No Escape

The door opened smoothly without even a squeak and I stepped through into the cave. My hand came up to my mouth as even in the dim shadowy grayness of the room, I could see an interior I hadn't expected.

"Just a moment." He called out from the darkness.

A match flared and then a lamp was coming alive followed by several candles. The cave or as much of it as I could see was now bathed in light.

A sitting area with carpets on the floor and of all things a leather couch was directly before me. Two shelves filled with books were lined up along the cave's sides behind the couch and on the opposite wall was a fireplace that even as I gazed upon it was coming alive as prepared tinder caught flame.

Beyond the sitting area was a kitchen area and gazing in that direction I realized that some of the residual daylight in the cave was coming from a skylight in the ceiling above the kitchen table. Up till now I had been breathing, but I stopped as my eyes took in the shelves loaded with canned food and other items. This man had more food than a small mini Mart!

Beyond the kitchen I recognized the outline of a bed. My eyes darted away from it and back to the fire that was now blazing and casting its welcome heat into the room.

Could all this really be possible? Was this a dream?

"Tamara?" I glanced up startled and blinked away my dazed confusion as I met Wyatt's eyes.

I couldn't help but feel as overwhelmed as I did and as usual emotion did not let me down by not making its presence known. I rubbed away at a tear and asked him point-blank, "Is this place for real?"

"Yes, it is. I about broke my back to get that couch up here. Strangely, at the time it never occurred to me to take it apart in pieces and reassemble it, until I already had it in the cave. It would seem I am a bit dense minded at times."

I glanced from him to the bookshelves. Somehow I doubted him as being any form of dense when it came to intellectuality. My gaze ran over the titles of books on the shelves with interest as in a way they were keys to understanding the man who stood before me.

"Are you hungry?"

My gaze came back to him meaningfully and he shook his head with a rueful expression, "That was a stupid question wasn't it."

He started away for the kitchen and softly I asked, "You don't mind sharing all of this with me?"

He looked back at me and said, "With you, no, with someone else probably. That said, as much of a loner as I have been in life, I've been going crazy without anyone to talk to. Tell me have you read any of those books on the wall?"

"Yes." I whispered before then adding, "My job in school was serving as an assistant to the librarian. I love books. The right books anyway."

Something I saw as pleasure crossed his face and softly he said, "You are an ever evolving surprise Princess."

So was he, but I left that thought unsaid. I gravitated his way, taking everything in and yet still doubtful that it all could be real. Had God really landed me down into this oasis nestled in the midst of a wilderness?

I didn't deserve this! So many had died and sitting down in one of the kitchen chairs I said as much out loud.

In a way I didn't know I'd said it out loud until Wyatt responded with, "Actually, as things go it seems that what we deserve in life is rarely what we get." I wasn't sure where he was going with that and at the moment I was really just too embarrassed by having dispersed my thoughts out loud to respond to his statement.

A bowl of food that actually smelled like food and looked like food was set down before me. All thought of everything else disappeared.

"I'll have hot coffee in a few minutes."

I looked up at him. He had to be joking!

No, no he wasn't, as I took in the sight of him fixing a pot over the fire in the other room. Forcing restraint I prayed over my meal as I always had, but this time I did it silently.

He took notice, but said nothing and with relish I began to eat. The bowl of food was soon gone and for the first time in years I had the relish of having consumed vegetables, so what if they'd been canned vegetables. I was actually still hungry, but I would not ask for more.

I started to get up, but a hand on my shoulder obstructed the action. Another bowl was put down before me that had steam lifting off of it even as his voice so near to my ear that it sent shockwaves through me said, "A stew made with deer meat."

He'd put quite a bit of emphasis on the deer part. I stared at the bowl before me only moments later to see it joined by a cup of coffee.

He set a jar of what I took to be sugar down beside the coffee cup. I was struggling and glancing up I met his gaze that was perhaps the warmest I had yet seen it and heard him say, "Eat up Princess. You haven't made it this far by not being a survivor, so don't stop now."

I took a hold of the spoon and getting a bite I ate it. The stew was the best I'd ever had in my life. I ate it quietly and I drank the coffee. When I was done, I glanced up at him again.

