Pleasing the Huntsman

I woke up abruptly. The first thing that occurred to me was that I felt really good. The second was the deer jerky and the cup of water sitting on the ground in front of me.

Last but not least was that my man wasn't in the tent. Hurriedly I ate the jerky and drank the water, noticing as I did so, that I wasn't as hungry as I would've thought I would be. Maybe I'd had a few parasites after all. Asta la vista was all I could say to that!

Getting out of the tent I noticed it was broad daylight and surprisingly warm. He'd left me sleep in and I was very grateful for that. I saw him then and I stopped.

He was facing away from me and something about his demeanor echoed tenseness bordering on wrath. A hitch of fear squeezed about my heart. How was I ever going to manage such a man?

I whispered a prayer for myself and this man and had immediate relief as I felt an answer from above sweep through my soul, "It is within your ability to ease him. Go to him and be his wife and care for him. I tell you truly that he will come to love you for your efforts. Don't make him take what he wants, but instead give it to him and together be fruitful and multiply. Love him, even as I have loved you, before you knew to love Me in return."

Nodding in acceptance I took courage within my spirit and oddly felt relaxed as I softly approached the man that would have me from this day forward. I came up beside him and glanced over at him. He looked at me intensely and I smiled.

He was like a wild animal ready to spring to the attack and yet calmly I said, "Thank you for letting me sleep. You've waited far longer than I thought you would and I want you to know that I'm grateful for it. Now, however, I would like to please you. I …... how…..what would you like me to do?" I managed to get out at the last even as I blushed profusely.

I never broke eye contact though, and for that I was proud of myself. He blinked and wiped away sweat on his brow. He looked away, seemingly more tensed than even before. I glanced down him to take in the heavy press of his shaft against his pants. God had married me to a stud to be sure.

I had no doubt that this man and I would have many children. I simply knew that it would be so.

With a feminine desire to please my man I stepped around in front of him and got down on my knees. His big hands knotted into fists and looking up I met his gaze even as my hands rose to his belt buckle. "Can I….?" I breathed out not able to fully ask for what I intended to do.

"Yes!" He said passionately.

Lowering my gaze, I undid his pants and was surprised to see no underwear. The pressure of his shaft against his pants fairly unzipped his pants for me. Completely startled I took in the reality before me.

I'd not really seen to many adult male penises before, but my lack of experience in that regard didn't let me down in the fact that this man was a stud if ever there was one. The musky odor of his scent wafted over me strongly and powerful though that it was I strangely didn't mind it. Somehow it suited him.

Shyly I cleared my throat and pushing his pants away from his groin only succeeded in having them fall to his calves from the weight of everything he had in his pockets.

"I ..…uhh….. if I don't do something right, let me know, okay?" I whispered, as I let my hands settle on the man's muscular hips that were warm and covered in curly black body hair.


I forced myself to look up. His voice was the gentlest that I'd heard it so far as he said, "You're likely not going to like the taste of me at first, but when I cum I want you to swallow it. I want that just for myself, but the reality is you need the nutrition gained from doing so as well. There are lots of minerals as well as the fact that it's mostly protein."

I couldn't help myself, I smiled. Here I was on my knees in front of a stranger, who was my husband, about to suck on a huge cock that I knew would soon be ramming away in me wherever he could get it and he was concerned about my nutritional intake? Oddly the fact that he would even think of that was touching.

"I'll do my best." I said in response.

He nodded and looked away and my gaze returned to the fully engorged aspect of raw masculinity that strained before me at eye level and had begun to dribble a steady stream of clear fluid.

Eyes open I leaned forward and opening my mouth, I swirled my tongue around the head of his shaft. The essence of him exploded across all the taste buds of my mouth.

He was very much wrong about something. I loved the taste of him!

Wetly I moved my head forward still and closed my lips around his shaft. The farther I took him into my mouth the wider my lips were stretched apart. He was groaning for some reason and the sound of pleasure emanating from this stoically controlled man only inspired me to seek to give him more.

Gingerly I reached up my hand and cupped both of his testicles. They were swollen and hot and I realized something. He'd wanted me last night, but suffered pain instead in order to let me sleep.

I pulled my head back till just the head of his shaft was in my mouth and pausing I glanced up, even as I gently squeezed his testicles lightly. He was staring down at me with a look of such fierceness that it was startling.

Keeping eye contact I began to suck. He cried out passionately and I felt his pent-up need for orgasmic relief begin. I sucked harder and then the inside of my mouth was painted with jet after jet of his hot seed.

Both of his hands gripped my head hard and I couldn't have moved if I'd wanted to. His seed was not the greatest tasting, but I swallowed it. The hardest thing in the moment was not choking on how much of it there was.

His orgasm came to a close and he pulled free from my lips with a wet pop and I gathered that my touch had become too much in the aftermath of his orgasm in terms of sensitivity. He was breathing hard and so was I.

His cock was still hard and wet from both my saliva some of his seed. With an instinct to please I reached up and formed my hand around the base of his thick shaft and held it still. His hands fell from off my head and free to move I brought my head forward and licked his shaft clean. He was salty and very earthy tasting and yet I liked it.

I let go of his shaft and let my other hand fall away from massaging his heavy testicles and feeling the urge to do it, I turned my head and pressed the side of my face against his groin area and let it rest there even as for support I let my arms move around his hips so my hands could grasp onto the back of his thighs.

One of his hands came down to play on the side of my face that was free to the warm morning air and slowly it massaged my cheek. Instantly I was reminded of the dream and how good his hands had felt.

