"Little Boy"

For some reason, whenever Hao Xuan read words like "us" and "we" in the warden's last statement, he couldn't connect them with the almighty Gods and the heavens that watched over the mortal realms. But perhaps that was just his own limited vision.

'Was it really something so bad that even a true god could do nothing against it?' he pondered as the raindrops fell on his drooping shoulders that felt heavier than ever before.

He felt unnaturally cold on this planet. It wasn't a physical cold but something spiritual that affected his very being.

He couldn't help but think of home in this situation. Not the 'home' back on earth, but the one he left in the Mei Kingdom. There he had a warm bed, people he called friends, and a special someone that would brighten his day with just a smile and a word or two.