He'd been staring at me the whole time and meaning every word with all my heart I said, "Thank you. This…. this is all very unexpected. I….. I can never repay you for sharing this with me."

He shrugged and said, "I'm not asking you to, but I do want all that you have to give."

I nodded and honestly said, "I'm yours."

He nodded all the while staring at me intently, only to simply say, "I know."

He got up and said, "Come with me."

I got up and followed with nervous anticipation for what I thought was to come. He headed for the bed that was now quite well illuminated, but diverged from it and down a narrow tunnel. He held a candle and stopping he held it out to me and I took it.

It was quite cool in the hallway, but I was warm from a belly full of good food and from the heat of the fire in the other room. He gestured to the hallway ahead and said, "Follow this until you find the water. Everything you will need will be there."

Uncertainly, I nodded and moved off down the tunnel alone. Soon I heard water and then I saw light. The lighting was dim, but during the day it must be quite a bit brighter. With a gasp of surprise, I took in the showering cascade of water falling from fishers in the sky lighted ceiling up above. It was going to be cold, but I didn't care. I set the candle down and took in the sight of the towels and soap bars neatly stacked on a table out of the way of the water splashing down onto the floor.

Glancing back the way I'd come I saw nothing. Quickly I got undressed and grabbing up a bottle of shampoo I did what I'd ached to do for so long. I washed my hair.

It was all tied in knots in order to keep manageable and while I knew I couldn't get it fully clean I could at least get the surface along with my scalp clean. I stepped into the water and about had a heart attack. It was cold!!!

Breathing hard I stayed put though and let it cascade over me. I scrubbed the shampoo through my tresses to the point of my hair falling out and at last I washed the suds free from it. Breathing heavy and my body wracked with shivering, I turned to reach for a soap bar only to go completely still as one slid down the length of my side even as a warm hand settled over my other hip.

I stayed still under the water as the hands, I had dreamed about became a reality upon my bare flesh. The soap bar cruised across my flat stomach and upward to encircle my breasts and wash in between them.

I made a decision then and it was a choice to relax. In the process of relaxing I leaned back against the very much naked form of the man standing behind me.

The warmth of him was overwhelming in comparison to the coldness of the water splashing down upon me. The passionate part of him that made him male pressed into the small of my back even as his hairy chest was the support for my shoulders to rest against.

His soapy hands twisted massagingly over my nipples and in surrender I pressed my breasts into his palms even as I accepted his touch in whatever way he wanted to give it. Suddenly his warm lips were against the side of my neck and then his teeth closed over my skin with a firmness that was somewhere between painful and exhilarating.

I couldn't help it as a deep moan slipped from my lips. Everything felt so right!

I pressed back into him and then I tried to turn, but he held me with his teeth to stay where I was. Then his biting hold released and his hands moved on as he washed the entirety of me.

As cold as I was I blushed as he washed me in places no man had ever touched. He even got down on his knees and washed my legs and feet. At last the whole of me was clean and he pulled me from the showering drops of cold water that despite the passion I was feeling were turning me into a block of ice.

If he'd asked I would've laid down on the wet floor and been his right then and now, but instead a towel came over my head and began to vigorously dry my hair. When he was done with my hair, he dried the rest of me even as I stood still, other than for the shivering of my body.

I stood before him as naked as the day I had been born and I felt no shame. His voice gruff he said over the sound of the falling water, "Go warm up by the fire."

He draped a dry towel around me, but I stayed where I was. I couldn't help it. I reached forward and hugged him as tightly as I could. Awkwardly his arms hung out to the side as if he was unsure what to do and before the moment got any more embarrassing I let go and headed up the hall I had come down previously.

Hurrying past the bed I made it to the fire that was now a literal blast of heat and I thanked God all over again for the comforts being afforded to me. Tiredness struck me and I lay down on my side on top of the plush rug before the fireplace.

Dazedly I watched the flames flicker and half fell asleep in the process of the fire's heat driving all the coldness from my bones. My eyes opened fully though as his presence became known to me as I felt him lie down on his side behind me.

I scooted over a little and laid over on my back and met his gaze. The towel I had been holding about me, I let go of even as I let my hands fall to my sides. The towel slipped and one of my breasts slid free from it buoyantly and watching him move I took in the visual of his stubbled face descending over my breast even as within the next moment his lips opened to encircle my rigid nipple with the heat of his mouth.

