
In a place filled with volcanos of all shapes and sizes, both active and inert, earthquakes were nothing out of the ordinary.

But when the entire mountain range which was tens of thousands of kilometers long and perhaps just as wide moved in its entirety, that was anything but normal.

Hao Xuan was standing in the entrance of the cave that was dug out by Henrik and company to take cover from the rain when it felt like someone had pulled the rug from under his feet. He stumbled forward, almost falling headfirst towards Ceni who was standing nearby but managed to regain his balance at the end and quickly straightened himself.

But many of the others weren't as lucky and were thrown off their feet. Several pieces of loose rocks fell from the ceiling and hit a few people. Thankfully everyone here was a cultivator so something like this wasn't enough to hurt them seriously no matter how weak they currently were.