Breakfast Served

I awoke dreamily as if from some pleasant place. Idly my eyes took in the small fire burning in front of me. Sudden comprehension of reality took hold then and I opened my eyes fully and looked about.

Most of the light in the cave room was coming from several skylights I hadn't noticed last night and not from the fire. The cave as a whole was rather well lit, but was empty of what I wanted to see most. He was gone.

Carefully, I pushed upright to sit on the floor and when I did the wool blanket pooled around my lap. I shook my head and held my hand to my lips as memory of literally everything came shooting back to me.

I closed my eyes for a long moment, enjoying the memories that were now part of reality. In the stillness of the cave I said, "You know God, You're amazing! I never knew such pleasure was possible and that You preserved me for him….just him... I thank You so much! I don't know where he's at right now, but I just ask that You would bless him and I thank You for blessing me with far more than I could ever deserve or imagined to desire. Thank You that last night went like it did and that it was with Wyatt and not some dirty guard using me." I'd said the last with tears in my eyes as I reflected for a moment on just how well God had preserved me even in the midst of feeling at that time as if He hadn't done anything to help me.

Summoning courage to face how stiff and sore I felt I made the attempt to get up off the floor. Gaining my feet I realized that I was full. Completely full of his seed.

There was no doubt in my mind that with a stud like him I would be pregnant in short order and I was completely fine with that. In a way that was exactly what God had ordered men to do. To be fruitful and multiply and have dominion over the face of the earth and in this moment I couldn't think of anyone I'd rather be doing that with other than Wyatt.

Gingerly, I walked towards some cloth I saw and taking a piece I wiped away the semen and even the leftover traces of some blood caked to my thighs. I was well and truly not a virgin anymore. It felt like it too.

Standing naked within the room came at a whole new level of awareness. There was no other way to put it other than to say I liked how I felt and I wanted him in me again. Blushing at my own thoughts I ignored my rampant hunger and looked about for something to wear.

His clothes were all I found and they were hopelessly big. Thinking on some inspiration I focused less on getting dressed and more on looking….well... ready for him. I felt that he was near. It was hard to say how I knew that, but I just did.

I pulled a white T-shirt out of a drawer. For a moment I imagined how snug fitting it would look stretched out over his muscles and an awareness of sensual desire for my man swept through me. I put the shirt on.

It hung big on me and was a bit of a tent except for where my breasts pushed it out and my nipples at the moment were rock hard despite the warmth of the room and it showed through the shirt. The best way I could reconcile it was that I wanted his touch and every last part of me didn't want to be left out.

In a single night I had come to crave the thought of being with him. Was this how God had made a woman to be in the beginning?

It must be, because it felt so right. The shirt barely covered the apex of my thighs and my bottom was but barely covered. He would like that, after all he thought my butt was gorgeous and that I knew was no lie.

It was strange the reversal that had been made in life. I'd gone from never being comfortable in my own skin to suddenly loving it.

The door opened and I looked up. It was bright and snowy outside, but my gaze was on him. He stared across the room at me as if I was a smooth chocolate drink he wanted to drink down in one gulp. Some feminine part of me, never before accessed, bloomed forth and with a shy but confidently felt smile I walked across the room, letting my hips roll as much as I had suddenly mastered the art of doing.

Coming face to face with him I leaned up on tiptoe and kissed him. His lips were cool and in appearance, he was as hard as a statue as if frozen by the sight of something inspiring and that inspiration was me.

I leaned back and said, "Good morning Honey."

"Good morning." He mumbled in reply and I felt like laughing as I took in the look emblazoned across his eyes that was one of shock and desire.

He was literally tongue-tied. It was awesome and both humbling at the same time to see the power that I could employ. Smiling, I turned away and as I did I felt the T-shirt ride halfway up my bottom before settling down again.

"Have you had breakfast?" I called out not looking back. No answer came. I neared the kitchen table that was brightly lit up by an overhead skylight and turning back, I saw him come unglued from his place beside the door and drop several bags to the floor.

He was coming my way now and taking off winter clothes as he came. I turned away with a smile. It felt good to smile so much.

He was close when he said, "No, I haven't."

"What would you like? I'll get it for you." His hands came about my waist and a thrill shot through me at the contact of him with me.

"That's all right Honey, I've already found it."

In a mixture of curiosity at what he'd said combined with pleasure at being called 'Honey' by my man I half turned to ask, "What?"