My back arched up off the floor as he began to suckle and gasping I lay there his prize on the floor. His teeth grazed my nipple to the point of pain, then in a second his sucking clasp was gone only for me to feel him capture my other breast and subject it to the same torture.

Pleasure radiated through me that was so extreme it was hard to reconcile with. I reached for him, but he was already moving. My thighs parted for him and wide-eyed I stared up into his gaze as he said tensely, "I'm sorry Princess, but I can't wait any longer."

I nodded, even as I felt the wet head of his shaft nuzzle its way into the tight folds of my sheath. His exploration went deeper and my breathing stopped as the thickness of his invasion into me met with resistance.

I felt him tense up and then all my breath escaped me on a cry of pain as he did exactly as he promised he would. He shattered me!

Crying out, I turned my head to the side as I felt the thickness of his shaft force its way all the way to the gates of my womb. There was nothing gentle now about the man who had washed me clean, but a little while ago, as even now I lay a prisoner to his savagery.

My breasts were crushed flat against his chest and his breath came puffing in and out against my ear like a freight train. His shaft was buried at the core of me in one moment only to be drawn back to be rammed back in seemingly deeper.

I did nothing to fight him, but crying softly I lay open to him even as he savagely had his way with me. I prayed that it would soon be over, but as I prayed I noticed my body beginning to rise up off the floor to greet his heavy thrusts into me. Though my eyes were wet with tears, my lips opened on a surprised exclamation as the length of his shaft slid into me once more.

Something felt completely different and in the next moment pleasure radiated across every parameter of my being as his pelvis ground down upon me. It was too much and my body convulsed about the length of his cock that filled the whole of me.

He cried out savagely and shoved all the harder into me, but I was already lost in the waves of passion that had come over me like a rising tide that wouldn't stop. How was pleasure like this possible?

I heard something only to dimly realize in some corner of my mind that it was me screaming. With a savagery of my own I held on to him with my hands and legs welcoming the pleasure he brought me out of the midst of pain.

I felt the heat of his seed course into me and I groaned all the harder as if hungry for it in some deep way. His deep thrusts stilled and shuddering my heart began to calm as I continued to hold on to him even as his breaths for air sounded loud against my ear.

His weight on me made it hard to breathe, but I didn't care, even as I took in the feel of what it felt like to have the length of my husband's cock still rock hard buried inside of me. Was this life from now on?

The presence of him in me was like sheer nirvana now that I knew the pleasure that could come from it. Still breathing heavily, he propped himself up on his elbows and air rushed back into my starved lungs.

"Sorry." He huffed out, but in the next instance, still panting heavy myself I leaned up and kissed him. It was the first time I had kissed him and awkwardly I gave it my all.

After a long moment I let my suddenly weary head fall back down to the plush rug. We stared at each other as my sides still heaved in and out and I felt sweat dribble off of him to land with a splash down upon me.

I was so his and smiling I tried to express it, but words failed me. His shaft had softened and he pulled it free of me only to lay over on his side beside me.

The fire was warm and so was I and in blissful satiation I let my eyes close as I took in the moment of how oddly completed I felt. There was silence in the warm cave except for the crackle of the flames. I'd never been so content to stay in one place before as I was right here on the floor.

I was drifting off to sleep, when I heard him say, "You're beautiful."

I opened my eyes and turning my head I smiled at him as his words radiated throughout me. No one had ever said that to me before. Granted, at the time before the attack on America I had looked far different than I did now, but the here and now was all that mattered.

His gaze lifted from off the gentle swells of my uplifted black breasts to my face. Wanting to please him as he had me, I shyly said, "You're so strong and... big."

I blushed slightly as the memory of him lit me up with a strange ache to feel him in me again. I was tired though and my eyes began to drift shut, only to open as he once more spoke, "I never imagined myself being with a black woman."

This was important and I wanted to hear what he had to say, but oddly, I found myself speaking, instead, "You were raised to be prejudiced against people of my color?"

He nodded his head as once more his gaze was focused on my chest and then more towards my nether regions.

