Stay away from Innocent

After the last dungeon, Excel was on his way to become a billionaire. But, that dream aside. It was time for school time for him. Excel was already late, as he overslept and Yoshikawa forgot to wake him up, there is like a minute left before the school starts.

He flies as fast as he can. And 3..2...and 1. He made it on time. The gates were closed. He quickly headed to his classroom to see his homeroom teacher was already there.

She did not scold him, because he was not much late. The first period went out like nothing. It was the first break.

After eating, he was heading to his class, when he bumped into Luck but there was one more boy.

Luck: Hey. Excel how are you doing?

Excel: Fine. And whose is this?

Luck: Oh. Let me introduce it. This is Finral.

Finral: Hi. It's nice to meet you.

Luck: So where were you going.

Excel: Class. Oi Finral what level are you.

Final: Me. A level 4. I use Spatial Magic.

Excel: I see. I am going to class.

He leaves them. But he hears something behind.

Finral: Hey,  beautiful wanna go out.

But then there was a scream, not the scream of a girl but a boy who just got slapped. After the break, it was time for a magic class. But there was a surprise.

Teacher: Excel,  sorry but we are changing your partner.

Excel: Then who is it.

Teacher: It will be Finral Vaude.

Finral: So, Excel are you excited.

Excel: Whatever.  Just start already.

They both moved on the fighting area to have their match.

Excel: Let me go first. 'Wind Lasser'

He made wind travel at a fast speed. But in the form of laser. But they were shot towards Excel.

Excel: What the hell! You just shot my attack to me.

Final: That's kind of my specialty. Spatial Magic. I told you. They made me your partner so that you can increase your power by indirectly fighting yourself. But now some poor soul has to fight Luck.

Excel: Whatever. 'Wind Cutter'

But again those were teleported back at him. Then suddenly Finral fell.

Final: What was that?

Excel: (with a frown on his face)Why did you fall?

Final: I don't know man.

Excel: Want a hand? Are you fine?

Finral: It's fine, thanks for your concern.

Excel: Ok.

Final: You are quite skilled cause only a handful of mages can control the natural element without magic. Well, whatever. Sorry for this is game. 'Fallen Angels wind beat'

There was some kind of pain on Excel's legs. Final with his magic attacked Excel without even him noticing.

Excel fell down. When he opened his eyes he was in the infirmary. He saw Final sitting on a chair reading a book beside his back.

Final: Oh you are awake.

Excel: What happened?

Finral: I defeated you.

Excel : (mind)This guy is dangerous. I didn't even notice that attack. What the heck was that?

Excel: How did I not notice your attack?

Final: That's because I can reduce my magic to a point where it almost becomes negligible. So someone with high Magic affinity can't even notice it.

Excel Oh. I see.  What's the period now.

Finral: Hmmm...I think the final period. Only half an hour is left.

Excel Oh. You can go now.

The Final left the infirmary. After, the school was over Excel went to the student council room.

Erza: You got defeated again.

Excel: Shut up. That guy was both weak as well as strong.

Gray: That Finral He is a transferred student. Just joined yesterday. I heard that he is from a rich family.

Lucy: What do you mean by weak and strong.

Excel: His attack was magically so weak that I didn't notice it. But strong enough to damage me. That's the most dangerous form of magic I have ever seen.

Erza: I see.

Excel: So is there any other news.

Lucy No. It seems that irregular incidents at the school have stopped.

Knock. Knock.

Natsu went to open the door of the council room, he saw a girl sweating in fear.

Girl: Good Afternoon. Can you help my friend?

Erza: What do you mean?

Lucy stands up, helps the girl sit down, and then asks her to peacefully explain.

Girl: It's my friend. She always mutters the word Accelerator. And at an exact time, she contacts someone on her phone, every time I look at her, it's really weird...I get scared.

Erza: Accelerator. I think I have heard it before.

Lucy: Wasn't it related to the number one.

Girl: I don't know who this Accelerator guy is. Please help me. I think this Accelerator guy is the key to help her. I researched about it but found nothing.

Lucy: Did you ask your friend about her unusual behavior?

Girl: I tried. But whenever I ask her she says that she doesn't remember anything. And when I checked her phone. There was no one in the call history registered during that time of the day.

Erza Where is your friend? 

Girl: I think near the school ground.

Lucy: That's good. Can you tell us the time of their contact?

Girl: 4:30. That's the time she talks. No matter what we do at that time. She suddenly vanishes and always talks to someone at the same place.

Lucy: Can you please exchange numbers so that you can call us when she talks?

For this whole time, Excel was silent. He didn't say a thing but only listened to the girl and her problem. How could've reacted, he was boiling with anger and wanted to beat the one whoever was causing the school all of the trouble.

Excel stands up and keeps his hand on the girl's shoulder. "Don't worry. I will take care of your friend."

Girl: Aren't you the weakest in school? How will you help me?

Suddenly, a nerve popped in his head, and the council members started giggling. Weakest? What type of joke is that? Excel really felt that he was seriously doing something wrong, by not showing his power. How could be the strongest be the weakest?

The girl left the council room with Lucy as her aid.

Erza: So, what do you plan to do?

Excel: Let's see tomorrow. I am really itching to break a few bones.

The next day, the council members were keeping a look at the place, where the girl talks to that certain someone on her phone.


The council members were tensed, none of the teachers didn't know about this incident, and if they failed it would harm their image on top of that the girl might also die.


The girl suddenly appeared near a bench near the school playground. Her phone started ringing. The council made their move and went towards the girl.

Excel: Oi girl give that phone here.

Girl:(In her phone) Accelerator. Accelerator. You are here. Boss permission.

She takes out a type of injection. It was the same as the one the boy was holding earlier.

"Get back," said Excel warning the council members. "I will take care of it. Don't hinder"

Like last time Excel was angry that innocents ware getting involved with the dark side. He is fine with killing the accused but harming the innocent wasn't his style like a certain incident. That does it, Excel will find those goons.


A figure arises from Excel's shadow. It was holding a greatsword.

Excel and Igris slowly moved towards the girl. They were very careful with their movements.

Excel was right in front of the girl. The girl looks at Excel, but he stops her from injecting it by holding her arm.

A few shadow soldiers arise from the girl's shadow and surround her, they stop her movement while Excel takes her phone.

Man: Ah. If it isn't number one. What may I do for you, master?

Excel puts the phone to his ear.

Excel: Who are you?

Man: I am just someone who worships your power. I am Marx. Nice to meet you. Can you please just give your blood to the lady you have captivated? I need to please.

Excel: And what will you do with it?

Man: I will use it. To gain godly power that is. I'm really happy that I got to talk to you first before others.

Excel: I have heard enough.

Excel puts his palm on the girl's forehead. He removes the mind-controlling magic from her, the girls became unconscious and fell down.

He takes the injection from her hand, as his shadow soldiers start disappearing in Excel's shadow.