He completed my turn and seemingly without any great effort lifted me up and I found myself sitting on the table to the rear of me. Blinking, I watched his hand claim a chair and setting it before me he sat down with a grin as he said, "I like my shirt on you, but it's in the way of eating my breakfast."

What he was doing and saying did not compute in my brain. Why was he sitting down?

His hands came up my thighs and gripping he pulled my lower half towards him. The T-shirt stayed with the table and I had to catch myself with my hands or I would've fallen back onto the tabletop.

Incredulously, I watched his head descend between my legs even as his hands deposited my legs to lay over his shoulders. He did then exactly what he'd said he would. He feasted on me.

I bucked from the contact of his lips on my most sensitive areas and moaned as the broad plain of his warm tongue made its way through my folds discovering everything. He licked his way through them and then paused to press heavily upon what I knew to be my clitoris.

My eyes crossed and I collapsed backward onto my elbows and let my head fall back as the sensations of what he was doing poured over me. I had heard of this, but never had I expected it to be done to me. His tongue licked and glided. Swept into me and back out only to press again and again upon my clitoris.

The waves of pleasure he was invoking coalesced and crested higher and then he suckled. Screaming I crashed and fell to pieces. Wave after wave crashed until I was a nothing but a mass of shivering jelly with my whole body vibrating under overloaded sensation. The orgasm had ended, but he hadn't.

"Oh God!" I whispered and gave up trying to support myself and fell flat to the table as the cycle of orgasm began all over again. From somewhere far away, I heard him chuckle only to feel two of his fingers spear into the heart of my second orgasm, and their movements along with that of his mouth brought on a third orgasm.

Thrashing within his grip I hoarsely begged, "Please, Wyatt! Stop! I... I'm going to die if you don't!"

Again, there was that chuckle that I felt vibrate through my most sensitive places and then his mouth left me and I was pushed further onto the table. Dazed and worn out by pleasure so extreme it had hurt, I opened my eyes as I heard something hit the floor. It had been his pants. I met his gaze even as he lifted my still shaking legs into the air by grasping them at the ankles.

"I quite enjoyed my breakfast Tamara. I've never had a sweeter drink, then you."

I didn't know what to say and then there was nothing to say as he was once more inside of me and everything became emphasized and out of proportion. Crying out, I panted heavily as he stroked in and out of my sheath with such a passion of ownership that it melted me.

He still held my legs up and helplessly I opened my eyes to look at him as I felt orgasm number four or was it five begin to rip through my body. Was it possible to die from too much pleasure?

He did something, then that confirmed that yes, it was possible. He switched grips on my ankles while being fully embedded within me and then he pulled my legs together until they were crossed over each other. The huge feel of him inside of me already was doubled as he compressed my body onto his shaft at the moment of orgasm.

I screamed and clawed at the table, but he didn't listen instead he withdrew and shoved into the compression of my sheath and it felt so good and yet the pleasure was so much it hurt. I couldn't get away and then my legs were let down and in weak relief my orgasm ended.

He slid from me, only for me to feel his hands in the next instance flip me over. His actions were passionate and my cheek bumped into the tabletop none too gently even as direct sunlight shone down upon me. I felt him reenter me from behind in a heavy surging thrust that had me moaning and standing on tiptoe. My fingers curled over the edges of the table and I groaned loudly as I took in again how different he felt when he was in me this way. It was good!

He took no mercy, but slammed into me, forcing my thighs to hit up against the table again and again. It was a good pain. I gave over once more to orgasm even as I felt his shaft bloom hot seed all over within me.

This life I was living was the stuff dreams were made of. At last he came to a stop and breathing heavy he stayed in place still fully pressed into me and said, "I…. I don't mean to be this rough. I... I just can't help myself."

Turning my head, I glanced back at him and said, "I'm not complaining Honey. Do your will with me. I'm yours baby."

And to add emphasis to that I pushed back onto his still hard shaft rooted deeply in my body and wiggled in a sensual fashion that no one had ever taught me so much so that it was simply feminine instinct to do. He groaned deeply and pulling free of me he picked me up off the table. Carrying me, I soon found myself flying through the air as he tossed me onto the bed.

Settling down over top of me he started to kiss me and that was pretty much how the rest of our day went. I never did get breakfast, but we did feed each other lunch and for dinner we shared each other orally.