"I was raised the same way in regards to white people." I said honestly. Then I added, "But as you can see, though different on the outside, we still fit together quite well even as God intended for it to be. Even though I was raised to be prejudiced against white people I never accepted it or made it to be my creed in life. You don't regret having a black wife do you?"

He shook his head no and said, "I would be a fool if I did."

I warmed all over again and shyly I reached my hand out to hold his and his fingers curled around mine in return.

"Thank you for not lying to me." He whispered.

"About what?"

"About anything so far."

I nodded and said, "Lying is a big issue for you isn't it?"

"I've been lied to my whole life. Even when it comes down to you. You're a real person and I like you."

I smiled softly and said, "I will never lie to you Wyatt and though I am as weak natured as the next person is at times I pray right now that God helps me keep this promise."

He met my gaze and said, "You still believe in a God after all that's happened to you?"

"I believe in thee God and to answer your question yes I do. He's the only reason I'm alive. He kept me going when I could have given up long ago. You call me a survivor, but truly I am a weak woman and all I have for strength is a faith that my God is real and He proves Himself to me all the time."

"How so?" Wyatt asked skeptically.

"He gave me you." He blinked and I continued, "He told me to wait, that's the only reason I didn't run from those cannibals. The only reason! He's been with me every day and if I don't daily hear from Him I feel lost. I'm nothing without Him. This place of refuge, you, this moment, all of it is a gift from Him and I thank Him with all my heart for everything that He has suddenly showered me with in the form of you and this place, but mostly you."

"You don't even know me or any of the things that I've done." He said gruffly.

"You're wrong there honey. No, I don't know your past history or the things that you've done wrong, but I can see that you're sorry for them and I can tell you that I'm no saint either, but I serve a God that forgives us despite whatever we may have done and gives us good things in spite of whatever we think we deserve. I don't know what you think of God, Wyatt, in terms of relationship, but I can tell you that He loves you and if I've been a comfort to you then know it's because of God because He is the one who gave me to you. I don't want to preach to you and turn you off, but you need to know that I'm a woman of faith and as much as I now belong to you I belonged to Him first and I'm never going to change what I believe or throw away the redemption I have through Grace because of God's perfect Son dying on a cross for me and taking my place and washing me free from all the sins I ever committed. This is who I am. I can't be any more open or honest with you than I have been just now."

He nodded and I relaxed as I saw that I hadn't made him angry. That he was at odds with God was obvious, but positively that also showed that he believed that God existed. I would have said what I had even if he'd yelled at me in the quick-tempered way he had about him sometimes, but he was relaxed and I thanked God for it.

His gaze met mine and he said, "I like the way your breasts shake when you speak with passion." Shyly I tried to get used to the intimacy of being with a man that was seeing literally everything about me.

Softly I whispered, "They used to be bigger. You keep feeding me like you are and they're likely to shake more."

He chuckled and said, "I like the sound of that. We have a deal."

Biting my lip for a moment, then I let go of it and made a confession, "In the time before everything fell apart, I was quite.... fat... no one ever called me beautiful not even my own mother or father. I promise you Wyatt that no matter however much food you make available to me that I will always do my best to stay beautiful in your eyes."

He was quiet for a long moment and then he said something completely unexpected and something that brought tears to my eyes, "The more I know you, the more unique among women you become. Whatever you may have looked like in the past or for that matter the future, I am in no doubt that you will be beautiful, because there's a lot more to you than what's seen on the surface and frankly I just want you to be you. I've been alone for a long time, most of my life, and in two days you've made things a lot better. I very much appreciate the blessing of you."

Tears were streaking down my face and I wiped at them, but it did no good and suddenly I was sobbing. His warm hands that were no longer a dream, but a reality pulled me onto my side and up against him and I pressed my face against his neck even as my nipples found a home nuzzling into his thick chest hair.

His hands stroked down my side and back and I found comfort and love in the arms of a Huntsman that had rescued me from something worse than just death. Slowly my sobs came to a halt as the peace of how good God was enveloped me.

I relished the comfort of this man's touch upon me. His teeth nibbled at my shoulder and tiredly, I opened my eyes even as I felt the evidence of his passion nuzzle up against the front of my thigh. I was so tired and chuckling he seemed to sense that and whispering into my ear he said, "I'm not going to let you go to sleep yet Princess."

