pedro's eyes and saying, "How about we take a walk?"

Pedro nodded and the two men started out on a nearby trail, even as Ralph's riders remained with their horses watching the house with curiosity. Everyone in a three town radius had heard of what had happened last night and the mystique of Sessina Martinez had only grown because of it. She remained hidden from view within the house and if the men had seen the two old shotguns with both barrels fully cocked resting just beneath the windowsill on the kitchen counter they may have each been a little less desirous of their own fantasies of what it would be like to have a hot-blooded girl like her rooted firmly on their shaft.


Ralph started the conversation, "You know what happened in town last night, right?"

Pedro nodded.

Ralph stopped and took in the view for a moment before glancing at Pedro. "If it was me Pedro I'd kill every last one of those mangy curs that ran your sheep to death and left your boy busted up like that."

Pedro nodded and said, "It is in my heart to do the same, but it will not solve anything. It will only give them the excuse they need to come out directly in opposition to me."

"Pedro, that's going to happen regardless. What your daughter did last night might've actually bought you some time."

Pedro glanced at him and Ralph continued, "Both the Circle K and the Crazy 8 have taken on about 10 extra gun hands each and Max Emerson, well his tallies more like 30 by now. I've taken on my own share just in order to be more secure. Mark my words a war is about to start in this valley. It may not be all about you and the few other Spaniards that have hung on, but you're going to be the first to see the action that is coming. Max will start with the ones that the majority of the people don't care about and Pedro, friend that you are of mine, you're on that list."

Pedro sighed loudly, "I know my friend, but what can I do?"

"Arm up and hire some men of your own. You have a great position up here."

Pedro was already shaking his head no, "I do not have money for such men and men who can be bought how are they ever to be trusted? How can you be sure of those seven men back there at the house?"

Ralph nodded, "A valid point I grant you, but one thing is certain. Right now it ends badly for you and your family. Now I know it's not nearly enough, but I'll give you a 1000 in gold for your place if you need the money to move and set up elsewhere."

Pedro shook his head, "My ancestors are buried here. My wife is buried here. I know what you are saying Ralph and I appreciate it. It is very Christian of you, but I cannot leave and so if it is our lot to die then so be it according to God's will."

Ralph sighed loudly.

He glanced at Pedro then and then back at the house. Pedro didn't miss the speculative look in Ralph's gaze.

"What is it?" Pedro asked.

Ralph glanced back at Pedro. Hesitatingly he began, "There are more currencies than simply gold and US greenbacks. Your daughter - she's without a doubt the most beautiful girl in the valley and well..."

"If you are suggesting that I whore out my daughter to the likes of Max Emerson or any other man I..."

"Pedro simmer down. Listen to me for a moment."

With reluctance Pedro became silent even as he raged away inwardly.

"The only reason your daughter is alive and breathing is because of the drifter that came to town a couple months back, by the name of Aaron Jamison."

Pedro nodded, "I know. I owe the man."

"Well, maybe so, but consider this. I've seen him before. He's really good with a gun or any other item when it comes down to fighting. I don't know much about him and he keeps a really low profile, which stepping in last night like he did was very out of character for what I've seen of him around town. In terms of having a price I offered that man a month ago what I'm now paying seven others to do out front of your house and he turned me down flat. To be truthfully honest I'd feel better off with him riding beside me than those seven that I've got. Now I'm not talking about making a whore out of your daughter, but face it, the girl is wild! She needs a man's hand to reign her in and the man in question could do it, but more importantly, what I do suspect is that he would very much like to do that. A man like him on your side could go a long way to keeping you and your family alive. On top of that you'd finally have your girl settled down and I know what a burden that has been for you. I've got two of my own daughters, who aren't far off in terms of being as wild as yours is, and trust me your daughter's exploits last night has only been an encouragement to them."

Pedro stayed silent for a long moment before asking, "You think this man would settle down?"

"It doesn't hurt to ask Pedro."

Pedro nodded.

Something had to be done. Ralph was right about a good many things.

Meeting Ralph's gaze, he said, "I'll do it. I'll ask him."

Ralph nodded, looking relieved.

"How about you ride in with me. I'll leave the seven of my riders here to make sure nothing happens in our absence."

Pedro nodded, "I would greatly appreciate that."

Ralph nodded, "I'll get my men settled down further on the trail so one or two of them don't think to go visit your daughter. As it is, how many guns do you think she has ready to be fired upon them?"

Pedro laughed and said, "All of them by now."


Pedro stepped into the house as the riders left the front yard and headed down the trail a ways. Sessina glanced from their departure to the saddled horse her father had brought up from the barn.

She next looked at her father. Her father was having a hard time meeting her gaze, which instantly made her suspicious. "Papa what have you done?"

"Nothing yet. Tell me, the man who saved your life, is he a good man?"

Sessina spoke in a small voice that reflected her surprise at having received such a question, "I do not know."

Pedro nodded. "Neither do I, but for your sake and your brother's I am going to bargain with him to get him to come here and help us fight."

Husky voiced Sessina spoke as from memory she analyzed the shaggy wolf sitting in the corner of the bar that instead of biting her had saved her, "I do not think he is a man that cares about money Papa."

"I know and that is at least something to know about him."

"If not money, how are you going to get him to come and..."

Something in her father's gaze told her the rest. Tears spilled down across her cheeks as she stared at her father.

The anger that was always near to the surface in her began to rise hotly then, but her father raised one finger in sternness and spoke with a voice to match, "No! You are going to do what I tell you in this matter! I have put up with much from you, but not in this! Do you understand?"

Choking back everything she wanted to say as she read the clear pain her father was in to even come to such a decision she meekly said, "Yes Papa."

He nodded and left the house quickly.

There was no helping it then. The closest dish to her, she picked up and hurled at the wall, but that was the gist of it.

Anger now gone, she slowly slumped to the floor in a curled up ball as her body was wracked by sobs. Her anger had really done it this time.

She should have never gone to town. Now it was too late though.

"Oh God, I….. oh God, please help me!" She cried out brokenly into the carpeted floor mat.

"Sessina what is wrong?" Her brother called out weakly from down the hall.

Wiping at her tears Sessina came up off the floor and called out, "Nothing. I slipped is all."

Quickly she dashed outside then and away from her brother's hearing as she continued to bawl. Pressed up against the door of the house, she looked down the road into the valley.

Would the man come? They would be dead soon if he didn't.

If he did... Sessina broken into fresh tears and turned to press her face against the door as a very real fear took hold of her. She knew nothing about the man who had saved her, but she'd seen his desire, as well as something close to admiration of her.

She knew without a doubt that he would accept her father's offer and just as surely as her brother was still breathing within the house she knew that she must accept him along with his ownership over her. It wasn't right!

Neither was it right to let her brother and father die though. Brokenly she cried against the door even as life suddenly seemed as closed off to her as the door of her home was.