We stayed that way for a long moment and then I pulled my face away and looked up. He was staring down at me and we just stared at each other for a long moment, sensing a shared connection that was both unexpected and yet seemingly natural.

One of his thumbs reached forward to stroke across my lower lip and as it lay there in possession of it I spoke, "What's your name?"


"What's my last name?"

"Richards." He said gruffly and then he was pulling me up to my feet and then to my great shock he was kissing me. It was the first time I'd ever been kissed by a man and I instantly liked it, but I think it was more because of him being the one doing the kissing than anything else.

It wasn't long before his tongue was where his shaft had just been and I confessed to liking that too. I opened my mouth fully in surrender to the plundering of his tongue even as I found my hands gripping hard upon his powerful shoulders.

His hands coasted down the long arch of my back only to settle upon the halves of my bottom. He gripped hard and a new thrill swept through me as I was dominated by this man's touch upon me.

My eyes opened with shock as I felt his big shaft resurrected to full hardness once more and pressing in against my belly. With a groan, he left off kissing me and growled out, "We need to go, but tonight I'm going to shatter your tight cherry apart Princess!"

Meeting his gaze was hard as the frankness of his promise was simply too real of a threat. Breathing hard I whispered, "You're so big that I don't think it would be possible not to be shattered."

He groaned and closing his eyes, he leaned his forehead down against mine. Curious as to his actions I waited. He drew his head back and gave me a deep look, which I met and gazed back at him as openly as I could muster even as it felt like all my nerves were beginning to unravel.

"You're really something Princess."

I blinked and was surprised when he leaned forward to kiss me again. It was a short kiss, but it was good and when he pulled away, I opened my eyes as I heard him say, "Thank you for what you did."

Smiling shyly even as I ducked my head down I said, "Any time you want me to just let me know."

I glanced at him only to see him give me a strange look before going about pulling up his pants and fastening them together with difficulty. It was in that moment that I made a discovery of my own. The insides of my thighs were bathed with wetness. Apparently pleasing him made me ready to be pleased myself.

The question though, was would I be screaming with pleasure tonight or pain when he made good on his promise to shatter my virginity apart. Shuddering inwardly I turned away even as the realization was that I would not know the answer until the moment of occurrence.

Still, I had hope. Actually, I had hope about a lot of things.

I helped him take the tent down and pack it away and then we were both off again moving through the forest. I didn't know where he was taking me and I didn't ask. I was with him for the journey of the rest of my life and where he led I would follow.

It was getting on towards dark and the terrain we were navigating was far more rugged than any we traversed so far. Both the trees and the rocks were bigger.

The wildness of the area was actually a bit scary. Kind of like the man ahead of me.

I had followed his lead all day and for the most part little had been said between us. In general he seemed to be a man of few words where as I had nothing but questions.

I remained silent, though in respect to the way that he seemed to prefer things. I didn't want to annoy him and I recognized that concentrating on the trail and my surroundings was more important at the moment anyway than any questions that I could ask. Still, it was hard to stay quiet.

Overriding everything as the shadows darkened was this man's promise about tonight. Closing my eyes briefly, I tried to visualize the size of what I'd had in my mouth only partially and with some effort on my part suddenly rearranged and being shoved within the core of my body.

I shook my head to free it of the imagery that far from scaring me only seemed to make the perpetual dampness between my thighs get damper still. I wanted him. I wanted him deep.

In a way I felt like I'd been asleep all my life to the true reality of being a female. I wanted to be mated.

Not by any man, but by this man alone and yet I hardly knew anything about him. I did know that I was safe with him, as well as the fact that I was where God wanted me to be, in a way that was a lot for a girl to know.

Wyatt abruptly headed into some huge rocks and reluctantly, I followed behind him. Big rocks became mossy fissures as upthrust rock ledges towered up around us until the fading light of the day was mostly blocked out. We went down a narrow canyon and I stayed close behind him. So close that I bumped into him when he stopped suddenly.

He glanced at me in the dim light and I stepped back awkwardly. My nipples felt like there were on fire from having made contact with him again the way I had yesterday.

He smiled and said, "We're home Princess."

I glanced from him to the stone wall before us. We were at a dead-end. This was where he lived?

He reached into some ferns growing up the sheer face of the rock and grasped a hold of a grapevine. He shook it and a length of rope fell from some 30 feet further up. I gasped with surprise and looked on with wonder as he went about making a loop in the end of the rope. He motioned to me and I put one shoe into the loop, while holding the rope with my hands.

"Hold on Princess." He said and I did as even with abruptness he started hauling on the other end of the rope. An unseen pulley up above somewhere groaned and I was born quickly up the face of the cliff by Wyatt's strong arms which was impressively fast.

Reaching the top I shakily reached out and grabbed a hold of a tree growing there and pulled myself away from the edge. Free of the rope I quickly moved away from the edge and moments later I heard Wyatt pulling himself up.

I turned around and among the rocks and boulders of this canopied spot of seclusion I saw the mouth of a cave opening. A cave opening that had a door fastened into it.

Awareness of the capableness of the man I belonged to shot through me. This man was a survivor.

What stories did he have to tell? Likely not many fit for the faint of heart.

I turned and saw him stowing the rope away. No one was getting up to this secluded spot other than us. We were alone and even if I had wanted to make a run for it, I wouldn't have been able to. I have no desire to run though, but the hungry look in his eyes right now had me anxious.

He moved on and said, "Come along Princess and inspect your new home. Not the finest perhaps, but in the present state of things not too shabby either."

I followed along after him quickly as the coldness of the night drove away the warmth of the day, but truly that wasn't why I was shaking.