A Certain Necromancer

The night before Excel had played a lot of games. So he slept late. But when he woke up the next morning he was somewhere different. He was not in his room but a dungeon with tunnels leading to different areas.

Excel: What the hell is this place. Illustration magic. Nah it's too realistic. Wait this is a dungeon. But how did a dungeon appear in my room? So if this is a dungeon than there should be a boss.

During Excel's journey to find the boss. He was attacked by many different kinds of monsters. Snakes, spiders, medium-sized dragons, etc.

But they were no problem for him. Since they all died trying to assault him, Excel's reflection destroyed them.

Excel vector magic gives him an invisible shield. This shield allows him to unconsciously protect him from harmful vectors. This means that only a handful of things can touch him. Excel can reflect Fire, water, earth, lightning, wine, light, etc magic. But there are exceptions.

As Excel moves on, he fights a lot of monsters but they were in phantom form. Excel defeated them by using magic.

But hen he came across something dangerous. It was a dragon a real freaking dragon. It had red scales and large wins.

Excel: Are you kidding me I am getting to fight a dragon. This dungeon was a joke but this. Not fun. No fun at all.

The dragon shot fireballs at him. But nothing happened to Excel. But he had to kill the dragon quickly as it was burning all the oxygen in the air. Excel charged towards it but it attacked Excel throwing Excel away.

Excel: This dragon is smart. It is protecting itself from me by keeping a safe distance between us. This will be troublesome I can't create plasma. It will probably use up all the oxygen. Well, then time to get serious.

Excel tried to punch it but its scales were too strong. He again tried to get close to I threw in it threw him. But then Excel had an idea.

He again charged towards it but again it attacked it with its hands. But this time Excel backed away before the impact and dodged the attack. He quickly went towards the limb and broke it since the dragon was not ready to attack again. The dragon fell.

The dragon then starts flapping its wings. It started flying. But this was a mistake from the dragon's side. Excel directly went below the dragon charged towards the dragon who as above him. Piercing it. The dragon died. And as it disappears in white light. There were two things on the ground a dagger and a key. He keeps the dagger in his pocket. In front of Excel a door opened.

He opened the door with the key. He entered a thrown room. The room was empty except there armor sets of armor sitting on thrown.

As Excel was walking towards it. Nothing happened. Excel looked at the armor there was no response but as soon as Excel touched the armor, it started moving not only that he heard steps several footsteps.

Several soldiers came out of the shadows. Excel went backward. The armor stood up.

Voice: Starting a magic test. Dungeon: Raise the dead. Boss: Igris. Challenger: Excel Bruke.

Igris swung his sword. Excel thought that it would reflect but it didn't. In just a second he dodged the attack. But from behind the soldiers started attacking but their attacks were blocked by his reflection.

Excel: What the hell is happening? I have heard about these dungeons. They give some new type of magic. But if I were to die here that means I am dead in real like too. Interesting...

Excel was flying dodging fireballs from what it seemed to be mages. He casts wind magic to the soldiers but If one gets defeated two more pops up. Not only that he could feel their numbers rising. Igris jumps once in a while to attack Excel.

Excel: The dragon was smart. But this. This is on a whole other level. Damn it. Whatever. The only thing I have to do is to win, Igris is very fast. One hit and I am dead.tsk

The soldiers slowly started overwhelming Excel there were about 200 of them. They fully loaded the room.

Excel: That Igris is something. But these soldiers are really annoying. They should have come from somewhere. Think, think. ..., Summoners. Yes, that right summoners. Mages there were mages right.

Excel looked around the room but no there were no mages. With this he was sure. He increased the radius of his reflection to focus. He landed on the floor. He found them. He quickly flew up. Created small plasma and shot at something, it looked like he attacked empty air. But soon the mages appeared and fell down.

Excel: Nice. Since the mages are gone. 'Debris shot'

Excel landed and broke the ground. The debris moved at such a speed that they actually broke the sound barrier. After, few moments there was dust and broken metal scraps on the floor.

Excel tried to hit Igris but nothing happened he took the dagger to his right hand.

Excel: I guess I will go hand to hand.

Excel could travel at mark 4 speed. His speed was so fast that a few pillars broke. He first appeared in front of Igris. Igris swung his sword but Excel quickly appeared behind him not giving a chance to react. Excel touched Igris with his left hand thinking that the armor would break but nothing happened. He backed away.

Excel: What the hell! Nothing happened to that armor piece of crap. He can somehow cancel my magic. Damn it.

Excel charged towards Igris. But it attacked swung his sword towards Excel, Excel got down dodging the attack. When he looked up, he saw there was nothing below its chin so without thinking he attacked with the dagger. And he kept attacking.

Excel: (shouted)Don't freak with me you piece of garbage

Excel backed away. Igris fell down.

Voice: Congratulations Challenger: Excel Bruke. You defeated the boss Igris. Now it's time to give you your new magic.

Voice: Excel Bruke you are someone who has killed before for more power. But, there still a chance for change. You want to give life to things. Your road to power is filled with blood lust. You have to kill to survive and protect, you have to show the world your power. You have learned a new Magic, necromancy.

Excel: What the hell! Necromancy.

Voice: Since you took no damage and killed all of the mobs. Your magic has been upgraded. Your necromancy has evolved to Shadow Summoner. You can summon the army whenever you want. You can get back to your world whenever you wish.

Excel: Shadow Summoner. Huh. Let's try summoning these soldiers.

Excel: Arise

Excel concentrates. The soldiers stood up but they were shadow figures.

Excel started moving towards Igris.

Excel: I now have an army. But they need a general. Igris you were a great knight. You had served your king for a long time but now it's time to serve your new king.

Igris stood up. Now that Excel noticed Igris was quite long. He kept the dagger in his pocket.

In this dungeon Excel realized something. There are things he can't reflect, there are things that can cancel his vectors. So he had to come up with new ways to defeat his enemies.

Excel was concerned. He closed his eyes and again when he opened them he was in his room. It was already morning. When Excel touched his pocked there was something. It was a dagger.

Excel: So it was not some dream. Then Igris.

Excel summoned Igris, he took quite the space in the room. Excel after the fight was not feeling tired.

Excel went up to the kitchen he saw Yomikawa preparing breakfast. He told her what happened.

Yomikaw: I see. Before I was assigned to your project I did some research on them. But still,l I can't figure out anything. These magic providing dungeons are different from normal dungeons.

Before heading out to school he tried something. Since his soldiers were shadows so he tried to keep one of the soldiers in Yomikawa's shadow. And surprisingly it worked.