Dragon VS Monster

Erza: So Excel Bruke. We have called you here for a reason.  Tell us truly what level are you? Your name is not on the list of level 3s.  What level are you?  The only thing we found is the similarities in the appearance of you and the first ranked. Who is under the project name ACCELERATOR.

Excel:  (annoyed)  What the hell do you mean by that?

Erza: We have a suspicion that you are a false ranker.

Lucy: We looked into the battle footage of you and Luck Voltia.

And each time you were defeated but your body never suffered fatal injuries despite being directly hit by his powerful attacks, your clothes were only got damaged a little and you never try to dodge the attack.

Excel: I am just bad you know.  Although I am a level 3 I don't have much mobility.

Gray: Well whatever man we are going to have a crystal test. The result of the crystal test will determine your level.

Erza: So, will you cooperate with Excel.

Excel: Sure whatever. (mind) Huh, I have already fooled the crystal.  This is nothing new.

Erza takes out a magic crystal and keeps it on top of the table. Excel keeps his hand on top of it. The crystal starts glowing. Glowing even more, even more. It was like a sun.

Gray: What the hell is this.

Excel: Oii prez, what the hell is happening.

Erza: Well Excel you see this crystal is different. Instead of the mage providing magic energy. This crystal absorbs the energy to measure it.

Excel: The hell. (mind)  damn it.

After some seconds the crystal blasted.

Erza: Wait.  What the crystal ball blasted. Is this even possible?

Excel: Oii prez it looks like your crystal is broken. 

Lucy: No, it's not possible. I tested it myself.

Excel: But it doesn't seem like it.

Gray: You seem fishy man. Tell us what did you do.

Natsu: Yeah.

Erza: Well it seems like the crystal did not work. So let me propose another method.  A fight.

Excel: A fight. What do you mean?

Natsu: I get it. Excel fight me.

Erza: To prove your level. You will fight Natsu a level 5.

Excel: Really you must be nuts. Letting a level 3 fight against a level 5.

Lucy: Sorry Excel this is the only way.

Erza: We already thought something like this might happen. So we have permission from the school to even kill you.

Excel: Kill me are you kidding me.

Gray:  Sorry man but this is not a joke.

Excel: Kill me. Kill me.  Kill me. (maniacal) Haha

Natsu: Hope you are ready.

Excel: (calming down) I have one condition. We will not fight in front of the students.

Erza: OK. Fine. The fight will be conducted at 5 pm.  When students would have left the school. We will also cast illusion magic just in case. You may leave now.

Excel without saying a word left the room. He went to his class and sat down the whole day nothing happened. During the lunch break, he bought a cup of coffee and a bun to eat.

Voice 1:The council is going through all the hassle. It just makes things easier for us.

Voice 2: You are right.  Those fools. Not only us but also the other bodies. Not only from this school but the others as well. Man the darkness of Japan runs really deep.

It was 5 pm.  Excel was on one side and the other Natsu. Natsu's hand was burning.

Natsu: Just to tell you I'm am the fire dragon slayer. So you better get ready.

Excel: Fire.  Dragon Slayer. Whatever you can start.

'Fire dragon punch'

Natsu's with his fire fist directly charged towards Excel. Excel was thrown flying backward. He was lying on the ground.

Natsu: Stand up.  Excel I felt it.  My punch never hit you.

Excel: So you noticed. Very amusing. I hope you are ready.

'Vector magic: Debris shot'

Excel putting his hands in his pockets. Then he first taps his right foot on the ground. Suddenly, the ground started to breaking. Excel kicked the debris towards Natsu.

'Fire dragon roar'

Natsu's fire set the field in flames. 

Gray: Is he dead already?

Excel: Haha fun.  Very fun (maniacal)  haha

Excel: Wow man this is a good a rehab.  Sorry, but your fire is not hot enough to burn me. (mind) The hell I can't breathe. His fire is using up all the oxygen.

Excel charged towards Natsu.  He punched Natsu in the stomach.

Gray,  Erza,  Natsu,  Lucy: So fast.

Natsu fell to the ground.

Excel: Are you done?

Natsu stands up.

Natsu: No. Now I  am fired up.

'Dragon slayer magic: fire drill'

Natsu formed a drill of fire, the fire drill directly went towards Excel but as soon as it came near Excel it vanished.

Gray: What the hell!

Excel: If you are only going to use fire magic then I am done here.

'Vector magic: Plasma Falling Angel'

Excel raises his right hand up.  And soon after the sky became started turning purple.

Erza: What is happening!

Gray: What the hell is this power?

Lucy: I don't know.

Excel: I am compressing the air to form the plasma.

Natsu : (terrified) What is plasma?

Excel: Plasma you can say. Is my version of the Primary Elements.  Either way, way advance for your brains to understand.  Say now do you give up.

Natsu: Never.  I am never going to give up.

Excel: I see. Then bye.

A part of the plasma ball hit Natsu. It was enough to defeat him.

Lucy went running towards unconscious Natsu. While she was aiding him. Excel started leaving the ground.

Erza: Wait. What level are you?

Excel said nothing and continued working. It was already 6:30 pm. He sat on a bench in the children's park. To drink a cup of coffee.

Excel: Come out.

A figure emerged from the shadows.

Man: So you sensed me.

Excel: Excel what do you need.

Man: Nothing really.  Just came to congratulate you for your victory in defeating another level 5. But you don't really need it.

Excel: That's right when you are the strongest nobody asks you if you are OK.  Why were you following me I sensed many people during my fight. So what is it?

Man: Its You.  You are the target. Since you are free from the grasp of the higher-ups.  You have become the center of many organizations. Some want to recruit you,  some kill you and some take your powers. I am also one of them

Excel: I see. So what do you want? Power, support, victory.

Man: Sorry to say this the normal life you seek was never an option. And I don't really know. I was just sent to look after you.

Excel: So what happened to the other spies.

Man: I took care of them. It's really amusing to know that you already knew their presence. OK, that will be enough chat I shall get going. 

The man disappeared.

Excel: Man this is annoying. Even after so much the darkness never left me.