Closing my eyes, I smiled in response and said nothing. Whatever he wanted I would do. With surprise, I felt him press me gently over onto my belly. I turned my head to the side and gazed at the fire still burning hotly even as his big hand coasted down my back to stroke over the contours of my bottom.

It was really something to feel his touch on an area touched by no one else before and shyly I buried my face into the plush fur of the rug I laid upon as he swept my knot beaded hair strands away from the back of my neck and began to kiss his way down the length of my spine. He rubbed his hands firmly into the small of my back only to then sheet them off to the sides and form them over my wide hips. He pulled and my knees bent.

My body followed his directions and I found myself on my knees bent over with my thighs split apart to make room for him kneeling behind me. I started to push up off the rug to straighten, but one big hand pressed my head back down to the ground and when he did that I knew exactly what he was about to do.

Shyly I let my body remain in the position that his hands had directed it to assume. My fingers curled into the rug as his big hand pressed down on the small of my back and instinctively my back arched downward even as my bottom turned up higher into the air. I had never felt so exposed before and yet I felt no shame.

His hand left my spine to grasp my hip even as his other already did so to my opposing hip. I felt him settle back onto his heels even as his hands stroked down the back of my thighs to then rest over the back of my knees and then my calves.

His breathing was heavy and gruffly he spoke into the stillness of the moment, "Honey, you're beautiful as a whole, but your butt is absolutely gorgeous!"

At his words, my face flushed, but I stayed where I was. No experience that I'd ever had in life could have prepared me to face this moment and yet here in the now I felt a sense of pride in knowing how impassioned I had made my man by him simply looking at my butt. His hands returned back up my thighs and I felt him trace the creases beneath my bottom cheeks and then both of his thumbs swept down the cleft of my bottom even as his fingers dragged over the firm cheeks of my rear.

One of his big fingers pressed into the wetness of my sheath even as the other one anchored with a firm grip over my hip. His finger penetrated all the way into me and I moaned at the feeling of just how big it alone felt.

He was far larger than his finger and the openness of my position was both titillating and concerning. I was very sore, but I said nothing as he rubbed his finger against the front wall of my vagina. His massaging touch had made something inside of me turn hard and I wondered at what that might be about even as I heard him say, "I'd like to say that I will be gentler with you this time than last time, but I'm afraid not."

His finger left me and I swallowed as it was replaced with the head of his shaft. The time before he had slammed it all the way in, but this time he did not. With my hips anchored in place he slowly slid his cock into me.

He got bigger the farther down the shaft he went and opening my mouth, I cried out and bit the carpet even as my fingers curled even tighter into it as I was spread apart by his thick shaft. Breathing heavily I blinked repetitively as the core of me was filled with him and the soreness that he had caused the first time was stretched out to the max.

His groin pressed into me and I felt his heavy balls come up against my slit. He was all the way in and it was deeper this time than before. He was breathing heavy and tightly he said with passion, "You are one hot tight wet slide of pure pleasure Honey!"

I barely had time to register his words as half of him left me only to be slammed into my wet depths with a force that shook me and pressed my face into the rug. It didn't stop!

The ribbed form of his cock plundered me more deeply than the first time he'd taken me and my voice was one long exclamation of both wonder and shock at what I was feeling. The friction of his shaft in me and the elemental savagery of his taking stroked something alive in me that was similar but different than before in terms of pleasure.

His balls slapped forward onto my clitoris and I clawed at the carpet completely overcome as my body crested over into extreme pleasure and got impossibly tighter about his buried shaft only for me to feel him slide free and force his way back in through the heart of my orgasm. I cried out his name over and over as wave after wave of pleasure swept through me in a high tide that just wouldn't die.

My insides were made hot by him and soon his seed was spraying within what felt like must be my womb. Crying out, I begged him to go harder and he did and I crashed.

Cognitive thought fled from me and I felt his thrusts come to an end. I was beyond comprehension in the moment. Breathing hard and listening to the sound of my own heartbeat, I felt him still with his shaft within me pull me down to my side.

He lay behind me and yet still within me shallowly. My eyes closed as out of breath sounding he said as if from far away, "Now you can go to sleep Princess."

I did just that, still feeling him hard within me and the presence of him all about me. It was one of the best moments of my life.